(GK) Science : Biology

(GK) Science: Biology

1. Inability to sleep is termed as

Ans : Insomnia

2. Normal respiratory rate in adults is

Ans : 16-20/min

3. One gram of carbohydrate yields
a. 9 calories
b. 1 calories
c. 4 calories
d. 8 calories
Ans : C

4. The nerve which carries messages from the brain and spinal cord muscles and glands

Ans : Motor nerve

5. Eruption of teeth starts at the age of ........ months

Ans : 6

6. Total number of bones in human body

Ans : 206

7. The following are the contents of ORS, except
a. Sugar
b. Potassium Chloride
c. Calcium Carbonate
d. Sodium Chloride
Ans : C

8. Protein requirement for a pregnant woman per day
a. 60gm
b. 65gm
c. 55gm
d. 50gm
Ans : C

9. Radio active cobalt and radium are used for the treatment of ....... diseases
a. Sickle cell anemia
b. Cancer
c. Cholera
d. Hemophilia
Ans : B

10. A healthy person can donate blood ....... or .....times a year

Ans : Three or Four

11. The cells that are responsible for the production of antibodies are
a. White blood cells
b. Red blood cells
c. Platelets
d. Plasma
Ans : A

12. ....... is the immunity get by the body after the first attack of disease
a. Acquired immunity
b. Natural immunity
c. Passive immunity
d. Artificial immunity
Ans : A

13. ..... is an example for the disease caused by bacteria
a. Typhoid
b. Typhus fever
c. Chicken pox
d. Cold
Ans : A

14. Typhoid is transmitted through
a. Touch
b. Air
c. Personal contact
d. Water and food
Ans : D

15. The disease that spread through sexual contact is
b. Scabies
c. Leprosy
d. Itches
Ans : A

16. ........ is caused by the fungus
a. Malaria
b. Filariasis
c. Typhus fever
d. Athlete’s foot
Ans : D

17. Drinking of alcohol will severely affects the
a. Brain
b. Liver
c. Kidney
d. Stomach
Ans : B

18. Average weight of a new born baby
a. 5kg
b. 2kg
c. 4kg
d. 3kg
Ans : D

19. One ml contains ....... drops
a. 15
b. 5
c. 20
d. 10
Ans : A

20. One teaspoon contains ...... ml
a. 15ml
b. 2ml
c. 5ml
d. 10ml
Ans : C

21. Drugs used to relieve pain
a. Antipyretics
b. Analgesics
c. Anti inflammatory
d. Antibiotics
Ans : B

22. Incubation period of measles
a. 14 – 21 days
b. 21–28 days
c. 7-14 days
d. 1-7 days
Ans : C

23. Mode of transmission of typhoid fever
a. Respiratory
b. Intravenous
c. Droplet
d. Oro facial
Ans : D

24. Route of transmission of Hepatitis-B
a. Faeco oral
b. Potential (parental)
c. Contaminated water
d. Oral
Ans : B

25. Name the oral Polio vaccine
a. Sabin
b. TAB
c. BCG
d. Salk
Ans : A

26. Heart attack is caused mainly due to

Ans : Cholesterol

27. Another name of Vitamin C

Ans : Ascorbic Acid

28. The heart is covered by a membrane called

Ans : Pericardium

29. Bird Flu, is a type of
a. Influenza
b. Asthma
c. Typhoid
d. Pneumonia
Ans : A

30. The causative agent of Tetanus is

Ans : Clostridium tetani

31. Gonorrhea is a sexual disease caused by a bacterium called

Ans : Neisseria gonorrhea

32. Bordetella pertussis is a bacterium caused

Ans : Whooping cough (Pertussis)

33. Diphtheria in man is caused by

Ans : Corynebacterium diphtheria

34. German measles is caused by

Ans : Rubella virus

35. Common cold is caused by the infection of

Ans : Rhinovirus

36. Influenza is caused by a virus called

Ans : Myxovirus

37. The organism which cause cholera is

Ans : Vibrio cholera (Bacterium)

38. A disease which is always present at a low level in a given population or region is called

Ans : Endemic

39. An epidemic (disease) which spreads across whole continents is called

Ans : Pandemic

40. The time during which a person is capable of passing the disease on to another person

Ans : Infective period

41. The excess of carbohydrate is converted into Glycogen by

Ans : Liver

42. Anemic patient is deficient of which element

Ans : Iron

43. Malaria affects

Ans : Spleen

44. Toxoid serum is used in the treatment of
a. Small pox
b. Malaria
c. Diphtheria
d. Leprosy
Ans : C

45. The blood group which contain no antibodies is
a. O
b. AB
c. A
d. B
Ans : B

46. Oxygenation is the main function of which organ

Ans : Lungs

47. What is known as the ‘Juvenile hormone’

Ans : Thymosin

48. Which vitamin is also called ‘Retinol’

Ans : Vitamin A

49. The transportation of oxygen to the cells in the body is performed by
a. Hemoglobin
b. Hormones
c. Vitamins
d. Insulin
Ans : A

50. The gastric juice in the stomach contains
a. Tannic acid
b. Nitric acid
c. Hydrochloric acid
d. Sulphuric acid
Ans : C