About Choosing Subjects in UPSC Exams
About Choosing Subjects in UPSC Exams
CSE is the Exam wherein you have to show your alertness towards various fields.Some who are graduate in different field choose different subjects for Prelim and Mains because some subs like Political Science, Public Administration, Geography and History etc are considered to be very Scoring because of their huge participation in GS. Dr.Shah Faisal(UPSC-2009) topper is MBBS but didnt take MEDICAL as his subjects instead he took Public Administration and Urdu Philosophy.that was because of his Interest for Public Services(as a result Pub Ad) and his liking toward urdu(as a result Urdu Philosohy).
Other thing is there is a combination which you cant take for
Mains(for more detail on it log on to upsc.gov.in) for e.g you can
take Pub Ad and Pol sci at same time for Mains etc.
Economics is not considered as one of very popular subs but there are
many question for GS.
Simranjit Singh