Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 7 NOVEMBER 2018


Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 7 NOVEMBER 2018

Q1. Which of the following statements regarding Ganga Gram Project are true ?

1) It is an integrated approach for holistic development of villages situated on the banks of the holy River Ganga with active participation of villagers.
2) The objectives of the project also includes renovation of ponds and water resources, organic farming and even promotion of medicinal plants.
3) Ministry of environment, forests & climate change is the nodal agency for implementation of the project.

a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above

Q2. Consider the following statements regarding National Tiger Conservation Authority :

1) NTCA derives its power and authority from national tiger conservation plan under Project Tiger 1972.
2) It has the power to assess various aspects of sustainable ecosystem and prevents any unsustainable land use such as, mining, industry and other projects within the tiger reserves.
3) It Provide measures for addressing conflicts of men and wild animal and emphasize on co-existence in forest areas outside the National Parks, sanctuaries or tiger reserve.

Which of the above statements are true ?

a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above

Q3. Consider the following statements with respect to International Telecommunication Union (ITU) :

1) The ITU coordinates the shared global use of the radio spectrum, promotes international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, works to improve telecommunication infrastructure in the developing world.
2) ITU is a specialised agency under the United Nations Development Group
3) India has been an active member of the ITU since 1869, earnestly supporting the development and propagation of telecom in the global community of nations.

Which of the above statements are true ?

a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above

Q4. “Operation Green” was announced in Union Budget 2018-19 on line of Operation Flood to promote FPOs, agri-logistics, processing facilities and professional management.It aims to aid farmers and help control and limit erratic fluctuations in the prices of which of the following crops ?

1) Onions
2) Tomatoes
3) Cotton
4) Sugarcane
5) Potatoes

a) 1,2 & 3 only
b) 3,4 & 5only
c) 1,2 & 5 only
d) all of the above

Q5. “World social Protection report “ is published by which of the following global institutions ?

a) World bank
c) International Labour Organisation
d) World Trade organisation

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1(a), 2(b), 3(d), 4(c), 5(c)