(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (2007)
Union Public Service Commission
IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (2007)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following (each note should not
exceed 200 words):
(a) Sociology as a science of society
(b) Talcott Parsons concept of social system
(c) Social facts
(d) Robert Merton's views on manifest and latent
2. Explain Karl Marx's analysis of capitalistic mode of production and class-struggle. What are the intellectual reactions to his views?
3. What is the subject-matter of Sociology according to Max Weber? Which major methods did he suggest for social science research? Illustrate your answer with his sociological contributions.
4. Elaborate Emile Durkheim's analysis of the elementary forms of Religious Life & role of religion in society. How does he explain existence of religion in modern industrial societies?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following (each note should not
exceed 200 words):
(a) Changing structure of family
(b) Role-conflict and its resolution
(c) Education as an instrument of social change
(d) Features of Pre-Industrial economic system
6. Indicate social determinants of economic development. Discuss any one sociological perspective analysing backwardness and poverty in the developing societies.
7. What are the structural elements of a social movement? State how a social movement comes to its end. Illustrate your answer with example.
8. Explain the meaning and modes of political participation. What are the factors preventing people's participation in politics in India?
1. Write short notes on any three of the following (each note should not
exceed 200 words):-
(a) Problem of dowry
(b) Sanskritisation
(c) Programmes for urban development
(d) Problems of religious minorities
2. Discuss the role of various reform movements in India.
3. Describe the salient features of the poverty alleviation programmes. What modifications would you suggest to make them more effective?
4. Discuss the various problems of tribal communities in India and assess the impact of tribal development efforts after Independence.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following (each note should not
exceed 200 words):
(a) Education and social mobility
(b) Regionalism
(c) Market economy and its social consequences
(d) Agrarian Unrest
6. Discuss the major problems of religious fundamentalism in contemporary India. Give suggestions to tackle these problems.
7. Discuss the social consequences of economic reforms like liberalization, privatization and globalization.
8. Discuss the impact of legislation and socio –economic changes on marriage and family institutions. Are these institutions weakening in contemporary India?