(IAS PLANNER) IAS Officer Salary & Perks
Salary of IAS Officer
IAS Salary
IAS salary structure consists of four Pay Scales: Junior Scale, Senior Scales, Super Time Scale, and Above Super Time Scale. Each of the pay scale further consists of different pay bands.
Junior Scale
Pay Band: Rs 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs 5400
This would be the salary of new recruits. Along with this basic pay a civil servant is also entitled to HRA, DA and other allowances.
Senior Scales
(i) Senior Time Scale: An IAS Officer is promoted to the Senior Time Scale usually after 7-9 years of service.
Pay Band: Rs 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs 6600
(ii) Junior Administrative Grade
Pay Band: Rs 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs 7600
At this level an IAS is generally a Deputy Secretary in the State Secretariat or the Municipal Commissioner in the field.
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(iii) Selection Grade
Pay Band: Rs 37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs 8700
In this Selection Grade an IAS Officer will be the Joint Secretary in the State Government or a Deputy Secretary in the Central Government.
Super Time Scale
Pay Band: Rs 37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs 10000
At this level of the IAS hierarchy an IAS has most probably be the Secretary of some state government department or could be posted at the Centre in the position of Joint Secretary. It takes about 20 years to reach the
Super Time Scale.
Above Super Time Scale
There are three Pay Bands in this scale.
Rs 37400-67000. Grade Pay of Rs 12000.
The Apex Pay Scale of Rs 80000 (fixed). No Grade Pay.
Cabinet Secretary Grade of Rs 90000 (fixed). No Grade Pay.
The IAS officers in the Super Time Scale includes Senior Secretaries, Chief Secretaries, Secretaries in the Central Government and the Cabinet Secretary, the highest position an IAS officer can aspire for in life.
Online Coaching for UPSC, IAS (Pre.) General Studies Paper-1 Exam
Printed Study Material for IAS Pre General Studies (Paper-1)