(Download) IAS (Main) General Studies (Polity) Sample Paper: 2011
Union Public Service Commission
IAS Main General Studies Polity Sample Paper
1. Answer the following (in about 250 words for each
(a)“India needs a law to protect its most vulnerable citizens from mass
violence, its minorities.“ In this respect can you suggest.What are the main
provision of the recently drafted “prevention of communal and Targeted violence:
(Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011.
(b) In the light of recent corruptions and scandals in the country, Do you think
that changing from parliamentary form of government to presidential form of
government will be a solution for better governance? Substantiate your answer.
(a) What are the duties and powers of the comptroller and Auditor General of India and suggest some measures to make this institution more independent from executive control.
(b) Give your views on the right to freedom enshrined under Article 19. Do you think the six basic freedoms prescribed in Article 19 should be made absolute?
(c) What is the doctrine of “Basic features of the constitution. Do you think that this doctrine have given judiciary an upper hand over legislature?
3. Answer any two of the following in about 150
words each
(a) Do you think India is a secular country, and
discuss the position of minorities in India.
(b) Is it possible to establish a socially just society
in India by mearly providing reservation of
seats for women in parliament?
(c) Briefly mention some of the measures taken
by the union government for the
implementation of the directive principles of
state policy in recent years.
4. Answer any two of the following in about 150
word each
(a) Give your opinion regarding the relevance
of Rajya Sabha as a second chamber in the
federal structure of the Indian parliamentary
(b) Suggest some constitutional amendments to
change the way elections are fought and held
in India by freeing the process from
criminalisation and corruption.
(c) Article 370
(a) JPC
(b) Results Framework Document (RFD)
(c) Gorkhaland
(d) C.V.C
(e) Fast track Courts
(f) N.A.C.
(g) N. C. H. E. R
6. Answer any three of the following in about 150
words each
(a) To encourage reduction of carbon foot print
by the Indian Industries. What should
government needs to take into consideration
while formulating its policy?
(b) What were the major highlights of the XIX
Commonwealth Games?
(c) What are the salient features of the direct
tax code? why do we need the new direct tax
(d) What is Nuclear liability bill 2010? why is it
(a) Discuss the Srikrishna committee report on Telangana issue. Do you agree with the committee’s recommendation?
(b) “Regionalism in present day India is readily used for political gain” in this context discuss the rise of regionalism in India with refrence to the present scenario.
(c) Present your view for and against on the issue of including Prime Minister and higher Judiciary under the ambiet of new Lokpal Bill.
(d) How can the president be removed?
(e) Examine the role and functions of the state governor as set out in the constituion of India
(f) What are the major differences between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?
8. Answer each of the followng briefly but precisely.
Each answer should be less than 50 words.
(a) Saakshar Bharat.
(c) C.B.S.E.
(d) Mid Day Meal Scheme
(e) National Song.
(f) State emblem.
9. Write brief notes on each of the following in
about 20 words each
(a) Panchayats
(b) Administrative Tribunal
(c) Inter State Council
(d) e-Governance.
(e) Cabinet Secretariat
(f) Estimates committee
(g) Vice-president
(h) Fundamental duties.
10. Write brief notes on each of the following. Each answer should not
exceed 20 words
(a) Cut motion
(b) Distinguish between money bill and financial bill
(c) Censure motion
(d) Protem Speaker
(e) What is point of order? when can it be raised?
(f) 108th Amendment bill
(g) Coalition Government
(h) Social Media.