THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 09 JULY 2019 (A shot at economic logic (The Hindu))
A shot at economic logic (The Hindu)
Mains Paper 2: International Relations
Prelims level: African Union
Mains level: Highlights of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement
- The 12th Extra-Ordinary Summit of the African Union (AU) which concluded on July 8 at Niamey, the capital of the Niger Republic, saw 54 of 55 of its member states signing the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) for goods and services.
- Of these countries, 27 have already ratified it. Actual cross-border free trade could start by July 2020 with an elimination of custom duties on 90% of the tariff-lines.
- If taken to its logical conclusion, this audacious project would eventually create an African Common Market of 1.2 billion people and a GDP of over $3.4 billion the metrics are comparable to India’s.
- The AfCFTA would be world’s largest FTA, and in a world dependent on African markets and commodities, it would have global impact.
Hurdles and optimism
- However, there are three main reasons to be sceptical about the viability of the AfCFTA.
Establishment of African Union
- First, the African Union (founded as the Organisation of African Unity in 1963) has been largely ineffective in dealing with the continent’s myriad problems such as decolonisation, underdevelopment, Islamic terrorism and the Arab Spring.
- The AU’s grand plans, including the Muammar Qadhafi-funded Africa Unity project, have been spectacular flops.
- It is, therefore, natural to take the AfCFTA, the AU’s most ambitious project so far, with a ladleful of salt.
Challenges to the AfCFTA
- Second, serious political, organisational and logistical challenges to the AfCFTA notwithstanding, the national economies in Africa are generally weak with a low manufacturing base.
- They also lack competitiveness and mutual complementarity. Only a sixth of Africa’s current total trade is within the continent.
Became countercyclical
- Third, the AfCFTA seems to be countercyclical to the ongoing global protectionist trends as seen in the U.S.-China trade conflict, Brexit and the stalemates at the World Trade Organisation and the United Nation Conference on Trade and Development.
- World trade is likely to grow only by 2.6% in 2019, a quarter of last year’s figure. Commodity prices are stagnant and globalisation is often being reversed.
- With Africa accounting for only 3% of global trade, can the AfCFTA defy the contrarian global tendencies?
Reasons to be cautiously optimistic
- Given the strong global headwinds including a cooling Chinese ardour for Africa, greater collective self-reliance through African economic integration makes eminent sense.
- Further, the AfCFTA can build upon the experience of the continent’s five regional economic blocks.
- While the AU Commission is not famous for efficient planning, it has prepared an extensive road map towards the AfCFTA with preliminary work on steps such as incremental tariff reduction, elimination of non-tariff barriers, supply chains and dispute settlement.
- In December 2018, it organised the first Intra-African Trade Fair in Cairo with 1,086 exhibitors signing $32 billion in business deals.
- A new breed of African transnational corporations such as Dangote, MTN, Ecobank and Jumia have continental ambitions.
- The logistical and financial networks across the continent are poor and customs formalities are foreboding, but these can be eventually overcome with stronger political will.
- Moreover, vigorous “informal” trade across porous national borders is already a fact of African life.
From the Indian angle
- Africa is already an important economic partner for India with total annual merchandise trade estimated at $70 billion or nearly a tenth of our global trade.
- India is Africa’s third largest trading partner. While India’s global exports have been largely stagnant, those to Africa have surged.
- For instance, exports to Nigeria in 2018-19 grew by over 33% over the previous year. Africa still has unfulfilled demand for Indian commodities, especially foodstuff, finished products (automobiles, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods) and services such as IT/IT-Enabled Service, health care and education, skilling, expertise in management and banking, financial services and insurance.
What India needs to?
- India needs to anticipate the AfCFTA’s likely impact on its interests and try to influence and leverage it to enhance India-African economic ties.
- In principle, African economies becoming more formalised and transparent would be in India’s interest.
- While local manufactured items and services may ultimately compete with Indian exports, Indian firms can co-produce them in Africa.
- If handled in a proactive manner, the AfCFTA is likely to open new opportunities for Indian stakeholders in fast-moving consumer goods manufacturing, connectivity projects and the creation of a financial backbone.
- India donated $15 million to Niger to fund the Niamey AU Summit.
- As the next step, New Delhi can help the AU Commission prepare the requisite architecture, such as common external tariffs, competition policy, intellectual property rights, and natural persons’ movement.
- It can also identify various African transnational corporations which are destined to play a greater role in a future continental common market and engage with them strategically.
- The cross-linkages of a three million strong Indian diaspora spread across Africa can also be very valuable.
- Finally, once the AfCFTA is accepted as beneficial game changer, the African elite could perhaps contemplate crossing another Rubicon: an India-African FTA.
- Before Africa was “discovered” by the West, it had a thriving overland
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General Studies Pre. Cum Mains Study Materials
Prelims Questions:
Q.1) With reference to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, consider the
following statements:
1. India has total 10 world heritage sites.
2. Recently Jaipur has been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None
Answer: B
Mains Questions:
Q.1)India needs to anticipate the promising impact of the African Continental
Free Trade Area. Critically explain.