(Query) About Management Optionals
About Management Optionals
I am 2nd year MBA student & wish to take Management as optional for CS
exam.The Part I sylllabus of Management almost matches with our 1st
year syllabus of MBA & part II 70% syllabus matches with my 2nd year.
Hence, I decided to go for Management. However, I do not find any
coaching institute offering coaching(classroom or postal course) in
this subject. Also, I rarely find any candidate qualifying IAS exam
with this optional. Due to above reasons, I feel that I would not be
able to get much guidance from seniors, coaching institutes & other
group of aspirants. This may hurt my exam oriented preparation as I
have to prepare in isolation.My friend told me to consider Public
Administration as it is popular & has some of the syllabus similar to
MBA. However, I am not convinced with this when I matched its syllabus
with Management.
Also I do not know which specific books of Management to follow specifically for CS exam. I am planning to take Psychology as my 2nd optional. Plz give me information about the coaching institutes which offer coaching for Management & list of boks to follow. Plz advise regarding the selection of optionals---Management vis-a-vis Public Adminstration. I planning to take CS in 2012. I have no one in my family in this field & hence lack guidance. Plz help.