(UPSC IAS PLANNER) All India Services: What is UPSC?
What is UPSC?
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Indianisation of the superior Civil Services became one of the major demands of the political movement compelling the British Indian Government to consider setting up of a Public Service Commission for recruitment to its services in the territory. The first Public Service Commission was set up on October 1st, 1926. The Constituent Assembly, after independence, with the promulgation of the new Constitution for independent India on 26th January, 1950, this Public Service Commission was accorded a constitutional status as an autonomous entity and given the title - Union Public Service Commission.
Constitutional Provisions: the UPSC is an constitutional body in the sense that it is directly created by the Constitution of India. It has been established under Article 315 of the Constitution of India. Usually, the Commission constitutes 9 to 11 members including the Chairman.
The UPSC is the central recruiting agency in India. The major role played by the Commission is to select persons to man the various Central Civil Services and Posts and the Services common to the Union and States (viz. All-India Services). Under the Constitution one of the functions of the Commission is to conduct examinations for appointment to Civil Services/Posts of the Union. The Commission usually conducts over a dozen examinations every year on an all India basis. These include Examinations for recruitment to services/posts in various fields, such as Civil Services, Engineering, Medical and Forest Service, etc.
2. Indian Forest Service (IFoS)
3. Engineering Service Examination (IES)
4. Indian Economic & Stastical Service (IES/ISS)
5. Geologist Examination
6. Special Class Railway Apprentices Examination (SCRA)
7. Combined Medical Services (CMS)
8. Central Armed Police Forces CAPF (AC) Exam
9. Combined Defence Service (CDS)
10.National Defence & Naval Academy (NDA/NA)
Online Coaching for UPSC, IAS (Pre.) General Studies Paper-1 Exam
Printed Study Material for IAS Pre General Studies (Paper-1)
(आई. ए. एस. प्लैनर) संघ लोक सेवा आयोग क्या है ?
Courtesy : upsc.gov.in