(Exam) CSIR UGC NET 2008 on June 22, 2008
CSIR UGC NET 2008 on June 22, 2008
CSIR will hold Joint CSIR-UGC Test for Junior Research Fellowship and
Eligibility for Lecturership (NET) June, 2008 at 25 centers on 22.06.2008
CSIR will hold the National Level Test on 22nd June, 2008 for
determining the eligibility of the Indian national candidates for
the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) NET and for determining
eligibility for appointment of Lecturers (NET) in certain subject areas falling
under the faculty of Science. The award of Junior Research Fellowship (NET) to
the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding
admission/placement in a university/ national laboratory/ institution of higher
learning and research, as applicable.
For More Details :
UGC Net 2008 (June) Notification
Visit http://www.entranceexamindia
Courtesy : Entranceexamindia.Com