(Getting Started) Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.) - History

Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.)

:: History ::

Studying History is an quintessential requirement from the exam perspective. Since an IAS or IPS is expected to administer the country, it is very essential to have an understanding of the social milieu, in which an aspirant is supposed to play. Thus, the history portion is very important, both for the exam as well as your competency for the post.

Coming to the syllabus of History for the Prelims, it is important to, first, know the different topics and issues. The UPSC notification on Civil Services Examination mentions the history portion for Prelims as- 'History of India and Indian National Movement'. Though the scope is topic is not very clear from this, but from the analysis of the previous papers, it can be derived that the History portion includes all- the Ancient, Medieval and Modern History.

A candidate should handle the different parts of history. However, many-a-times, one finds it difficult to cover all the aspects of a subject. Therefore, it is advisable to make a simple reading for the parts that one finds very difficult. However, it is also important that you do make a few attempts at reading all the portions, as leaving a subject, as important as history, could prove risky.

For a comprehensive reading in History, you might choose to read- Bipin Chandra, Indian History and NCERT books

GS Foundation Course (PT+ MAINS) for IAS EXAM

सामान्य अध्ययन (GS) फ़ाउनडेशन कोर्स (Foundation Course) PT + Mains, HINDI Medium

IASEXAMPORTAL recommend that a candidate should give special emphasis on understanding and knowing about the modern history, which includes the Indian national movement, as it has a great bearing from both- the exam point of view as well as in gaining an understanding of the other topics. If the ancient history part is giving a great trouble to you, you might choose to move ahead after a basic reading. However, such an extreme step should only be taken in extreme case.

More details on analysis of IAS Prelims.

In 2013, there were 15 questions asked from History portion, in which only 2 were from the ancient and medieval history; 8 from Indian culture; and 5 from modern history.

Express Points:
  1. History is one of the most important subject from all point of view. So don't take chances with history.
  2. Since the questions, under History, are proportionally divided into the Ancient, Medieval and Modern history, it is advisable to devote an adequate amount of time for each of the sections.
  3. if you are choosing to skip a section of history, make sure that the other parts are reinforced so as to Compensate for the loss made at the other section.