Expected Cutoff for IAS PRE 2014 (GS & CSAT) Exam
IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam Expected Cutoff
UPSC Portal team analysed the Both paper for CSE 2014 and based on the expert panel here are the expected Cut Off Marks for UPSC Prelims examination 2014.
As you know there is no official cut-off from UPSC so You are encouraged to share your marks and discuss the matter with fellow aspirants to clear the air.
Best of Luck!!
General Candidates - 200-210
OBC Candidates – 190- 200
SC Candidates – 180-185
ST Candidates - 175-180
Disclaimer: All information on cut-off is based on independent analysis and evaluation made by IASEXAMPORTAL.COM. We do not take responsibility for any decision that might be taken, based on this information.
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