NEW! The Gist (AUG-24) | E-BOOKS
US President Barack Obama's address to the joint session ofIndia's parliament
Text of US President Barack Obama's address to the joint
sessionof India's parliament made at its Central Hall on Monday:
Mr. Vice President, Madame Speaker, Mr. Prime Minister, Members of the LokSabha
and Rajya Sabha, and most of all, the people of India.
I thank you for the great honor of addressing the representatives of morethan
one billion Indians and the world's largest democracy. I bring thegreetings and
friendship of the world's oldest democracy-the U.S.A,including nearly three
million proud and patriotic Indian Americans.
Over the past three days, my wife Michelle and I have experienced the beautyand
dynamism of India and its people. From the majesty of Humayun's Tomb tothe
advanced technologies that are empowering farmers and women who are thebackbone
of Indian society.
From a Diwali celebration with schoolchildren to the innovators who arefueling
India's economic rise. From the university students who will chartIndia's
future, to you-leaders who helped to bring India to this moment ofpromise.
At every stop, we have been welcomed with the hospitality for which Indianshave
always been known. So to you and the people of India, on behalf of me,Michelle
and the American people, please accept our deepest thanks. Bahootdhanyavad.
I am not the first American president to visit India. Nor will I be thelast. But
I am proud to visit India so early in my presidency. It is nocoincidence that
India is my first stop on a visit to Asia, or that this hasbeen my longest visit
to another country since becoming President.
For in Asia and around the world, India is not simply emerging; India hasalready
emerged. And it is my firm belief that the relationship between theUnited States
and India-bound by our shared interests and values-will be oneof the defining
partnerships of the 21st century. This is the partnership Ihave come here to
build. This is the vision that our nations can realizetogether.
My confidence in our shared future is grounded in my respect for
India'streasured past-a civilization that has been shaping the world for
thousandsof years. Indians unlocked the intricacies of the human body and
thevastness of our universe. And it is no exaggeration to say that
ourinformation age is rooted in Indian innovations-including the number zero.
India not only opened our minds, she expanded our moral imagination.
Withreligious texts that still summon the faithful to lives of dignity
anddiscipline. With poets who imagined a future "where the mind is without
fearand the head is held high." And with a man whose message of love and
justiceendures-the Father of your Nation, Mahatma Gandhi.
For me and Michelle, this visit has therefore held special meaning.Throughout my
life, including my work as a young man on behalf of the urbanpoor, I have always
found inspiration in the life of Gandhiji and in hissimple and profound lesson
to be the change we seek in the world. And justas he summoned Indians to seek
their destiny, he influenced champions ofequality in my own country, including a
young Martin Luther King. Aftermaking his pilgrimage to India a half century
ago, Dr. King called Gandhi'sphilosophy of non-violent resistance "the only
logical and moral approach"in the struggle for justice and progress.
So we were honored to visit the residence where Gandhi and King bothstayed-Mani
Bhavan. We were humbled to pay our respects at Raj Ghat. And Iam mindful that I
might not be standing before you today, as President ofthe United States, had it
not been for Gandhi and the message he shared withAmerica and the world.
An ancient civilization of science and innovation. A fundamental faith inhuman
progress. This is the sturdy foundation upon which you have built eversince that
stroke of midnight when the tricolor was raised over a free andindependent
India. And despite the skeptics who said that this country wassimply too poor,
too vast, too diverse to succeed, you surmountedoverwhelming odds and became a
model to the world.
Instead of slipping into starvation, you launched a Green Revolution thatfed
millions. Instead of becoming dependent on commodities and exports, youinvested
in science and technology and in your greatest resource-the Indianpeople. And
the world sees the results, from the supercomputers you build tothe Indian flag
that you put on the moon.
Instead of resisting the global economy, you became one of itsengines-reforming
the licensing raj and unleashing an economic marvel thathas lifted tens of
millions from poverty and created one of the world'slargest middle classes.
Instead of succumbing to division, you have shown that the strength ofIndia-the
very idea of India-is its embrace of all colors, castes andcreeds. It's the
diversity represented in this chamber today. It's therichness of faiths
celebrated by a visitor to my hometown of Chicago morethan a century ago-the
renowned Swami Vivekananda. He said that, "holiness,purity and charity are not
the exclusive possessions of any church in theworld, and that every system has
produced men and women of the most exaltedcharacter."
