Optional Papers for BE(CSE) Software Professional
I will suggest go ahead with History and Political Science.
There are two primary reason for that(apart from one's own interest in these subjects):
1. History will help in GS preparation for the prelims.
2. Political science is closely related to History and it helps a lot to have related subjects.
3. Assuming and hoping u make through to interviews, these subjects enhance your knowledge and outlook towards the world we live in. Very helpful in the interviews.
4. Plethora of good books on these subjects and great help from internet works wonder for these subjects.
5. Most important if one has interest in these subjects, then these can be studied as stories.
6. For working people, one always has the option to just check for some topics on internet in free time.(Its true for all subjects but history doesnt raise suspicion at workplace and hence its safe )
Good luck,
PS: I myself has opted for these subjects but the above observations are not influenced by it ;)
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:06 PM, pawan wrote:
public ad and geography...what do u say
On Jun 9, 1:38 am, Neha Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a BE(CSE) software professional. I am unable to decide on the
> subjects.
> I was thinking of History and Political Science.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance
> Neha