Sample Questions From UPSC Mains Study Kit 2011: (The Hindu and PIB)


1. More than any other region. It is Africa that has to be a strategic priority for India- Do you agree? —200 words

2. Highlight the key recommendation of the T.H. Malegam committee? —150 words

3. What is creative economy? —100 words

4. What is ‘Aichi Target’? —100 words

5. Highlight the main points of the wethands (conservation and management) rules 2010. —100 words

6. Discuss the major issues in India-Pak relations in recent times —250 words

7. Discuss India’s strategic interest in Afghanistan. —150 words

8. Examine India’s strategic interest in west Asia? —150 words

9. Do you think Gandhi ji’s economic ideas are still relevant today? Give your argument with suitable examples. —250 words

10 What is Sovietism? —50 words

11. Discuss major progammes for conserving Biodiversity in India? —150 words

12. What are the benefits India will get from Emissions trading —150 words

13. How science & Technology can be used for social development in India? Do you think government of India is adopting right approach to achieve this? If not then suggest some measures? —250 words

14. Write in 20 words each–

  1. India portal
  2. National population Register
  3. SWAN Scheme.

15. Highlight some of the measures taken by government of India in higher education address the problem of expansion. —150 words

16. Discuss about National Urban sanitation programme. —100 words

17. What are the main features of the revised series of whole sale price Index (WPI).  —100 words

18. What is census? Discuss the major highlights of the census 2011. —150 words

19. What is Green productivity? How can it is useful for sustainable development. —150 words

20. Write not more than 50 words each.

  1. Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojan
  2. Millennium Development Goals.
  3. Assisted reproductive technology.
  4. Lok Pal
  5. Organic Farming in India

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