IAS PRE 2014 Expected Questions"Test-3"
IAS PRE 2014 Expected Questions
1.Consider the Following
Which of the Above Factors Determines Biodiversity
a. Only 1 & 2
b. Only 2 & 3
c. Only 1 & 3
2.Consider the following statements :
1. Biodiversity hotspots are located only in tropical regions.
2. India has four biodiversity hotspots i.e., Eastern Himalayas, Western
Himalayas, Western Ghats and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2.
3.Biosphere reserves differ from National parks and Wild life Sanctuaries because in the former
a) human beings are not allowed to enter
b) people are an intergral part of the system
c) Plants are paid greater attention than the animals
d) living organisms are brought from all over the world and preserved for posterity
4.Buffer Zone of biosphere reserve is where
a) no human activity is allowed
b) human activity limited
c) free human activity
d) wild animals are absent
5.The term biodiversity coined for first time by
a) RH whittaker
b) E O wilson
c) R D Barnes
d) N myers
6.The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occours in
a. temperate deciduous forests
b. tropical moist forests
c. heavily polluted rivers
d. deserts and savannas
7.The presence of diversity at the junction of territories of two different habitats is known as
a) bottle neck effect
b) edge effect
c) junction effect
d) pasteur effect
8.In which one among the following categories of protected areas in India are local people are not allowed to collect and use the biomass?
a. Biosphere Reserves
b. National Parks
c. Wetlands declared under Ramsar Convention
d. Wildlife Sanctuaries
9.The first Biosphere Reserve established in India for conserving the gene pool of flora and fauna and the life style of tribals is
a) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
b) Nandadevi Biosphere Reserve
c) Uttarakhand Biosphere Reserve
d) Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve
10.Which one of the following dose not belongs to biosphere reserves set-up so far?
a. Great Nicobar
b. Sunder bans
c. Nanda Devi
d. Gulf of Kachchh
11.The total biomass of photosynthetic autotrophs present in an ecosystem is known as the
A) net primary productivity.
B) standing crop.
C) trophic efficiency.
D) gross primary productivity.
12.Aquatic primary productivity is often limited by which of the following?
1. light
2. nutrients
3. pressure
A) 2 only
B) 3 only
C) 1 and 2 only
D) 2 and 3 only
13.Which of the following most directly relates to the current biodiversity crisis?
A) increased atmospheric carbon dioxide
B) ozone depletion
C) the rate of extinction
D) introduced species
14.Which of the following terms includes all of the others?
A) genetic diversity
B) species diversity
C) biodiversity
D) ecosystem diversity
15.In order to better understand the extent of current extinctions it will be necessary to do which of the following?
A) Focus intensely on identifying more species of mammals and birds.
B) Monitor atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
C) Differentiate between plant extinction and animal extinction.
D) Identify more of the yet unknown species of organisms on our planet.
16.The most accurate assessments of current extinction rates probably come from studies of
A) reptiles, because they are ectothermic and susceptible to population declines during frequent past glacial periods.
B) birds and mammals, because they are relatively well-known taxa.
C) marine invertebrates, because of their relatively long and complete fossil history.
D) insects, because they comprise the vast majority of extant multicellular organisms.
17.Which of the following would not qualify as an ecosystem service?
A) rain falling to Earth
B) squirrels burying acorns
C) leaves falling on a forest floor
D) blowfly larvae infesting a deer carcass
18.According to most conservation biologists, the single greatest threat to global biodiversity is
A) insufficient recycling programs for nonrenewable resources.
B) global climate change resulting from a variety of human activities.
C) stratospheric ozone depletion.
D) alteration or destruction of the physical habitat.
19.The Nile perch (Lates niloticus) is a good example of a(n)
A) endangered endemic.
B) threatened migratory species.
C) primary consumer.
D) introduced predator.
20.Which of the following was not presented as an example of an introduced species?
