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UPSC, IAS परीक्षा संपूर्ण अध्ययन सामग्री
संघ लोक सेवा आयोग - UPSC
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Offices under Government of India) Deputy Prime Ministers of India
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Offices under Government of India) Prime Ministers of India
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Offices under Government of India) Vice–Presidents of India
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Offices under Government of India) President of India
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Is our lifestyle impacting weather?"
Current General Studies Magazine: "Civil hands must soothe uncivil tempers" October 2015
Formation of Indian Skill Development Service
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Offices under Government of India)
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Jurisdiction and Seat of High Courts)
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Table of Precedence)
(BREAKING NEWS) UPSC aspirants appeared in between 2012-14 need not be given an additional chance
UPSC Mains General Studies Solved Paper (2014) - "Paper-2: Indian Heritage, History and Geography"
UPSC Mains General Studies Solved Paper (2014) - "Paper-3 : Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations"
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Rains in Chennai"
(e-Admit Card) UPSC Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2015
UPSC Interview & Success Story of Shri Abhay K. (IFS)
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "UNSC Reforms: Can India find a place in the Council?"
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (World History: Important Dates)
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Labour and Trade Union Organisations)
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "GDP numbers & Monetary Policy"
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Pre-congress Nationalist Organisations)
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Newspapers and Journals of Freedom Struggle)
Current General Studies Magazine: "Legal checks to political vandalism" October 2015
Current General Studies Magazine "Vol. 13" October 2015
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Intolerance debate in Parliament"
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Books of Freedom Struggle)
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Important Congress Session)
UPSC Civil Services Exam Vacancies 2015 for IAS, IFS, IPS, IRS Grade-A Posts
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Bihar to ban alcohol from April 1, 2016: Has prohibition worked anywhere?"
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Governor-General and Viceroys)
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (Important Foreign Travellers/Envoys)
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "FDI: The way forward?"
Current General Studies Magazine: "3rd India Africa Forum Summit: Rejuvenating Relations" September 2015
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Will ASEAN economic union help India?"
General Knowledge for IAS Exams (The Gandhian Era (1917-47)
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Bureaucratic reforms: Retiring non-performing officers"
Weekly IAS Mains Essay Writing Challenge "Sound hydrological solutions to address the shortcomings in the city’s water storage and drainage system"
Weekly Mains Exam 2015 Answer Writing Challenge - Public Administration "MODULE- VIII"
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "How will Paris affect war on terror?"
Current General Studies Magazine: "Portents of a Religious Autocracy" September 2015
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Options for government on economic & policy reforms"
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "PM in the UK: Key takeaways"
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Bihar Results: Impact on Economic Roadmap"
UPSC Releases Mark of CDS-II 2014 Candidates
(Sample Material) Online Coaching for Contemporary Issues of GS: Security & Disaster Management (INS Kochi and the ‘Big-Warship’ Debate)
(Sample Material) Online Coaching for Contemporary Issues of GS: Science and Technology (Health and the UN)
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "‘Occupy UGC’ protest: What is at stake?"
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate "Crackdown on Pak Extremists: Is Pakistan doing enough on terror?"
Query: can i write civil service exam if i am a criminal case convict on crpc 143 147 154 ipc 382 - Unnikrishnan S
(Sample Material) Online Coaching for Contemporary Issues of GS: Economic & Social Development (Tax and the People)
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