UPSC is gonna change PT exam pattern this time
Hi All Dear Friends,
In spite of what else others have said or are saying I am pretty sure that UPSC
is gonna change PT exam pattern this time. The optional paper will no longer be
there in PT. In place of that there will be one paper on general aptitude whch
will be designed to test overall personality and attitude of the candidate. The
other thing is that Mains pattern will remain the same for next few years till
the UPSC design the final structure of the Main exam. Then age, eligibility and
pattern everyhthing will undergo a complete overhaul. For that major change,
parliament approval will be needed. But so far this year is concerned a minor
change in the second paper of the PT exam will not need any approval from the
This change in PT has become imminent in the wake of the changed scenerio
after the year 2005.The year 2005 has become an important landmark in the
history of governance in India..
Rajeev Kumar
Reg:Pratiyogita darpan