Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 31 July 2017
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 31 July 2017
Ques 1) Consider the following statements regarding National Investigation Agency (NIA)
a) The agency is empowered to deal with terror related crimes across states
without special permission from the state.
b) NIA was created after the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks
1) a only
2) b only
3) both a and b
4) neither a and b
Ques 2) Consider the statements regarding Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) scheme
a) The limit has been increased to 4 kg from 0.5kg.
b) The Bonds are issued by the Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the
1) a only
2) b only
3) both a and b
4) neither a and b
Ques 3) Consider following statements regarding NHB.
a) It is designed by a technical advisory committee comprising Government
representatives, lenders and property market players.
b) Base year (2012-13)
1) a only
2) b only
3) both a and b
4) neither a and b
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