A) red foxes in Australia
B) timber wolves in Minnesota
C) starlings in New York
D) zebra mussels in the Great Lakes
21.Consider the Following Statements
1.After Punjab , Uttarpradesh Tops in Cropped area Under Irrigation
2.India is the Largest Producer of Cauliflower
3.India is the Second Largest Producer of Fruits
Of these Which is/are Correct ?
a.2 & 3 Only
b. 1 &3 Only
c. 1 &2 Only
d. 1,2,3
22.Consider the following statements :
1. Rajasthan has the largest area of cultivable wasteland in India.
2. Jammu&Kashmir have highest percentage of area under wastelands
Of these Which is/are Correct?
a. Only 1
c.Both 1 &2
d.Neither 1 Nor 2
23.Which one of the following is the best strategy for environment-friendly,
sustainable development in Indian agriculture?
a. Expansion of cultivable land, increased use of super phosphate, urea and effective biocides
b. Wider popularization of high-yielding crop varieties, better aiid more frequent irrigation and increased frequency of aerial spra of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides
c. Mixed cropping, organic manures, nitrogen-fixing plants and pest resistant crop varieties
d. Improved farm implements and machinery, use of potent insecticides to minimize post-harvest grain losses and monoculture cropping practices
24.Which of the following are the objectives of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)?
1. To stabilize agricultural prices.
2. To ensure meaningful real income levels to the farmers.
3. To protect the interest of the consumers by providing essential agricultural commodities at reasonable rates through public distribution system.
4. To ensure maximum price for the farmer.
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1, 2 and 4
c. 1, 3 and 4
d. 2, 3 and 4
25.Agricultural income tax is assigned to the State government by
a. the Finance Commission
b. the National Development Council
c. the Inter-state Council
d. the Constitution of India
26.National Agricultural Insurance Scheme replacing Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme was introduced in the year
a. 1997
b. 1998
c. 1999
d. 2000
27.Consider the Following Statements
1.Both National Agricultural Insurance Scheme and Modified National Agricultural
Insurance Scheme is Implemented by Agriculture Insurance Company of India (AICIL).
2. National Agricultural Insurance Scheme is available to all the farmers,
loanee and non-loanee, irrespective of size of their holding.
3. National Agricultural Insurance Scheme covers all food crops (cereals,
millets and pulses) and oil seeds and Annual commercial/ horticultural crops.
OF THESE Which is/are Correct?
a.Only 1 &2
b.Only 3
c. Only 2 & 3
d. 1,2,3
28.Consider the Following Statements
1.National Agricultural Insurance Scheme is Not Implemented in Punjab &
Arunachal Pradesh
2.MNAIS Continues payment of claims for yield loss on area approach basis as
under NAIS
Of these Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c. Both 1 &2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
29.Consider the Following Statements
1.MNAIS is an improvement over NAIS, and is based on actuarial premium rates.
2. Under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme Premium subsidy is to be shared
by Centre & State Government on 75:50 basis.
Of these Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c. Both 1 &2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
30.When did the National Horticulture Mission Commence ?
31.Consider the following statements:
1. The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices recommends the
Minimum Support Prices for 23 crops.
2. The top destination for India’s export of processed agricultural products and
For India’s export of processed marine products is USA
3.The Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
has launched the National Food Security Mission.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a. 1 & 2 Only
b. 2 & 3 Only
c. 1 & 3 Only
d. 1,2,3
32.The best performance in terms of Human Development among the Asian countries is by
a. China
b. Malaysia
c. Korea
d. Philippines
33.Consider the Following Statements
1.The education component of the HDI is measured by mean of years of schooling
for adults aged 20years
2.Mean years of schooling is estimated based on educational attainment data from
censuses and surveys available in the UNESCO Institute for Statistics database
and Barro and Lee methodology.
Of these Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 & 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
34.The theme of the World Development Report 2014 is
a. From Plan to Market
b. Knowledge for Development
c. Attacking Poverty
d. Risk and Opportunity : Managing Risk for Development
35.World Development Report” is an annual publication of
a. United Nations Development Programme
b. World Bank
c. World Trade Organisation
d. International Monetary Fund
36.According to the World Development Report, low income economies are those for which the per capita GNP in 2013 was
a. US $ 1,O45 or less
b. US $ 825 or less
c. US $ 925 or less
d. US $ 1,025 or less
37.Which one of the following countries occupies the first place in the "Global Competitive Report 2013-14 " of World Economic Forum ?
a. U.S.A.
b. Singapore
c. Switzerland
d. France
38.Match List I with List II and select the correct answer
List I
A. United Nations Development Programme
B. National Council of Applied Economic Research
C. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
D. World Bank
List II
1. U N India Human Development Report
2. India Development Report
3. World Development Research Report
4. Human Development Report
Codes :
a. 4 1 2 3
b. 4 2 1 3
c. 2 3 4 1
d. 2 1 4 3
39.Consider the Following Statements about Santushti and Prerna Strategy of Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh
1.Santushti is a strategy f Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (JSK) for the highly populated states of India viz Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh & Odisha.
