THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 20 JULY 2019 (Inclusion over exclusion (The Hindu))
Inclusion over exclusion (The Hindu)
Mains Paper 2 : Polity
Prelims level : NRC draft
Mains level : NRC draft impact
- With the Supreme Court-led process of updating the National Register of Citizens in Assam nearing its deadline of July 31, the complexities involved in the gargantuan exercise have dawned upon the executive.
- Both the Central and State governments have sought an extension.
- But it remains to be seen whether the Court, which has insisted on sticking to the timelines, would relent when it hears the matter on July 23.
- The first draft NRC published on the intervening night of December 31 and January 1, 2018 had the names of 19 million people out of the total 32.9 million who had applied for inclusion as citizens.
- The second draft NRC, published on July 30 last, upped it to 28.9 million but left out four million found ineligible.
- Around 3.6 million of them subsequently filed citizenship claims. An “additional exclusion list” was issued last month containing 1,02,463 names included earlier in the draft list.
- In anticipation of millions being ultimately left out, the Assam government is moving to set up 200 Foreigners’ Tribunals to handle cases of people to be excluded from the final NRC, as part of a larger plan to establish 1,000 such tribunals.
- The State government is also preparing to construct 10 more detention centres; six are now running out of district jails.
What are the problems?
- A humanitarian crisis awaits Assam whether the final NRC is published on July 31 or after. In the run-up to the final publication, case after case has emerged of persons wrongfully left out of the list.
- The process has left no group out of its sweep, be it Marwaris or Biharis from elsewhere in the country, people tracing their antecedents to other Northeastern states, people of Nepali origin, and caste Hindu Assamese.
- The prime targets of this exercise, however, are Hindu Bengalis and Bengali-origin Muslims of Assam more than 80% of the 4.1 million people named in the two lists belong to these two groups.
- Yet, the rationale of the Centre and State in seeking a deadline extension, as found in their submissions in the Supreme Court, betrays an exclusionary bias.
- The joint plea sought time to conduct a 20% sample re-verification process in districts bordering Bangladesh and 10% in the rest of the State to quell a “growing perception” that lakhs of illegal immigrants may have slipped into the list.
- This, despite the State NRC Coordinator’s reports to the apex court suggesting that up to 27% of names have been reverified during the process of disposal of claims.
- It hasn’t helped that the Central government keeps holding out the prospect of unleashing a nationwide NRC to detect and deport illegal aliens, when it has no index to base such an exercise on the 1951 register was exclusive to Assam.
- The accent should be on inclusion, not exclusion.
- The wheels of justice cannot pander to the suspicions of a vocal
majority without giving the excluded access to due process.
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General Studies Pre. Cum Mains Study Materials
Prelims Questions:
Q.1) With respect to “Dibang Multipurpose Project (MPP)”, consider the
following statements:
1. It is located on river Dibang, in Lower Dibang Valley District of Assam.
2. At 278 m height Concrete Gravity Dam will be the highest dam in India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None
Answer: B
Mains Questions:
Q.1) What are the problems with NRC draft inclusion?