(IAS PLANNER) Choosing Civil Services as a Career Goal
Choosing Civil Services as a Career Goal
Before going into the preparation of the Civil Services Exam assess your potential, interests, circumstances, time resources & financial sustainability so that you can reach a firm, determined & practicable decision. The first step towards your success is to choose your goal honestly. I mean you shouldn’t choose Civil Services as your goal simply because your father or mother has a dream or there is a pressure from your social circle. It should come from your heart; this shouldn’t be the criteria for the selection. The whole examination demands firm patience and clear determination towards goal, the whole process span in one year so it is imperative to give at least one and half-year of full time preparation with solid determination. It should clearly understand here that if any aspirants have done good and have excellent in their academics will get success in its very first attempt. It is one sort of presumptions. But the fact is shows other story there is no any such need, it doesn’t matter here at all you need not to have a splendid academic background besides you only need clear determination and firm belief that you can go through all the way. It is rightly said“ The difference between possible and impossible lies in the person’s determination”