(Download) Current Affairs Part- I: Government's Plan, Programme & Polices
Government's Plan, Programme & Polices
(1) Prerna:- The ‘janasankhya sthirata kosh (national population stabilization fund) has to promote & under take activities aimed at achieving population stabilization at a level consistent with the needs of sustainable economic growth. Social development and environment protectiony 2070
Prerna is a responsible for parenthood strategy. It is monetary incentive strategy aimed at pushing up the age of marriage of girls and delay the birth of the first child.
(2) National Rural Health Mission:- Launched in April 2005 the mission seeks to provide universal access to equitable, affordable and quality health care which is accountable and at the same time responsible to the needs of the people.
- It also aims to achieve the goals set out under the national policy and the millennium development goals during the mission period.
(3) Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna:- Launched by ministry of labour & employment, govt of India to provide health insurance coverage for BPL families.
- Beneficiaries are entitled to hospitalization coverage up to Rs 30,000 for most of the disease that require hospitalization.
(4) National Food Security Mission:-Sponsored scheme launched in august 2007.
- Objective is to increased production and productivity of wheat, rice and pulses.
(5) 15 Point Programme:-In Oct 2009 govt decided to include 3 more schemes in the Prime minister’s new 15 point programme for the welfare of minorities.
Those are: -
- National rural drinking water programme.
- Urban infrastructure developed scheme for small and medium town.
- Urban infrastructure and governance scheme.
(6) Bharat Nirman Yojna:- It is a time bound business plan for action in rural in infrastructure .Under Bharat nirman , action was proposed in the areas of:-
- Irrigation.
- Rural housing.
- Rural water supply.
- Rural electrification.
- Rural telecommunication connectivity.
(7) National Mission On Education:- It is a mission in which education is provide through information and communication technology. “SAKSHAT” one stop education portal was launched on Oct 30 2006 by the president of India.
- Head of National knowledge commission:- sham pitroda.
(80 Right To Education Act 2009:- Article 21-(A), as inserted by the constitution (86th Amendment Act) 2002, provides for free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years as a fundamental rights. Consequently the parliament has enacted this in April 2009.
Salient features:-
- Free and compulsory education 6 to 14 age group.
- Will apply to all India except J&K.
- Provide for 25% reservation for economically disadvantaged communities in admission in private school.
- A child who completes elementary education (up to class 8) shall be awarded a certificate.
(9) Female Literacy:-It is a scheme to provide education & related facilities to ST Students launched by ministry of trial affairs in dec 11, 2009.
(10) Anil Kalkaska Committee on reforms in IITS:-it will suggest reforms to make these elite institutions a global brand.
(11) Yashpal Committee Report:- It was set up in 2008 for higher education and research.
- It has suggested the scrapping of all higher education regulatory /monitoring bodies and creation of a super regulation.
- It also recommended that the deemed university status be abandoned and that all deserving universities be either converted into full fledged universities or scrapped.
(12) National Rural Livelihood Mission:-Ministry of rural development and panchyati raj proposed to restructure the existing swarnjayanti gram swarojgar yojana into rural livelihood mission to have a focused approach to rural poverty eradication in a time bound manner.
Objective is to reduce poverty among rural BPL by promoting diversified and gainful self employment and wage employment opportunities which would lead to an appreciable increase in sustainable basis.
(13) NREGA Renamed After Mahatma Gandhi:- On Oct 2, 2009 Government has changed the name of National Rural Employment guarantee Act to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment guarantee Act.
(14) Chandra Sheker Panel:- on the recomandation of a committee headed by cabinet secretary K.M Chander shaker. Centre had increased the pension for retired service man.
(15) Rajiv Awas Yojna:-Ministry of housing and urban poverty alleviation had launched the housing project called the Rajiv awas yojna for slum dwellers and the urban poor.
- Aimed at making India slum free in the next five years.
(16) Government Gave 50% Women’s Quota: - For women in urban local bodies from 33 % to 50 % by the 108th const. amendment act.
(17) B.K Chaturvedi panel to resolve the inter ministrial issues to speed up the ambitious national highways development project taken up by the road transport and highway ministry.
(18) Librahan Commission:- It was set up in dec 16 ,1992 by the Narashima Rao govt. to probe the demolition of Babri Mosque.The commission was initially asked to give a report in three months, however it could do so only after over 16 years that saw 39 sitting and 48 extensions, finally on June 30 2009 it gave the report.
(19) S.D. Tendulkar Committee:-It is to estimate poverty in the country. It’s said that about 38% of the country’s population are living below poverty line. This figure is 10% higher than the present poverty estimate of 28.5 % by the planning commission.
(20) Moily Panel:- For administrative reform commission it is the 2nd administrative reform commission.
(21) Unique Identification Authority:- Chairman of UID is Nandan Nilekani. He revealed that the first set of 16 digit unique identification number for citizen of the country will roll out by the end of 2010.
- The UIAI is a part of the planning mission of India.
- AADHAR:-UIAI now new name AADHAR and also a logo.
AADHAR or foundation through through which the citizen can claim his/her rights and establishment when assumed of equal opportunities as symbolized by the logo which has the halo of the sun in the imprint of a thumbs.
(22) M.S Swami Nathan Panel:- It’s recommendation is on coasted management zone.
(23) G.T Nanavati-Akshay Mehta judical commission:- Probing the Godhra train carnage and post Godhra riots.
(24) Justice B.N Srikrishna is the head of the committee on Telangana issue. The committee is requested to submit its report by dec 31, 2010.
(25) Census 2011:-15th national census of India. President being first person to share her details. First census was conducted in 1872.