THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 31 October 2019 (Ways to Multilateralism (Indian Express))
Ways to Multilateralism (Indian Express)
Mains Paper 2 : International Relations
Prelims level : Multilateralism
Mains level : Steps to revive multilateralism
- The network of multilateral institutions that oversees everything from states’ progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the daily distribution of humanitarian aid is under threat.
- The current crisis of multilateralism can be seen in multiple forms: fewer multilateral treaties are being signed and ratified; some of the existing treaties are poorly implemented, and states increasingly reject the oversight of treaty obligations; increasingly cutting the financial support to many institutions etc.
- Failure to break the ice is leading to ineffectiveness of the institution. Consensus has become hard to reach within the existing multilateral structures. This has led to the stalemate in institutions like WTO. Last successful trade talk was Uruguay round.
- Rise of Protectionist Measures in the form of anti-immigration and anti-globalization policies is also one of the factors. Trade war between US and China, termination of GSP by USA are few examples in this regard.
- Failure to bring suitable reforms reflecting the emerging world order has brought rigidness and inflexibility in institutions like UN, IMF/World Bank. This has affected the credibility of these institutions in modern times.
- Aggressive expansionist policies followed by different countries is severely undermining the global norms and rules.
- For example, China refused to accept the verdict of ICJ on South China Sea thereby undermining the UNCLOS and Permanent Court Of Arbitration. Similarly, annexation of Crimea by Russia undermined the credibility of UN.
- Super nationality Vs. Nationalism debate is gaining traction. This can be seen in the case of BREXIT.
- Increased Geopolitical Competition has led to the emergence of mega blocs such as RCEP, BRICS, SCO etc.
- Trust deficit among stakeholders is affecting working of multilateral treaties and institutions.
- The collapse of INF treaty or the exit of USA and Israel from UNESCO highlight this fact.
Way Forward
- Countries that believe in multilateralism should find ways to support their key programmes that protect rights and justice. For example, When the US cut off funding to the UNFPA and UNRWA, European and other governments including India stepped in to provide vital financial support.
- While acknowledging multilateralism’s current structural weaknesses, leaders should work towards bringing suitable reform reflecting the new geopolitical order.
- The leaders of international organisations should stand up to those countries which try to defy the mandate of organisation.
- There is need to ensure that citizens understand and appreciate the fact that giving away power to multilateral agencies enhances their own power.
- The world is becoming multipolar. But multipolarity will not, in itself, guarantee peace or solve global problems. We need a strong multilateral frameworks which is inclusive and representative of the current global realities.
- For this, the larger ideological battle for a rules-based international
system must be fought using a strong dose of global civics as an antidote to
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General Studies Pre. Cum Mains Study Materials
Prelims Questions:
Q.1) Consider the following countries:
1. Cambodia
2. Bhutan
3. China
4. India
5. Myanmar
6. Thailand
Which of the above are among the members of BIMSTEC?
A. 1, 2, 4 and 5
B. 2, 4, 5 and 6
C. 1, 3, 4 and 5
D. 3, 4, 5 and 6
Answer: B
Mains Questions:
Q.1) According to your opinion, what should be the possible steps to
revive multilateralism?