(Download) IAS (Main) General Studies (Social Issues) Sample Paper: 2011
Union Public Service Commission
IAS Main General Studies Social Issues Sample Paper
1. Answer the following (in about 250 words for each answer)
(a) Discuss how e-governance as an instrument to utilize for rural
development and highlight some e-governance initiative in India.
(b) The further decline in child sex ratio, in spite of 15 years of ban on sex
determination test, makes us Sober with realization that social legislations
serve a purpose only upto a point. Do you agree?
2. Answer the following in about 150 words each
(a) Discuss the Causes for the growth of agricultural labourers in India. In
this Context can you suggest some measure for the important of the
Socio-economic position of the agricultural labour in India.
(b) Among the Schedule tribes of India. Mortality morbidity and malnutrition
rates remain particularly high when compared to the India at large. Explain the
reason for this and suggest some measure to tackle this problem.
3. Answer any two of the following in about 150 words each.
(a) Suggest some measure to control over growth of population in India.
(b) Discuss some of the main features of the census 2011.
(c) Suggest how can we use IT in health management in India.
(a) Discussed about the five pillars of National Rural Health Mission, which was implemented on 12 April, 2005.
(b) Who are unorganised workers? Discuss some of the measure taken by the government to take care of the social security & welfare of unorganised workers.
(c) Highlight the benefits under the Rashtriya Swanthya Bima Yojana.
5. Write brief but precise notes on any six of the
following. Your answer should not exceed 50 words
in each case.
(a) Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar.
(b) Skill Development Initiative.
(c) Swadhar.
(d) Ujjawala.
(e) General Budgeting.
(f) National Mission for Empowerment of women.
(g) I.C.D.S.
(a) Discuss about these following scheme.
(i) Indira Awaas Yojana.
(ii) Pradhan Mantri Sadak Yojana.
(iii) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
(b) What is National Social Assistance Programme? Discuss about those programmes which are associated with the National social Assistance Programme.
(c) Discuss about these three following scheme:
(i) DRDA
(iii) NRDWP
7. Answer any five of the following in about 150 words each
(a) Discuss about Rural Business HUBS.
(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru National Urban Renewal
(c) National Urban in Foundation Central.
(d) Discuss about “Green House Effect” Highlight
the steps taken by government of India to tackle
the same.
(e) Explain the status, Composition and function of
minorities commission.
(f) Suggest some solution, for the rehabilitation of
street children in India.
8. Answer each of the following briefly but precisely.
Each answer should be less than 50 words.
(a) MCA–21
(b) F.M.C
(c) Hallmarking.
(d) Mid-Day meal Scheme.
(e) SAARC Food Bank.
(f) National Test House.
(a) National Health Policy.
(b) National Youth Policy.
(c) ASHA
(d) Codex Alimentarius Commission.
(e) Rashtriya Arogy Nidhi.
(f) Family Planning Programme.
(g) Pulse Polio Immunization.
(h) National Commission on Population.
10. Write brief notes on each of the following. Each
answer should not exceed 20 words.
(a) HSDP.
(b) BSUP.
(c) Rajiv Awas Yojana.
(d) Infant mortality rate.
(e) Sex ratio.
(f) HUDCO.
(g) BMTPC.
(h) NALSA.