(Essay) Previous Year Papers Of Essays
Previous Year Papers Of Essays :
Time Allowed : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 200
Examiners will
pay special attention to the candidate's grasp of this material, its relevance
to the subject chosen, and to his ability to think constructively and to present
his ideas concisely, logically and effectively.
Candidate have to write essay on any one
topic of the given topics.
1. Justice must reach the poor
2. The hand that rocks the cradle
3. If women ruled the world
4. what is real education?
5. Terrorism and world peace
6. Food security for sustainable national development
1. India's Role in Promoting ASEAN Co-operation.
2. Judicial Activism and Indian Democracy.
3. Whiter Women's Emancipation?
4. Globalisation and Its Impact on Indian Culture.
5. The Lure of Space.
6. Water Resources Should Be Under the Control of Central Government.
1. The Masks of New Imperialism.
2. How far has democracy in India delivered the goods?
3. How should a civil servant conduct himself?
4. As civilization advances culture declines.
5. There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.
Sprituality and Scientific temper.
1. Modern Technological Education and human values.
2. Search for truth can only be a spiritual problem.
3. If youth knew, if age could.
4. The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
5. Privatisation of Higher Education in India.
6. Responsibility of media in democracy.
1. What have we gained from our democratic set-up?
2. My vision of an ideal world order.
3. The march of science and the erosion of human value.
4. Irrelevance of the classroom.
5. The pursuit of excellence
6. Empowerment alone cannot help our women.
Courtesy : ALS IAS