THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 04 MAY 2019 (Spanish steps: on Spin’s generl election (The Hindu)

Spanish steps: on Spin’s generl election (The Hindu)

Mins Pper 1 : Interntionl
Prelims level : Not Much
Mins level : Spin election process


  • convincing victory for the Socilist prty (PSOE) in Spin’s generl election on Sundy hs delt  blow to the prospect of  rightwing colition with the fr-right Vox.
  • The verdict is  personl triumph for Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who filed to sve his minority government in Februry despite hving regined the prty ledership.
  • The PSOE is short of the 176 required for  governing mjority.
  • It is in some wys spoilt for choice: it cn either enter into  forml llince or rule on its own.

Support for Mr. Sánchez

  • Mr. Sánchez cn count on issue-bsed support.
  • The nti-cpitlist Podemos hs indicted  rediness to work in  PSOE-led colition.
  • It hd nurtured mbitions of overtking the PSOE s the principl force on the politicl left fter the 2015 elections, but now its current stnce stems from wht it sees s  lrger role to isolte the conservtives nd the fr-right.
  • The chnces of the liberl Ciuddnos supporting the PSOE re remote, s the former seems set on replcing the conservtive Populr Prty s Spin’s min centre-right lterntive.
  • In ny cse, Ciuddnos’s more recent proclivity to cohbit in  colition with theVox my not go down well with the PSOE rnk nd file. Collbortion with the Ctln secessionists would be eqully hrd.
  • They hd in Februry joined the Opposition to vote out Mr. Sánchez’s government, which insisted on negotiting  settlement within the frmework of the Constitution.
  • One of the prties hs demnded  second Ctln referendum nd the withdrwl of the sedition tril ginst seprtist leders s  condition for supporting Mr. Sánchez gin.

Wht lies hed?

  • The victory in Spin is the ltest in  string of successes for socil democrts in the Europen Union, since the xenophobic bcklsh in mny countries fter Germny welcomed bout  million Syrin refugees in 2015.
  • Yet, the unfolding politicl frgmenttion nd the erosion of two-prty dominnce cross Europe lso mens these gins cnnot be exggerted.
  • s voters in the 28-ntion bloc brce themselves to elect  prliment this month, this new relity could become more mnifest. Hlting the populist surge s exemplified in Britin’s vote to leve the EU opposed to freedom of movement nd closer Europen integrtion is their biggest chllenge.
  • Centrist forces hve responded to the extremist thret by lening either too much to the left or to the right, hollowing out the middle ground.
  • Such pndering to populists hs cost them derly. It is time moderte prties bndoned this perilous course.
  • The ner-unmbiguity of Mr. Sánchez’s ltest mndte is the envy of most governments round Europe. Hving been hnded one, he must ensure  full term in office, something tht hs eluded Spin for some yers.

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Prelims Questions:

Q.1) Which of the following is/re correct with reference to Ntionl Smll Svings Fund (NSSF)?

1. Its components include Postl deposits nd Socil Security Scheme's svings.
2. It forms the prt of the Public count of Indi

Select the correct nswer using the code given below.
() 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 nd 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: C

Mins Questions:
Q.1) Election results give Pedro Snchez n opportunity to deepen centre-left politics. Comment.