(Interview) UPSC Interview By Prabhasa Bhoi
UPSC Interview By Prabhasa Bhoi
Name: Prabhasa Bhoi
Sate: Odisha
Hobbies: Swimming and Collecting Indian Coins.
Degree: Electrical Engineering
Work Experience:
- Sr Enginner @ NTPC (from 2005 to 2011)
- Asst. Works Manager / Indian Ordnance Factory Service (continuing from 2010)
I was the second candidate to be interviewed in the Board of Manbir Singh in the afternoon session of 22-04-2013. As this was my third interview I was quite under pressure to perform well this time. I was called around 14.50 Hrs to proceed to face the Board. I was made to sit on the chair near the entry door of Board’s room. Then the first candidate left the room. He was sweating badly. I got more nervous. However, I was able to keep my cool. Then after 5 minutes the bell rang. I knocked the door and stepped inside.
Me – May I come in Sir.
Ch – yes, come in.
Me – Good afternoon Sir... good afternoon Mam .... Good afternoon Sirs.
Ch – Please be seated.
Me – Thank you Sir
Ch – So, you are working in Ordnance Factories.
Me – Yes sir
Ch – These days there are lot of complains regarding DRDO and Ordnance Factories (OFs) not meeting the requirements of the Indian Armed Forces. Is it right?
Me – As far as DRDO s concerned they have many success stories however because of political and budget constraints we spend very little % of our GDP on Defence Research leading to failures in cases like Arjun MBT, LCA etc. If we have a look on the performance of Ordnance Factories they are meeting 60-70 % requirements of the Indian Army. We have limited capacities and absence of technology to meet the requirements of Navy or Air Force. Further, these days the equipments and technology are being out dated at a faster face. Thats why the criticism is there.
Ch – how to set this deficiency of OFs right?
Me – There has been a consensus regarding rapid modernisation of the OFs to improve the performance the OFs. Govt has planned to spend INR 15,000 Cr during the 12th Five year plan. Moreover internal R&D has to be strengthened.
Ch – We have completed already 60 years of independence. Still we are lagging the developed countries in this regard. Why so?
Me – The countries like USA, UK has a long history of development. They have a strong base to built upon. We had to start everything from the scratch. Thats why it is taking time. In time ahead we will be a strong state too.
Ch – Why should we go for indigenisation keeping in view that we require the best product and they are readily available outside.
Me – Indigenisation is necessary always. During the time of conflicts / war, the outsiders may not side on our side and they can refuse to supply. In that case we will be in a bigger problem. Further, indigenisation will give rise to employment generation and GDP growth.
After this he passed the button to M-2
M2: So, you are from Odisha?
Me: Yes Sir
M2: What is recent judgement of Supreme Court on Vedanta issues?
Me: For Vedanta projects, level-1 clearance has already been granted. There was protests regarding the location of projects near the location of “NiyamRaja – the tribal God of Kotia and Dongria Kondha tribes residing there”. SC in its judgment has asked M/s Vedanta to submit its project plans to Gram Sabha which will consider it. After that MoEF will grant level-2 clearance if accepted by Gram Sabha.
M2: Don’t you think this judgment is detrimental to the development process.
Me: absolutely not sir. Blind development without being sensitive to the religious sentiments of local tribal communities will attract bigger problems.
M2: Suppose clearance is not given, then what will be its repercussions?
Me: First of all it will affect the investor sentiments and industries will not come forward with investment proposals. This will affect the developmental process, employment opportunities will diminish etc.
M2: What is the problem in POSCO project on Odisha.
Me: Its basically Land Acquisition problem.
M2: What are the salient points of the Land Acquisition Bill as approved by Cabinet recently?
Me: compensation amount is 4 times in Rural Areas and twice in urban areas. Consensus of 70% of local people in case of PPP projects and 80% consensus in case of Private Projects. Forcible acquisition in respect of Road, port, power projects etc. To Prevent Land hoarding 5-11-2011 is the cut off date to share compensation between the previous land owner and current owner.
M2: Is there political stability in Odisha ?
Me: Yes Sir.
M2: What is the GDP growth rate of Odisha?
