UPSC Interview By Rajarao Anumalasetty (Sr. Administrative Officer)
UPSC Interview By Rajarao Anumalasetty (Sr. Administrative Officer)
Rajarao Anumalasetty
Date of Interview: 26.08.2015
Exam Name: Sr. Administrative Officer, Gr.I (GP 6600) conducted by upsc
Nellore in Andhra pradesh 1st Attempt "Having qualified in written test, I , Rajarao Anumalasetty, attended interview for Sr. Administrative Officer, Gr.I (GP 6600) conducted by upsc on 26.08.2015(out of 5 posts 2 are for general and other 3 are reserved). Earlier I worked in Railways as commercial supervisor for about 5 years and at present working as Assistant Audit officer in AG office for about 9 years. My interview details are as below.
I opened the door as the bell rang.
Me: May I come in sir.
Chairman: Are you Raja Rao
Me: Entered the room and wished one by one. However, I could not wish one
person as he was not all looking at me.
Chairman: Are you Raja Rao
Me: Yes sir (and sat down.)
C: Looking down and said angrily please sit down.
Me. Now, I realised mistake that without their permission I sat down. Now I
was in confusion, whether say sorry or thank you and hence kept quiet.
C: What do you do in your job.
Me: I am dealing with planning.
C: What do you do in planning
Me: Sir, at present we have 483 units to audit in each year. However, as our manpower does not support to audit all the units, we are auditing only 50% in any year based on the potential of each office. Experienced people will be programmed for audit of potential/big offices and less experienced people will be given small offices.
C: You have done your M.B.A. Then why did you come to Government side
Me: At the time of completing my course, there was recession sir. Further, my
parents encouraged me to try for government job
Then chairman pointed towards member one
M1:Why did not you go for corporate sector
Me: Sir, I feel that government job carries status and prestige in the society.
Hence, I preferred Government sector.
M1: That means private employees do not have status and prestige.
Me:Sir, I did not say that they do not have status and prestige. I feel that
government employees have more status and prestige in the society comparatively.
M1: How do you compare
Me: I kept silent.
M1: How do you reconcile with coporate sector. Where do you see your position
in corporate sector.
Me: Middle management level.(Actually I was not aware of much about corporate
sector. I should have said the same.)
M1: What are the new projects coming up in railways( Earlier I worked for
about 5 years in Railways)
Me: High speed trains and bullet trains
M1: What is freight corridor.
Me: At present there is delay in movement of freight. So, separate tracks will
be laid exclusively for freight traffic.
M1: In which sectors, the freight corridors are being laid.
Me: I am not aware of it sir.( Actually, I read it long back but unable to
recall it. So I should have said “ I am unable to recall” rather than “ I am not
aware of it”)
M1: Why share market is falling(That time china devalued its currency. As a
result, share markets all over the world are falling)
Me: Recently, China devalued its currency Yuan. Because of that our share market
is effected.
M1: If china devalued its currency, why our share markets should fall
Me: It is because of domino effect sir. Because of globalisation, economic
events in one country will have the effect on other countries also.
M1: Why our markets are falling
Me: Its because of sentiment sir(Said loudly, which I should have avoided)
M1: Recently there were attacks in Gurdaspur in punjab. What should we do to
avoid such things.
Me: Sir, I think intelligence need to be strengthened by employing more people.
M1: What should be done on borders, particularly western side.
Me: They also need to be strengthened by employing more personnel and fencing
also need to be done. Moreover, porous borders, if any, need to identified and
the gaps should be plugged.
M1:Where are the porous borders
Me: I am not aware of it sir (Actually, I should have said “ I am unable to
recall” rather than “ I am not aware of it”)
M1 was laughing with the answer but I kept quiet.
Then chairman pointed towards member two
M2: You are management graduate. How you are suitable here
Me. Sir, management includes planning, staffing, reporting, reviewing etc, .
These are very well required in government also.
M2: Do you know interpersonnel skills, co-ordinatation.
Me: Yes, sir, I am also doing it.
M2: You tell me the barriers to communication.
Me: It is grapevine (It is method of oral communication. Rumours also spread by
this way)
M2: Is it a barrier
Me: Sometimes, intended message does not reach. Then it becomes a barrier.
Moreover, when subordinates unable unable to understand the simple instructions
due to illiteracy etc, it will also become a barrier. However
sir, longback I read it.
M2: You are from Finance(M.B.A). Tell me about payment banking
Me: It is banking the unbanked Sir. At present, only 6% of the villages are
connected by banking services sir. In order to provide banking to the poor in
rural areas , RBI has given permission for payment banking.
M2: Is it for poor.
Me: Yes, sir. Maximum deposit allowed will be Rs.1,00,000
M2: Who are poor.
Me: Those under below poverty line.
M2: What is below poverty line.
Me: It is decided by the planning commission.
M2: Is it for rural people.
Me: Yes, sir.
M2: Is it not for cities.
Me: no sir.
M2: Are you sure, that it is for rural areas.
Me: Yes sir.
M2: How do you motivate your subordinates
Me: We have been taught about MBO(Management by Objectives). When the targets were set by subordinates themselves, they will have more commitment. When I get a work, while entrusting the work to subordinates, I will ask them how much time they need.
M2: If, they say more time, you go and tell your superior that more time is
Me: No sir, Many a time, they say less time only. But sometimes, they say more
time. Then I need to plan sir. I will see whether I can employ more resources or
we need to sit extra hours.
M2: If they refuse to sit extra hours.
Me: I will go for some other person.
M2:Do you act tough with your subordinates
Me: No sir.
M2: That means, whatever they do, you will accept.
Me: No sir, as of now, I have good people.
M2: one last question. Tell me the qualities required for an administrator.
Tell me three things.
Me: First of all he must be willing to take the responsibility. Then he needs to
plan. Then he needs to motivate the subordinates. Again he needs to co-ordinate
with colleagues, etc.
M2: You have good people
Me: yes, sir.
Then chairman pointed towards member three.
M3: You are in audit. How you are suitable as an administrator.
Me: Sir, apart from audit, we are also doing planning, motivating the
subordinates, coordination with others. These qualities are very well required
for an administrator.
M3: You mentioned your hobbies as watching movies and listening songs.
Me: (Actually, I mentioned my hobbies as playing shuttle and watching cricket.
But I mentioned the above hobbies watching movies and listening songs in my
earlier application to UPSC 3 years back for the post of DY. Director in ESI
corporation. However, I decided not to contest )
After thinking for some time I said bahubali.
M3: Who is director
Me: SS Rajamouli.
M3: Thank you
Me: Then I have seen towards the chairman and nodded the head.
Chairman: nodded the head signalling the interview is over.
Me: Thanked one by one. This time also one person did not give me the opportunity to thank him as he was not all looking at me.
Result: Though I started the interview with mistake and other mistakes here and there those mistakes did not cost my job. I feel that in the end I did well and I got the 2nd place and waiting for appointment orders.