(Free Membership) IAS EXAM PORTAL MAINS HUB 2016

Exclusively for all candidates those who are appearing in IAS Mains 2016 (Only for IAS Preliminary qualified candidates)

Dear Aspirants,
Here IASEXAMPORTAL is launching Mains Hub Membership for all IAS Preliminary qualified candidates to give you enormous multi-dimensional benefits .

After due verification we will give you access to some of the best material for IAS Mains Exam 2016 ,and its all for free.

After getting this quality membership, apart from study materials and other useful sources for IAS Mains General Studies, you will provided with opportunities to assess and will be get connected to like-minded people, which can enhance your preparation and sharpen your skills.

Salient features of this membership:

  • Peer Interaction with IAS mains Candidates
  • (Free) Study materials and other useful sources for Mains 2016
  • Assessment and Feedback

What you will Get (?):

IAS Mains Current Affairs

(a) India and World Affairs
(c) Polity, Constitution and Governance
(d) Science and Technology including Bio-Diversity and Environment
(e) Economic Development
(f) Security

FEE : FREE! for limited time

Limited number of seats

First-come , first-served

For Registration fill given below form: