(Download) IAS (Main) General Studies (Science & Technology) Sample Paper: 2011
Union Public Service Commission
IAS Main General Studies Science & Technology Sample Paper
1. Answer the following (in about 250 words for each answer) 20×2=40
(a) What do you understand by the term Neutrinos? Bring out the position of
India in Neutrino physics. Bring out the application of Neutrino technology.
(b) What do you understand by the term breeder reactor? Assess the contributions
made by the fast Breeder Test Reactor at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
Research (IGCAR) in Kalpakkam. Bring out Homi Bhabha’s Vision for the Country’s
nuclear electricity programme.
2. Answer any two of the following in about 150 words each. 12×2=24
(a) What do you understand by Hap Map project? Why Hap Map project has been in
news recently?
(b) What is Cryogenics? Bring out the use of cryogenics.
(c) What do you understand by Dark energy?
3. Answer any two of the following in about 150 words each. 12×2=24
(a) What do you understand by the term Reprocessing of Nuclear fuel? Bring out
the Significance of the Reprocessing accord signed between Indian and the U.S.
(b) What is International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGS)? Bring out the India’s
Contribution to ICGC.
(c) Write a short note on India’s Aircraft Carriers.
4. Answer any two of the following in about 150 words each.
(a) What is S band Spectrum? Bring out the importance of S band spectrum.
(b) Write a short note on Indian human Space flight program.
(c) What is GAGAN? Bring out the uses of GAGAN.
5. Write brief but precise notes on any six of the following, you answer
should not exceed 50 words in each case. 5×6=30
(a) Trsnsgenesis
(b) Edison 2
(c) Google’s new prius
(d) Looxcie
(e) Dragon Capsule
(f) Resourcesat-2
(g) Phishing
6. Answer any three of the following in about 150 words each. 12×3=36
(a) What do you understand by the term “Cloud Computing” Bring out the uses of
cloud Computing.
(b) What do you understand by the term New Delhi metallo - beta - lactamase-1
(NDM-1). Write about Superbug.
(c) What do you understand by the term Nuclear triad? Do you thing India is
(d) Write about Bhuvan and its features.
(e) Write a short note on IMEI number.
7. Answer any five of the following in about 150 words each. 12×5=60
(a) What is a Nuclear Submarine? How far India has developed this technology?
(b) What is cluster Munitions? Write about the convention on cluster Munitions.
(c) What is AWACS? Write about India’s AWACS.
(d) Bring out the details regarding National Geospatial Data Authority.
(e) What is Biometrics? How a Biometric System can operate?
(f) Give a brief account of Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project.
8. Answer each of the following briefly but precisely. Each answer should be
less than 50 words.
(a) C 2 D Project
(b) Fiber – optic Communication
(c) INS Vikrant
(d) Vaxiflu – S
(e) Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
(f) Garima
9. Write brief notes on each of the following in about 20 words each: 2×8=16
(a) OSDD
(b) LHC
(d) Pulsars
(e) GNSS
(f) ATV
(g) Ocean sat-II
(h) CCS
10. Write brief notes on each of the following. Each answer should not exceed
20 words. 2×8=16
(a) TERC gene.
(b) Anchor Babies.
(c) Martin Jetpack
(d) WWW.
(e) 3 G.
(f) FOSS.
(g) Middle Ware.
(h) Bug.