THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 05 JULY 2019 (Expanding India’s share in global space economy (The Hindu))
Expanding India’s share in global space economy (The Hindu)
Mains Paper 3: Science and Tech
Prelims level: Indian Space Research Organisation
Mains level: Various achievements done by Indian Space Research Organisation
- From a modest beginning in the 1960s, India’s space programme has grown steadily, achieving significant milestones.
- These include fabrication of satellites, space-launch vehicles, and a range of associated capabilities.
- The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)’s annual budget has crossed ₹10,000 crore ($1.45 billion), growing steadily from ₹6,000 crore five years ago.
Demand for space-based services
- However, demand for space-based services in India is far greater than what ISRO can supply.
- Private sector investment is critical, for which a suitable policy environment needs to be created.
- There is growing realisation that national legislation is needed to ensure overall growth of the space sector.
- The draft Space Activities Bill introduced in 2017 has lapsed and the government now has an opportunity to give priority to a new Bill that can be welcomed by the private sector, both the larger players and the start-ups alike.
ISRO’s thrust areas
- Since its establishment in 1969, ISRO has been guided by a set of mission and vision statements covering both the societal objectives and the thrust areas.
Satellite communication
- The first area was of satellite communication, with INSAT and GSAT as the backbones, to address the national needs for telecommunication, broadcasting and broadband infrastructure.
- Gradually, bigger satellites have been built carrying a larger array of transponders.
- About 200 transponders on Indian satellites provide services linked to areas like telecommunication, telemedicine, television, broadband, radio, disaster management and search and rescue services.
Focus on earth observation
- Area of focus was earth observation and using space-based imagery for a slew of national demands, ranging from weather forecasting, disaster management and national resource mapping and planning.
- These resources cover agriculture and watershed, land resource, and forestry managements.
- With higher resolution and precise positioning, Geographical Information Systems’ applications today cover all aspects of rural and urban development and planning.
- Beginning with the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) series in the 1980s, today the RISAT, Cartosat and Resourcesat series provide wide-field and multi-spectral high resolution data for land, ocean and atmospheric observations.
Satellite-aided navigation
- Another yhe more recent focus area is satellite-aided navigation.
- The GPS-aided GEO augmented navigation (GAGAN), a joint project between ISRO and Airports Authority of India, augmented the GPS coverage of the region, improving the accuracy and integrity, primarily for civil aviation applications and better air traffic management over Indian airspace.
- This was followed up with the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), a system based on seven satellites in geostationary and geosynchronous orbits.
- It provides accurate positioning service, covering a region extending to 1,500 km beyond Indian borders, with an accuracy greater than 20 metres; higher accuracy positioning is available to the security agencies for their use.
- In 2016, the system was renamed NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation).
- With growing confidence, ISRO has also started to undertake more ambitious space science and exploration missions.
- The most notable of these have been the Chandrayaan and the Mangalyaan missions, with a manned space mission, Gaganyaan, planned for its first test flight in 2021. These missions are not just for technology demonstration but also for expanding the frontiers of knowledge in space sciences.
- None of this would have been possible without mastering the launch-vehicle technology.
Recent developments
- Beginning with the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) and the Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV), ISRO has developed and refined the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) as its workhorse for placing satellites in low earth and sun synchronous orbits.
- With 46 successful missions, the PSLV has an enviable record.
- The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) programme is still developing with its MkIII variant, having undertaken three missions, and is capable of carrying a 3.5 MT payload into a geostationary orbit.
- Compare this to the French Ariane 5, which has undertaken more than 100 launch missions and carries a 5 MT payload, with an Ariane 6 in the pipeline for 2020.
Building a strong association with the PSUs
- Over the years, ISRO built a strong association with the industry, particularly with Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) like Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited and Bharat Electronics Limited and large private sector entities like Larsen and Toubro, Godrej and Walchandnagar Industries.
- However, most of the private sector players are Tier-2/Tier-3 vendors, providing components and services.
- The Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) role is restricted to ISRO, which set up Antrix, a private limited company, in 1992 as its commercial arm to market its products and services and interface with the private sector in transfer of technology partnerships.
Emergence of AI
- Developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data analytics has led to the emergence of ‘New Space’ — a disruptive dynamic based on using end-to-end efficiency concepts.
- A parallel is how the independent app developers, given access to the Android and Apple platforms, revolutionised smartphone usage.
- New Space entrepreneurship has emerged in India with about two dozen start-ups who are not enamoured of the traditional vendor/supplier model but see value in exploring end-to-end services in the Business-to
Business and Business-to-Consumer segments.
- However, these start-ups have yet to take off in the absence of regulatory clarity.
‘New Space’ start-ups
- The New Space start-ups discern a synergy with government’s flagship programmes like Digital India, Start-Up India, Skill India and schemes like Smart Cities Mission.
- They see a role as a data-app builder between the data seller (ISRO/Antrix) and the end user, taking advantage of the talent pool, innovation competence and technology know-how.
- They need an enabling ecosystem, a culture of accelerators, incubators, Venture Capitalists and mentors that exists in cities like Bengaluru which is where most New Space start-ups have mushroomed.
- Equally, clear rules and regulations are essential. ISRO can learn from its 1997 SatCom policy which neither attracted any FDI in the sector nor a single licensee.
- A similar situation exists with the Remote Sensing Data Policy of 2001, amended in 2011, which too has failed to attract a single application.
- The 2017 draft Bill raised more questions because it sought to retain the dominant role of ISRO/Antrix as operator, licensor, rule-maker and service provider.
Small satellite revolution
- Globally, 17,000 small satellites are expected to be launched between now and 2030. ISRO is developing a small satellite launch vehicle (SSLV) expected to be ready in 2019.
- It is a prime candidate, along with the proven PSLV, to be farmed out to the private sector. This requires giving it responsibility for AIT activities.
- ISRO launched the idea of Village Resource Centres to work in collaboration with local panchayats and NGOs but only 460 pilots have begun.
- Expanding this for rural areas is a formidable challenge but has the potential to transform rural India if properly conceived as a part of the India Stack and the Jan Dhan Yojana.
- With the Ministry of Defence now setting up a Defence Space Agency and a Defence Space Research Organisation, ISRO should actively embrace an exclusively civilian identity.
- A new Space law for India should aim at facilitating growing India’s
share of global space economy to 10% within a decade which requires a new
kind of partnership between ISRO, the established private sector and the New
Space entrepreneurs.
Online Coaching for UPSC PRE Exam
General Studies Pre. Cum Mains Study Materials
Prelims Questions:
Q.1) Consider the following statements with reference to the definition of
1. Under the Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code the perpetrator of the
offence of rape can only be a ‘man’.
2. Law Commission of India, in its 172th report, had recommended changes for
widening the scope of rape law to make it gender neutral, by substituting the
definition of ‘rape’ with that of ‘sexual assault’.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None
Answer: C
Mains Questions:
Q.1) ISRO should embrace a civilian identity and, aided by
legislation, form partnerships with the industry and entrepreneurs. Critically