(Download) Current Affairs Part- I: International Events
Current Affairs Part- I
International Events
- Belgiumban veils in public
- Mekong basin countries have fears over China’s projects
- Russia offered nuclear help to Venezuela
- AntiGovernment Protest inBangkok
- United StatesPledgedto not usenuclearweapons against any non-nuclearState
- Obama andMedvedev sign nuclear arms pact
- Nepal government’s decision to issue Machine Readable Passports produced in India has sparked a controversy
- Russia supports newKyrgyz regime
- Pakistan NationalAssembly of Pakistan passes 18thAmendmentBill
- Rajapaksa-led ruling alliance has recorded an emphatic victory in the parliamentary
- Russia has launched the construction of a new gas pipeline to Europe
- Sudan gearsup for its firstmulti partyElection
- Polish President killed in plane crash in Russia
- FirstArctic by balloon crossing
- Obama warns of threat fromnuclear terrorism
- Three-km scar on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
- Volcano erupts again in Iceland
- Plutoniumreactorwas shutdown by Russia
- “Yellow Shirts” warn ‘Reds shirts’inThailand
- Stage set forCancun on climate change
- G 20 NationMeet in U.S. to discuss jobcrisis
- Iran began amajor three-daymilitary exercise in PersianGulf waters
- France determined to ban the burqa
- Ukraine extends naval base lease to Russia
- S. Koreanwarship cheonan sank in yellow sea
- Cyber-racismsummit held inAustralia
- Chinese will export reactor to Pakistan reactor deal
- Greece vows deeper defence cuts
- Oil leak in Gulf ofMaxico more than eared
- Canada’s assurance on separatism
- China’s soft power on show in shanghai Expo
- BP to blame for spill, says U.S.
- Iran, Syria Discussed for The Formation of regional economic bloc
- Explosive device found in NewYork
- Building up nuclear Stockpiling is shameful, saysAhmadinejad
- Faisal Shahzad a Pakistan-born man held for Times Square bomb
- NorthKoreaWillworkwith Beijing on N-talks
- Pakistan tests two surface to surface nuclearcapable ballisticmissiles
- Conservation leaderDavidCameron is new British PrimeMinister
- Moist Chief Prachanda ready to disband guerilla army