IAS Mains Expected Questions - Science & Technology


IAS 2013 Mains Expected Questions



  1. Role of Information technology in Rural Development
  2. Role of Software development in the economic growth
  3. Communications & Remote sensing
  4. E-governance Initiatives
  5. Steps Taken for Enhanced Cyber security
  6. National Policy on Electronics
  7. National Policy on Information Technology
  8. Broad Objectives, Targets, Thrust Areas of Information Technology – 12th plan
  9. Write Short Notes on National e- Governance Plan
  10. Write short notes on Employment generation by IT sector
  11. Write short Notes on Evolution on IT industry


  1. Aadhar Payment Bridge
  2. Awaas soft
  3. Agro –sense
  4. Action Soft
  5. ASCI
  6. Blue Tooth
  7. Band Width
  8. Business Process Reengineering
  9. Bharateeya o.o
  10. Bhoomi Project
  11. BIOS
  12. Computer Buses
  13. Code division multiple access (CDMA)
  14. Common Service centres
  15. Cyber Profit
  16. Cloud Computing
  17. COWAA Software
  18. " Computerisation of Registration (Panjeeyan) Project in Assam”,
  19. Common Service Centres (CSC)
  20. Crime & Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) Project
  21. Co-operative Core Banking Solution (CCBS)
  22. C-DOT
  23. CPU
  24. CD-ROM
  25. Compact Disc (CD)
  26. Cyber warfare
  27. computer virus
  28. cyber crimes
  29. DWDM
  30. DRAM
  31. Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)
  32. digital convergence
  33. Electronics Project Proposal System (e-PPS)
  34. Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE)
  35. Ethernet
  36. EDGE Technology
  37. E-waste Management
  38. e- Procurement
  39. e- Trade
  40. e- Galla
  41. e- sagu
  42. e- savya
  43. e- Mitra
  44. e- sushrut
  45. E- commerce
  46. Enterprise Resourse Planning
  47. E-governance initiatives by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
  48. E-District
  49. E-Courts
  50. E-Biz
  51. Electronics Project Proposal System (e-PPS)
  52. EPROM
  53. E-mail
  54. Exabyte
  55. Ehealth
  56. Firewalls
  57. Fibre Optics
  58. FRIENDS – Kerala
  59. FTP
  60. fibre optics
  61. Golden Software Surfer
  62. GPS
  63. Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM)
  64. General packet radio service (GPRS)
  65. Global Innovation Index
  66. Grid Computing
  67. Gyan Vani & Vidya Vahini
  68. Gyan Doot
  69. Ground Water Estimation & Management System (GEMS)
  70. Ground water Information System(GWIS)
  71. Ground water Data Entry Software (GWDES)
  72. Health Management Information System
  73. Hydrology Modelling System(HYMOS)
  74. http
  75. HTML
  76. Hybrid IPTV
  77. Intranets and extranets
  78. Internet Protocol Suite
  79. Information Technology Investment Regions (ITIRs)
  80. Immuno Cybernetics
  81. “iMINE (IT Intervention for Managing Integrated NetworkedEnterprise)”,
  82. “iBHUGOAL”,
  83. India’s First All Women Post Office
  84. IMAP
  85. ITES
  86. JPEG
  87. Khajane
  88. Local Area Networks
  89. Lokvani
  90. Modem
  91. Mobile Governance
  92. MCA -21
  93. Media lab Asia
  94. MGNREGA Soft
  95. Mee –seva
  96. Mercury – Telemedicine Solution
  97. “MAGIC: Mineral Administration and Governance Using ICT”,
  98. Mobile Services Delivery Gateway (MSDG)
  99. MFLOPS
  100. MASER
  101. Multimedia
  102. MP3
  103. Malware
  104. mHealth
  105. National Supercomputing Mission
  106. National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) project
  107. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  108. National Institute of smart Governance
  109. Next Generation Network (NGN) lab
  110. National Conference on e-Governance at Jaipur
  111. National Knowledge Network
  112. National IPv6 Deployment Roadmap Version – II
  113. National Electronics Mission
  114. National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP)
  115. National Service Delivery Gateway(NSDG)
  116. Open Source Software (BOSS)
  117. “Online Voting System (OVS)”,
  118. Open Government Platform (OGPL)
  119. operating system
  120. Optical frequency comb
  121. optical Computing
  122. Param Yuva Super Computing
  123. Plan Plus
  124. PRIA Soft
  125. Priyadarshini
  126. Panchayat Profiler
  127. PLHOST – Software
  128. Project Arrow
  129. PLANIT
  130. POSIX
  131. Piracy
  132. Phishing
  133. RAM
  134. ROM
  135. Resident India smart card RIC
  136. Rural teledensity
  137. RedBus – Software
  138. Storage devices
  139. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) lab
  140. State wide Area Networks (State Wide Area Networks)
  141. State Data Centres
  142. Semi Conductor FABS
  143. Surface water Data Entry Software (SWDES)
  144. Sanjeevani – Software
  145. Sea path – Software
  146. Semiconductor Fabs
  147. SCOSTA – Smart card operating System for Transport Applications
  148. “SPARSH – Special Project for Assistance, Rehabilitation & Strengthening of Handicapped – A healing touch for disabled, old age and destitute”,
  149. “Students Academic Management System (SAMS)
  151. SECAM
  152. spamming
  153. Tejas – Software Suit for Oncology
  154. TIPS
  155. Titan _ World fastest Super computer
  156. URL
  157. USB
  158. Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF)
  159. U S S D ( Unstructured Supplementary Service Data)
  160. Under 2G Verdict , the Supreme court cancelled How many licenses of New operators recently
  161. Vaxipred – Software
  162. Wimax Technology
  163. Wide area Networks
  164. Wireless Networks
  165. W-CDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)
  166. Water Information System Data Online Management (WISDOM)
  167. Wi-fi Technology
  168. WDM- PON
  169. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
  170. XGPON
  171. XML

Courtesy : IAS Master