And instead of being lured by the false notion that progress must come atthe
expense of freedom, you built the institutions upon which true democracydepends-free
and fair elections, which enable citizens to choose their ownleaders without
recourse to arms; an independent judiciary and the rule oflaw, which allows
people to address their grievances; and a thriving freepress and vibrant civil
society which allows every voice to be heard. Andthis year, as India marks 60
years with a strong and democraticconstitution, the lesson is clear: India has
succeeded, not in spite ofdemocracy; India has succeeded because of democracy.
Just as India has changed, so too has the relationship between our twonations.
In the decades after independence, India advanced its interests asa proud leader
of the nonaligned movement. Yet too often, the United Statesand India found
ourselves on opposite sides of a North-South divide andestranged by a long Cold
War. Those days are over.
Here in India, two successive governments led by different parties
haverecognized that deeper partnership with America is both natural andnecessary.
In the United States, both of my predecessors-one Democrat, oneRepublican-worked
to bring us closer, leading to increased trade and alandmark civil nuclear
Since then, people in both our countries have asked: what next? How can webuild
on this progress and realize the full potential of our partnership?That is what
I want to address today-the future that the United States seeksin an
interconnected world; why I believe that India is indispensable tothis vision;
and how we can forge a truly global partnership-not in just oneor two areas, but
across many; not just for our mutual benefit, but for theworld's.
Of course, only Indians can determine India's national interests and how
toadvance them on the world stage. But I stand before you today because I
amconvinced that the interests of the United States-and the interests we
sharewith India-are best advanced in partnership.
The United States seeks security-the security of our country, allies andpartners.
We seek prosperity-a strong and growing economy in an openinternational economic
system. We seek respect for universal values. And weseek a just and sustainable
international order that promotes peace andsecurity by meeting global challenges
through stronger global cooperation.
To advance these interests, I have committed the United States tocomprehensive
engagement with the world, based on mutual interest and mutualrespect. And a
central pillar of this engagement is forging deepercooperation with 21st century
centers of influence-and that includes India.This is why I believe that India
and America are indispensable partners inmeeting the challenges of our time.
Since taking office, I've therefore made our relationship a priority. I wasproud
to welcome Prime Minister Singh for the first official state visit ofmy
presidency. For the first time ever, our governments are working togetheracross
the whole range of common challenges we face. And let me say it asclearly as I
can: the United States not only welcomes India as a risingglobal power, we
fervently support it, and we have worked to help make it areality.
Together with our partners, we have made the G20 the premier forum
forinternational economic cooperation, bringing more voices to the table
ofglobal economic decision-making, including India. We have increased the roleof
emerging economies like India at international financial institutions. Wevalued
India's important role at Copenhagen, where, for the first time, allmajor
economies committed to take action to confront climate change-and tostand by
those actions. We salute India's long history as a leadingcontributor to United
Nations peacekeeping missions. And we welcome India asit prepares to take its
seat on the United Nations Security Council.
In short, with India assuming its rightful place in the world, we have
anhistoric opportunity to make the relationship between our two countries
adefining partnership of the century ahead. And I believe we can do so byworking
together in three important areas.
First, as global partners we can promote prosperity in both our
countries.Together, we can create the high-tech, high-wage jobs of the future.
With myvisit, we are now ready to begin implementing our civil nuclear
agreement.This will help meet India's growing energy needs and create thousands
ofjobs in both our countries.
We need to forge partnerships in high-tech sectors like defense and civilspace.
So we have removed Indian organizations from our so-called "entitylist." And
we'll work to reform our controls on exports. Both of these stepswill ensure
that Indian companies seeking high-tech trade and technologiesfrom America are
treated the same as our closest allies and partners.
We can pursue joint research and development to create green jobs; giveIndians
more access to cleaner, affordable energy; meet the commitments wemade at
Copenhagen; and show the possibilities of low-carbon growth.