Me: In the 11th plan it was around 9.2%
After this he passed the button to M-3)
M3: Though efforts are being made for women empowerment, still the result is not as per the expectations. Why so?
Me: Women empowerment has been proceeding in half-hearted manner. Say, we reserve 33% seats for women in PRIs. However, it is often found that their husband or other senior male members are participating in the meetings keeping them aloof as usual.
M3: So what is the solution from your point of view?
Me: The solution lies in change in attitude and behaviour which is possible through education and generating awareness that women can also lead.
M3: Brief about the status of Black Money in India.
Me: According to NIPF&P around INR 40,000 cr black money is there in the foreign banks. These are the moneys not reported to tax authorities. They are mostly derived from illegal activities and used for illegal activities too.
M3: Why are we unable to solve this problem?
Me: Most of the big politicians cutting across party lines are having black moneys. They are obstructing the efforts of Government to tackle Black Money menace.
M3: What should be done by Govt?
Me: Sir, Govt is trying hard and considering various options to solve this issue like granting relief from prosecution in case of voluntary disclosure, asking the foreign banks to give details of persons holding account in their banks etc. However no consensus is there. And it will take time to solve the issue.
(After this he passed the button to M-4-Lady Member)*
M4: You are staying at Nagpur?
Me: Yes Mam.
M4: Tell me some name of Public Sector Units (PSUs) whose headquarter is at Nagpur.
Me: Sorry mam.
(Then she said it is Western Coal Fields Limited and some other names too)
M4: Many PSUs are having loss. Should not we disband or privatise them.
Me: Mam, there are many PSUs such as Maharatana, Navrtna and Miniratna companies which are making profit. If they can function profitably why not others. Solution lies in identifying the problem and making them run successfully.
M4: These days we are talking a lot about political reforms. From your point of view what should be the biggest agenda of electoral reforms.
Me: Mam, these days more than 30% MPS and MLAs are having criminal background even some of them are having ministerial berths. This is affecting the smooth working of the legislature. Thats why main agenda should be how to keep the people having criminal background away from such positions.
M4: What is a Presidential Form of Government?
Me: In the Presidential Form of Government, President is directly elected by the people. He appoints the Cabinet Ministers and they need not be the part of Congress or the Parliament by whatever name it is called. USA Govt is ideal representation of such form.
M4: Should India go for Presidential Form of Government to improve the working of govt?
Me: there is no question of any form of Govt good or bad. Its us who make it good or bad by our working. In India we can’t keep on switching from one form of gove to another. Instead we should focus on how to improve the functioning of our parliamentary form of govt which our constituent makers have adopted after a deliberation of more than 2 years.
M4: how to improve the functioning of our parliamentary form of govt?
Me: first of all it is imperative to elect qualified members to the Parliament, as I have already said, by suitable electoral reforms. Then there should be focus on increasing use of Technologies, using “Policy Cells”, modernising budget etc.
(After this he passed the button to M-5)
M5: Your optional is Geography.
Me: Yes Sir
M5: Then tell me How to represent height in a 2-D plane?
Me: Sorry Sir.(Then he said that it is contour)
M5: These days the engineers of all streams are either opting for IT Sector jobs or Civil Services. Why so?
Me: As far as IT sector is concerned, the recruitment process consists of tests of only quantitative aptitude and English Test. So students from all the streams finding it easy to qualify for IT Sector jobs. Further, IT sector provides fair amount of salary, postings mostly in cities and high chance to visit foreign countries. So far as Civil Service is concerned the prime motive is contributing to the development of society at the grass root level and designing suitable policies at the later period of job.
M5: Railways are manufacturing most of the items in India, But why OFs have not been able to do so?
Me: (I said something regarding Defence being a sensitive matter and ToT is not there from outside sources)
M5: He was not satisfied and said “I am not talking about ToT, I am talking about indigenous production”.
Me: Nothing came into my mind and I said “Sorry Sir, I don’t have any clue how to answer this”.
(After this he passed the button to Chairman)
Ch: Your interview is over.
Me: Thank You Sir.
(I wished everyone and left the room)
Courtesy: Prabhasa Bhoi blogspot