This service monitors all the income and expenditure of the vast railway network. In the Junior Scale as an IRAS officer you will be posted to divisional headquarters as Assistant Accounts Officers. On being promoted to the senior scale you will become a Divisional Accounts Officer and in the JAG you will be designated as Senior Divisional Accounts Officer. In the Senior Administrative Grade you are promoted to the coveted position of Financial Advisor-***-Chief Accounts Officer of a zone. Dakshita Dass, Senior Divisional Accounts Officer points out that owing to the commercial nature of the organization, work in the railways is “result oriented” and the environment is conducive to quick decisions. You are constantly in a “state of motion”. “A career in the Indian Railway Accounts Service has contributed to her personal growth and enabled her to deal with tough and demanding situations”.
As an officer in this service you will deal with recruitment,
promotions, in service training and welfare of the employees. You will be
interested to know that IRPS officers get the equivalent of the Supertime Scale
before any other service of the Government of India.
The postings are as follows :
In the junior scale you will be designated Assistant Personnel Officer and
posted at Divisional Headquarters. Following this you will become a Divisional
Personnel Officer in the Senior Scale and Senior Divisional Personnel Officer of
Deputy Chief Planning Officer in the JAG.
You will be made Additional Chief Planning Officer once you get the selection
grade. In the Senior Administrative Grade you will be designated Chief Personnel
Officer and serve at Zonal Headquarters.
At a non divisional set-up there are commensurate posts for officers belonging
to all the railway services.
The Railway Protection Force
This force protects one of the biggest railway networks in the world. Your
training will be at Vadodra and Lucknow. The Junior and Senior scales are
similar to the other railway services. There is no equivalent of JAG or S.G.
Instead, you have the grades of Senior Commandant, Head Quarters and Deputy
Inspector General (DIG) respectively which is much better than the corresponding
grades for even the IAS and IFS.
The Inspector General’s grade is the same as the IAS supertime scale or the IPS
IGP’s scale. The final promotion is as the Director General of the Force. So
far, the Director General of the R.P.F. has been an I.P.S. officer. However, it
is expected that once the officers of the R.P.F. attain the required seniority
it will be headed by one of them.