Together, we can resist the protectionism that stifles growth andinnovation. The
United States remains-and will continue to remain-one of themost open economies
in the world. And by opening markets and reducingbarriers to foreign investment,
India can realize its full economicpotential as well. As G20 partners, we can
make sure the global economicrecovery is strong and durable. And we can keep
striving for a Doha Roundthat is ambitious and balanced-with the courage to make
the compromises thatare necessary so global trade works for all economies.
Together, we can strengthen agriculture. Cooperation between Indian andAmerican
researchers and scientists sparked the Green Revolution. Today,India is a leader
in using technology to empower farmers, like those I metyesterday who get free
updates on market and weather conditions on theircell phones. And the United
States is a leader in agricultural productivityand research. Now, as farmers and
rural areas face the effects of climatechange and drought, we'll work together
to spark a second, more sustainableEvergreen Revolution.
Together, we're going to improve Indian weather forecasting systems beforethe
next monsoon season. We aim to help millions of Indian farminghouseholds save
water and increase productivity; improve food processing socrops don't spoil on
the way to market; and enhance climate and cropforecasting to avoid losses that
cripple communities and drive up foodprices.
Because the wealth of a nation also depends on the health of its people,we'll
continue to support India's efforts against diseases like tuberculosisand
HIV/AIDS, and as global partners, we'll work to improve global health
bypreventing the spread of pandemic flu. And because knowledge is the currencyof
the 21st century, we'll increase exchanges between our students, collegesand
universities, which are among the best in the world.
As we work to advance our shared prosperity, we can partner to address asecond
priority-our shared security. In Mumbai, I met with the courageousfamilies and
survivors of that barbaric attack. And here in this Parliament,which was itself
targeted because of the democracy it represents, we honorthe memory of all those
who have been taken from us, including Americancitizens on 26/11 and Indian
citizens on 9/11.
This is the bond we share. It's why we insist that nothing ever justifiesthe
slaughter of innocent men, women and children. It's why we're workingtogether,
more closely than ever, to prevent terrorist attacks and to deepenour
cooperation even further. And it's why, as strong and resilientsocieties, we
refuse to live in fear, we will not sacrifice the values andrule of law that
defines us, and we will never waver in the defense of ourpeople.
America's fight against al Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates is why wepersevere
in Afghanistan, where major development assistance from India hasimproved the
lives of the Afghan people. We're making progress in ourmission to break the
Taliban's momentum and to train Afghan forces so theycan take the lead for their
security. And while I have made it clear thatAmerican forces will begin the
transition to Afghan responsibility nextsummer, I have also made it clear that
America's commitment to the Afghanpeople will endure. The United States will not
abandon the people ofAfghanistan-or the region-to the violent extremists who
threaten us all.
Our strategy to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and its affiliateshas to
succeed on both sides of the border. That is why we have worked withthe
Pakistani government to address the threat of terrorist networks in theborder
region. The Pakistani government increasingly recognizes that thesenetworks are
not just a threat outside of Pakistan-they are a threat to thePakistani people,
who have suffered greatly at the hands of violentextremists.
And we will continue to insist to Pakistan's leaders that terroristsafe-havens
within their borders are unacceptable, and that the terroristsbehind the Mumbai
attacks be brought to justice. We must also recognize thatall of us have and
interest in both an Afghanistan and a Pakistan that isstable, prosperous and
democratic-and none more so than India.
More broadly, India and the United States can partner in Asia. Today, theUnited
States is once again playing a leadership role in Asia-strengtheningold
alliances; deepening relationships, as we are doing with China; andwe're
reengaging with regional organizations like ASEAN and joining the EastAsia
summit-organizations in which India is also a partner. Like yourneighbors in
Southeast Asia, we want India to not only "look East," we wantIndia to "engage
East"-because it will increase the security and prosperityof all our nations.
And as two global leaders, the United States and India can partner forglobal
security-especially as India serves on the Security Council over thenext two
years. Indeed, the just and sustainable international order thatAmerica seeks
includes a United Nations that is efficient, effective,credible and legitimate.
That is why I can say today-in the years ahead, Ilook forward to a reformed U.N.
Security Council that includes India as apermanent member.
Now, let me suggest that with increased power comes increasedresponsibility. The
United Nations exists to fulfill its founding.