(Final Result) UPSC : Geologists' Examination 2012
Geologists Examination,2012
(Result) UPSC : List of Recommended Candidates of Geologists Exam, 2012
Based on the result of the written examination held by UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION in December 2012 and Personality Test subsequently in August 2013, the following are the lists, in order of merit, of candidates who have been recommended for appointment to the following posts of category I and Category II.
CATEGORY I : (Posts in Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines)
Geologist, Group A
Total Posts: 50
Assistant Geologists Grade-I Group B
Total Posts: 50
CATEGORY II : (Posts in the Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources)
Jr. Hydrogeologists (Scientist B) Group A
Total Posts: 03
Asstt. Hydrogeologists, Group B
Total Posts : 13
Important Instruction
- The total number of candidates recommended for appointment to Category I i.e. for Geologist, Group A and Asstt. Geologists Grade-I Group B is 89 , which includes 43 General, 27 Other Backward Class, 13 Scheduled Caste and 06 Scheduled Tribe category candidates. No candidate has qualified under PH category.
- The total number of candidates recommended for appointment to Category
II for Jr. Hydrogeologists ( Scientist B) Group A and Assistant
Hydrogeologists Group B are 15 , which include 08 General, 02 Other
Backward Class, 03 Scheduled Caste and 02 Scheduled Tribe category candidates. - The candidature of candidates bearing following Roll Nos. is provisional : 000042 000726 000999 001318 001452 001655 003648 004816 005154 005182 007264 007561 007887
- For Category I posts, 07 OBC, 04 SC and Nil ST candidates have qualified on their own merit (General standards) without availing any relaxation and therefore, in accordance with Rules 14(4) & 14(5) of the examination, Commission shall maintain a Reserve List of 22 candidates (11 General, 07 OBC and 04 SC candidates) ranking in order of merit below the last recommended candidate under each category .
- For Category-II posts, only 01 SC candidate has qualified on General standards without availing any relaxation and therefore a Reserve List of 02 candidates ( 01 General and 01 SC candidates ) shall be maintained by the Commission for Category-II in order of merit below the last recommended candidate under each category.
- UPSC has a 'Facilitation Counter' near Examination Hall in its
campus. Candidates can obtain any information/clarification regarding their
examination/ recruitment on the working day between 10.00 hrs. to 17.00
hrs in person or over telephone nos. 011-23385271 / 23381125. Result will also be available on the UPSC web site i.e. www.upsc.gov.in.
Courtesy : UPSC