(Exam Strategy) Strategy on Law optional (Mains)
Strategy on Law optional (Mains)
How to write Law as option in I.A.S (mains)? For ensure your success in
civil service main Examination it is matter of research on the whole
syllabus of law Ist paper and llnd paper. Ist paper Includes the
constitutional law of India and International law. So in the first paper you
should have strategy to cover comprehensively all the syllabus near about,
for better scoring chances and it is must for you to improve your writing
skill by making short notes on each topics with aiding new developing
legislative, judicial and executive outcomes. Before appearing in
examination it must be modelized.
In second Paper, first of all made the analysis that in each subject what is the core or cardinal portion in which every years questions were asked by this process you may start your preparation through writing of model answer on Indian Penal code, law of contract and law of torts with giving the sufficient proportional time in minor acts and new syllabus which is also very wast in the first instance but doing on strategical work you can find the solution and theme what should be express in your writing.
In the main Examination of civil services, always remember it, out of 20/30 mark's questions how many marks you can get it depends only on your effective writing skill. So do the Practice, search your mistakes of facts, concepts and contents of law points, and knowing the relevant important enactments and judicial pronouncements regarding concern topics.
Suggestion on Study materials for your help.
First paper:
(i) Constitution of India by V.N. Shukla
(ii) International law S.K. kapoor and n.o Agrawal
Second paper:
(i) I.P.C : S.N. Mishra.
(ii) Law of contracts : Avatar singh.
(iii) Law torts & COPA : R.K Bangia
(iv) I.P.R : Anita Rao & Bhanoji Rao
(v) R.T.I, ADR, Compt. Law, I.T.A, PIL: By any books
You have sufficient reason to believe on law. Law subject for civil services is very easy and legal aptitude and Administrative aptitude test which is an object of knowing it by each aspirants by upsc in coming time. In last years you can see the marks which is achived by law aspirant upto approx 70 percent. Normally Like mathematics in law subject marking is very predictable.
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law and public administration