THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 28 September 2019 (Institutions weakened, economy crippled (The Hindu))

Institutions weakened, economy crippled (The Hindu)

Mains Paper 3 : Economy
Prelims level : Not much
Mains level : Autonomy of RBI


  • Nobel laureate Joseph Oliver Williamson pondered over a crucial question, around twenty-five years ago: “Why are the ambitions of economic development practitioners and reformers thus usually disappointed?”
  • It consistent with him, “one answer is that development policymakers and reformers are inherent optimists. Another answer is that sensible plans are often defeated by people who occupy strategic positions. Associate in

Nursing intermediate answer is that establishments are necessary, nevertheless are persistently neglected within the designing method.”

  • The question and every one the 3 answers assume connexion within the context of India’s recent economic performance. The holdup in gross domestic product rate has been cleft, digressed and unacknowledged by analysts, commentators and policymakers.

Identification of India’s economic performance

  • However, the identification is way from complete and therefore the growth engine is running out of fuel. each the demand- and supply-side factors are central altogether the analyses, however the crucial role of establishments in shaping the outcomes of each the factors during this episode of holdup has been neglected. This has resulted in a very series of banal policy measures for restorative growth.
  • Journalist Henry Hazlitt sorted the pillars of free enterprise into personalty, free markets, competition, division and combination of labour and social cooperation. establishments are required to strengthen these foundational pillars are a requirement for markets to figure.
  • The credibleness of 3 such necessary establishments - the banking company of India (RBI); the Central applied mathematics Organisation (CSO); and therefore the designing Commission/NITI Aayog - has taken a beating in recent times by to political interference.

Erosion in RBI’s autonomy:

  • The RBI, that was outcry for additional autonomy, has been consistently brought beneath the compass of the Central government. ranging from the sidelining of the financial organization on the necessary issue of currency ending, the try has been to steady erode the central bank’s independence.
  • A three-pronged strategy resulted during this - 1st, the RBI was bypassed on matters with reference to currency; second, its role as regulator of the banking sector was questioned once banks faltered; and, finally, its reserves were siphoned.
  • The net result has been that the RBI has been reduced into an establishment that presides over a restricted house of financial policy, that is, inflation targeting.
  • It is additionally fascinating to notice that the sole major policy tool offered within the RBI’s armoury is cutting repo rates, that the financial organization did fourfold this year.
  • The last time the RBI created numerous consecutive cuts was when the world monetary crisis over a decade past, once most major central banks were wanting to revive economic process.
  • However, rate cuts alone couldn't facilitate India’s economy this point, as banks, saddled with debt, were slow to cut back loaning rates. This provides a classic case of Associate in Nursing institution’s weakening, resulting in queries on its role and credibleness.

Space for course correction:

  • NITI Aayog presents the case of an establishment that lost its character within the method of transformation. By abolishing the erstwhile commission and reworking it into the NITI Aayog, the govt. lost the house for mid-term appraisals of plans and policies.
  • Course correction and taking stock of the economy have currently become routine exercises, with uncritical acceptance thanks to an absence of well-researched documents.

Way forward

  • This needs understanding the complicated relationship between political establishments and therefore the political equilibrium. Sometimes, dynamic the political establishments is also lean, or maybe harmful, in resulting in higher economic outcomes as has been the case in India in recent times.
  • The utilization of high-quality academic info, that this institution lacks, is effective to think about these problems and generate better policy recommendation.

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Prelims Questions:

Q.1) The 9-Dash Line lies in the
(a) Black Sea
(b) South China Sea
(c) North Sea
(d) Celebes Sea

Answer: B
Mains Questions:

Q.1)The credibility of the RBI, the CSO and the Niti Aayog has taken a beating in recent times due to political interference. Comment.