(Paper) Explain Prepositions (English)

Explain Prepositions

A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or the thing is related to something else.

Types of prepositions:
(1) Simple word prepositions:
– to, on, in, by, at, of, up, for, with, till, into, about, along, through, since, from, among, between, during, towards, off
(2) Phrase prepositions:- along with, in spite of, in accordance with,in order to, in front of, in view of, because of, instead of, in the course of, but for, on account of, owing to, on behalf of,due to, together with, in regard to, for the sake of.

I. at, on, in, during, for, by, from, since, before:–Used for the expression of time.
1. At:
(a) is used with an exact point of time like hours, moments etc.
(b) for festivals which mark a point in the year

2. Before:- means earlier than
Note:- 'Before' differs from 'ago'. The time is used after the word 'before' but with 'ago' that time is used before it. 'Before' takes a specific time after it. 'Ago' cannot be used with a specific time, but with an extent of time.
Before 1'O clock, Before 6'O clock Ten days ago, Two years ago 'Before' is also used to mean 'infront of, in reference to order
and position.
eg: Monday comes before Tuesday Bring Raj before me.

3. On:- is used before days and dates
Note:- On, at and in are not used if an adjective precedes 'day'

eg: Arun may come here Monday Seena called to see me yesterday
4. In:- is used to denote a period of time, months and years
5. During:- is used to express the idea that an occurrence or situation for the whole of a specific period.
6. By:- is used to denote the latest time by which something is to be done
7. For:- is used to show a duration of time in the past.
8. From:- refers to the starting point of an action which is not continued.

II. in, at, on - Used for the expression of place
1. In:- (a) is generally used with larger areas such as continents, countries, states, cities and large towns
(b) for the names of streets and roads
(c) for the kind of house or residence, when no specific one is mentioned.
2. At:- (a) For a particular house or place of residence
(b) for a particular spot or place
Note:- for larger places use 'in' for smaller places use 'at'

Place of work
a) For the kind of place, use 'in' if it is a building
b) If it is not a building, use 'on'
c) For a particular room or department use 'in'

III. More about Prepositions
1. Between:- is used when two persons, places etc are referred to.
2. Among:- is used when more than two persons or things are referred to
3. Under:- is used with persons and things
4. Underneath:- is usually used with things.
5. Of:- indicates origin, authorship, causes, connection
6. Off:- means away from
Note:- Off duty - free from duty

Off colour - not feeling well
Off the point - not relevant
Off hand - without preparation
Off one's head - mad
Far off - far away
Go off - explode
Keep off - be away from

7. To:- means towards, in the direction of etc. It is also used for comparison and ratio
8. Towards:- is used in the sense of 'in the direction of', 'as regard to', 'in relation to', 'near'.
9. With:- is used for instruments.
10. Across:- means from side to side
11. Over:- indicates movements from an upright position, motion towards, at or to a level higher than'
12. By:- is used for agents or doers
13. At:- is used to denote some state or condition, direction towards, amount, number, price, speed
14. Into:- indicates movements to the inside of something