(Download) Yashada (Free Coaching for IAS Exams) Entrance Test Papers 2010-2011


Download Yashada (Free Coaching for IAS Exams) Entrance Test Papers 2010-2011

Exam Name: Yashada (Free Coaching for IAS Exams) Entrance Test Papers

Year: 2010-2011

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Question no. 1 : Jutland peninsula is located in between
1) Black sea and Caspian sea
2) Adriatic sea and Ligurian sea
3) Barent sea and White sea
4) North sea and Baltic sea
Question no. 2 : In the figure below, if l // m // n then mP = ?

1) 140o
2) 130o
3) 111o
4) 70o

Question no. 3 : Consider the following statements

I) Art. 123 empowers the President to promulgate ordinances.
II) He can promulgate ordinances only when both or either of the Houses is not in a session.
Which of the above statement/s is/are correct ?
1) Only I 
2) Only II
3) Both I and II 
4) Neither I nor II

Question no. 4 : Charaka, the most celebrated authority on Ayurveda was the court physician of ……

1) Samudragupta 
2) Chandragupta II
3) Hala 
4) Kanishka

Question no. 5 : As per Tendulkar Committee, number of BPL households in India stands at …..

1) 7 crore 
2) 8 crore 
3) 9 crore 
4) 10 crore

Question no. 6 : Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the Constituent Assembly of India ?

1) Constituent Assembly was constituted under the scheme formulated by Wavel plan.
2) Constituent Assembly was partly elected and partly nominated.
3) Constituent Assembly was constituted in Nov 1946.
4) Mahatma Gandhi and M. A. Jinnah were not the members of the Constituent Assembly.

Question no. 7 : The main reason for alarming population growth is …..

1) People get incentives / rewards for more  children.
2) Frequent changes in central government.
3) Reduction of death rate.
4) People refuse to do family planning.

Question no. 8 : Which of the following is a correct sequence of ports in India from North to South ?

1) Kadlore, Karikal, Kochin, Kolam
2) Karikal, Kolam, Kochin, Kadlore
3) Kochin, Kadlore, Kolam, Karikal
4) Kolam, Karikal, Kadlore, Kochin

Question no. 9 : Weight of an object reduces when it is moved from 

1) equator to poles.
2) poles to equator.
3) centre of earth to top of mount Everest.
4) centre of earth to surface of earth.

Question no. 10 : Which of the following is not a part of Panchayat Raj Institutions ?

1) Zilla Parishad 
2) Panchayat Samiti
3) Gram Panchayat 
4) Municipal Council
1) 0.0002 
2) 0.002 
3) 200 
4) 2000

Question no. 12 : Which of the following rights is recognized as a legal right ?

1) Right to vote
2) Right to property
3) Right to freedom of religion
4) Right to constitutional remedies

Question no. 13 : Tarapore committee submitted its report on full convertibility of Rupee in 

1) capital account
2) current account
3) both in current and capital account
4) loan account

Question nos. 14 and 15 : In each of the following number series one term is wrong, which has been given as one of the alternatives. Find the same.

14. 1, 2, 5, 11, 17, 26, 37
1) 37 
2) 5 
3) 11 
4) 26

15. 216, 125, 65, 27, 8, 1

1) 65 
2) 125 
3) 8 
4) 27
Question no. 16 : Which of the following is a mechanism instituted by Government of India to promote infrastructure development ?
1) infrastructure gap funding.
2) viability gap funding.
3) finance gap funding.
4) technology gap funding infrastructure
Question no. 17 : In which of the following instruments the final image is inverted ?
a) telescope, 
b) microscope, 
c) binocular, 
d) periscope,
e) digital camera, 
f) optical camera
a) b) c) d)
e) f)
1) a, b 
2) a, b, d, f 
3) a, f 
4) a, b, f
Question no. 18 : Which of the following ocean currents are not associated with North Atlantic ocean ?
1) Labrador 
2) Gulf stream 
3) Kamchataka
4) Benguela 
5) Canaries 
6) Kuroshio
1) 4, 6, 3 
2) 1, 6, 5 
3) 3, 2, 4 
4) 4, 2, 5
Question no. 19 : According to the World Bank‟s measurement of poverty, which of the following parameter is absent ?
1) participative citizenship
2) humiliation and indignity
3) health
4) human development
Question no. 20 : Mendeleef‟s system of classification of elements became very important because –
1) it was the first attempt to classify elements.
2) he was the first person to propose law of octaves.
3) he could predict existence of some unknown elements and their properties.
4) none of these

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