THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 14 September 2019 (Are public universities under threat? (The Hindu))

Are public universities under threat? (The Hindu)

Mains Paper 2: Governance
Prelims level: Not much
Mains level: Autonomy to the public institutions


  • Recently, Romila Thapar and 11 others were asked to submit their CVs so that a committee appointed by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) could evaluate their body of work and decide on their continuation as Professors Emeriti.
  • In this context, it is necessary to understand the pressures Indian universities face today.

Highlights of the problems with universities:

  • It is suggested that Public universities are important for the education of people of every stratum of society and also to have liberal ideas flourish without interference from outside pressures of politics etc.
  • It is generally seen that there has been the opposition of such liberal ideas within the universities which has been criticised and puts the idea of a university as an institution of learning in danger.
  • Also, the curriculum and topics taught have been altered to suit the interests of the incumbent government.
  • Sometimes politicians become part of Committee responsible to select the Vice-Chancellor which has been criticized.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University has been established by Jawaharlal Nehru University Act, 1966 and the people appointed as Emerita are done by flowing due process and thus need no re-verification.


Prelims Questions:

Q.1) Which is not true for the Government of India act of 1919?
a) It divided the provincial subjects into two parts.
b) It introduced bicameralism.
c) It introduced direct elections for the first time.
d) It required the two of the six members of the Viceroy’s executive council to be Indian.

Answer: D
Mains Questions:
Q.1) The Political interference and intolerance for critical debate have left universities without vitality. In this context do you think are the public universities under threat? Critically comment with valid arguments.