(Download) IAS (Main) General Studies (Economy) Sample Paper: 2011
Union Public Service Commission
IAS Main General Studies_Economy Sample Paper
1. Answer the following (in about 250 words for
each answer)
(a) Trade policy measures taken by the
Government and the RBI in 2010–11 focused
on reviving exports and imports related
employment, in this regard suggest some of
the trade policy taken by the government to
check inflation in the country
(b). While agricultural productivity is adversely
affected by climate change agricultural
activity itself contributes to global warming
in this respect discuss India’s Programmes of
national mission for sustainable agriculture
2. Answer any two of the following about 150 words each
(a) In the back drop of financial crisis discuss the
reason behind the continuing high growth
rate of emerging economies.
(b) Despite the financial crises. Why Indian
economy continue to perform well with high
growth rate? Discuss only the major reasons.
(c) Assess India and G20
(a) The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
(b) Discuss some of the salient features of the member of parliament local area development scheme (MPLADS).
(c) Discuss the main negotiating issues and the key elements from India’s perspective in the Doha round.
4. Answer any two of the following in about 150
words each:
(a) What are the logic behind the decentralized
planning in India?
(b) Critically evaluate the achievement and
failure of the five year planning in India
(c) According to you what should be the major
objectives of the XIIth plan? By learning a
lesson from the previous planning.
5. Write brief but precise notes on any six of the
following. Your answer should not exceed 50 words
in each case.
(a) Swabhimaan Programme.
(b) Financial Inclusion.
(c) D.T.C.
(d) G.S.T.
(e) Swavalamban Scheme.
(f) Financial Action Task Force.
(g) Financial Stability Board.
(a) What is Rao–Man Mohan Sing model of growth? How far it is successful Analyse.
(b) Discuss these following
(i) Revenue Receipts
(ii) Revenue account expenditure
(iii) Capital account receipts
(iv) Capital account expenditure
(c) Write down few problems a economy faces, when inflation is light also suggest some measures to tackle the problem?
(d) Differences between wholesale prices and consumer prices?
7. Answer any five of the following in about 150
words each
(a) Do you support the government’s policy of
disinvestment and privatisation of public
sector enterprises point out the advantages
and disadvantages of it.
(b) What is Basel Norms? Write down some basic
features of Basel and Norms
(c) In the present context do you think there is
an urgent need to reform the IMF. also
elaborate the Importance of IMF after the
financial crisis.
(d) Discuss about the Asian clearing union.
(e) Eleborate the following point.
(i) Green Box
(ii) Amber Box
(iii) Blue Box
(iv) TRIPS
(f) Discuss the main feature and methodology
adopted by the Suresh Tendulkar Committee
on Poverty.
8. Answer each of the following, briefly but precisely.
Each answer should be less than 50 words
(a) Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rozgar
(b) Indira Awass Yojna
(c) N.C. Sexena Committee
(d) Poverty line
9. Write brief notes on each of the following in
about 20 words each
(a) Ad valorem
(b) Tobin Tax
(c) Current account deficit
(d) SEZ
(e) Swiss formula
(f) MFN
(g) Geographical Indications
(h) Product and process patents.
10. Write brief notes of the following each answer should not exceed 20
(a) Finance Bill
(b) Thirteenth Finance Commission
(c) F.S.D.C.
(d) Viability gap funding scheme
(e) Indian Infrastructure Project Development Fund
(f) Indicative Fund
(g) Fiscal Consolidation
(h) Giffen Goods