(Download) IAS (Main) Geography Optional Paper-IV : 2011
Union Public Service Commission
IAS Main Geography Optional Paper - IV
1. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of ALL of
the following for which 1 (one) mark is given to each correct entry. Write in
your answer script the significant geographical relevance or strategic
importance of these locations, whether physical/commercial/ economical/
ecological /environmental/ cultural in not more than 30 words for each entry.
3(three) marks are allotted for each write-up. 4×15=60
(a) Ramganga
(b) Nathu la
(c) Farakka
(d) Simlipal
(e) Sambhar Lake
(f) Mount Abu
(g) Makum
(h) Panchmarhi
(i) Nashik
(j) Nokrek
(k) Haldia
(l) Tarapur
(m) Nilgiris
(n) Hunza
(o) Renukoot
2. (a) Discuss the green revolution and its socioeconomic and ecological
implications. 30
(b) Assess as to how second green revolution can mitigate the ill effects of the
first green revolution. 30
3. (a) Discuss the emerging patterns of agricultural regionalization in
India. 30
(b) Assess as to how agricultural regionalization affects the food production
and food security in India. 30
4. (a) Discuss the significance of dry farming in India 30
(b) Examine the problems and prospects of agrobased industries in middle & lower
Ganga plain. 30
5. Write about the following in about 250 words each: 15 × 4 = 60
(a) New industrial policies
(b) Assessment of Land capability and its utility in plan formulation.
(c) Examine the importance of Special Economic Zones
(d) Suggest measure to increase agricultural productivity in India
6. (a) Discuss the emerging patterns of industrial regionalisation in India.
(b) Assess as to how industrial regionalisation affects the economy and ecology
in the country. 30
7. (a) Examine the problems and prospects of tourism including eco-tourism in
India. 30
(b) Examine the role of animal husbandry in boosting the food production and
food security in the country. 30
8. (a) “Government should disinvest its stake in public sector undertakings.”
How far do you agree with this statement? 30
(b) Examine the role of industrial houses and complexes on economy and ecology
of a region. 30