Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 31 March 2020
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 31 March 2020
Q1 With respect to National Skill Training Institutes ( NSTI ), which of the following statement stands true ?
1) National Skill Training Institute (NSTI) is one of the premier institutes run by the by the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt.of India.
2) An important objective of NSTI is continually making efforts to bridge the gap between industry & academics and to enhance the employability skills of craftsman to enhance the credibility of certification for Craft Instructor Training and to facilitate placement through its placement cell.
3) New age courses to compliment the upcoming technologies to cater Industry 4.0, use of Internet of Things in Agriculture, Smart Cities and Health Care in addition to other courses in the area of Mechatronics & Mobile Repair, will be prime highlight of training in this facility.
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all the above
Q2 Consider the following statements :
1) Participatory notesdoes not allow non-registered investors to invest in the Indian market.
2) Participatory notes are popular investments due to the investor remaining anonymous.
3) SEBI has no jurisdiction over participatory note trading,although foreign institutional investors must register with the Indian regulatory board.
Which of the above statements stands true ?
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all the above
Q3 ADB has recently announced 100 million US Dollars funding for Indian infrastructure sector. Which of the following statements regarding the same stands true ?
1) The funding for the Indian infrastructure sector will be carried out through the government-promoted National Investment and Infrastructure Fund-NIIF.
2) The Manila-based body will be investing in NIIF, tranche of funds, which will ensure that the actual money invested will be a few times more than the 100 million dollars.
3) This is the first time ADB is investing in private equity bonds in India and the latest move will help NIIF commit money to private equity fund managers who may be struggling to raise money from overseas sources.
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all the above
Q4 In pursuance of the Government of India’s efforts to provide relief to law abiding companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) in the wake of COVID 19, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), has introduced the “Companies Fresh Start Scheme, 2020” and revised the “LLP Settlement Scheme, 2020”.Which of the following statements regarding the same stands true ?
1) The Schemes, apart from giving longer timelines for corporates to comply with various filing requirements under the Companies Act 2013 and LLP Act, 2008, significantly reduce the related financial burden on them, especially for those with long standing defaults, thereby giving them an opportunity to make a “fresh start”.
2) Both the Schemes also contain provision for giving immunity from penal proceedings, including against imposition of penalties for late submissions and also provide additional time for filing appeals before the concerned Regional Directors against imposition of penalties, if already imposed.
3) They get immunity from both delayed filings in MCA 21 as well as substantive violation of law.
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all the above
answer : a
Q5 ‘Kabini’, ‘Hemavati’, ‘Shimsha’ and ‘Lakshmanathirtha’ rivers................................
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