2.Under Santushti strategy, Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh, invites private sector
gynaecologists and vasectomy surgeons to conduct sterilization operations in
Public Private Partnership mode.
3.In order to help push up the age of marriage of girls and space the birth of
children in the interest of health of young mothers and infants, Jansankhya
Sthirata Kosh has launched PRERNA, a Responsible Parenthood Strategy
4.PRERNA Strategy is Implemented Through out India .
Select the Correct answer Using the Codes Given Below
a.1,2,3 only
b. 2 & 4 Only
c. 1 & 3 Only
d. 1,2,3,4
40.Consider the Following Statements
1.Infant Mortality Rate has come down to 42 in 2012
2. Total Fertility Rate has come down to 2.4 in 2011
3.The last polio case in the country was reported from Howrah district of West Bengal with date of onset 13thJanuary 2011.
4. Government of India declared 2012-13 as Year of “Intensification of Routine Immunization (IRI).
Select the Correct answer Using the Codes Given Below
a.1,2,3 only
b. 2 & 4 Only
c. 1 & 3 Only
d. 1,2,3,4
41.Which one of the following was the largest IT software and services exporter in India during the year 2013-14?
a. Birlasoft
b. Infosys Technologies
c. Tata Consultancy Services
d. Wipro Technologies
42.Consider the Following
1. Credit Guarantee Scheme
2. Credit Linked Capital Subsidy (CLCS) Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises
3. Marketing Assistance Scheme
4. Setting Up of Private Industrial Parks
Of These Components of The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP) for the MSMEs Includes
a.1 & 2 Only
b.1,2,3 Only
c. 2 & 3 Only
43.Which of the Following Pairs about Copper Mines are Wrongly Paired
a.Malanjkhand Mine : Madhya Pradesh
b.Khetri : Rajasathan
c.Kolihan : Rajasthan
d.Surda Mines : Chattisgarh
44.Which of the Following Pairs about Copper Mines are Wrongly Paired
a. Rakha Mines : Chattisgarh
b. Kendadih Mines : Jharkhand
c. Banwas Mines : Rajasthan
d. Chapri-Sidheswar : Jharkhand
45.Siju Village in Odisha, Tamot Village in Madhya Pradesh , Voyalur Village in Tamilnadu Signifies Establishment of
a.Solar Power Outlets
b. Plastic Parks
c. Udyami Helpline
d.Power Loom Clusters
46.Consider the Following Statements
1.The Government had constituted a committee for evolving a composite development index of States, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan.
2.Tikku Committee was set-up to look into all aspects of career improvement and cadre restructuring of the doctors of Central Health Service.
3. Rangarajan Committee formed to Review Existing Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs)
Of these Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1 & 2
b. Only 2 & 3
c. 1 & 3
47.Consider the Following Components
2.Level of Infrastructure Planning
3.Governance Regulatory Procedures
4.Exit Policies & Fiscal Incentives
48.NIMZs are Different From SEZs in terms of
a.1&2 Only
b. 2,3 Only
c.1&4 Only
49.Consider the Following Statements
1.The approval for setting up of a SEZ is given on the recommendations of the
State Government.
2.Andhra Pradesh Tops in Operational (Exporting) SEZs
3.Visakhapatnam Port handled highest iron ore among all the 12 major ports in
the country during 2013-14.
Of these Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1 &2
b.Only 2 & 3
c. Only 1 & 3
50.Consider the Following Statements
1.Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization (MGIRI) , is Located at
Porbandar .
2.Government has provided major protection to the MSME sector by notifying
Public Procurement Policy,Nwhereby Central Government Ministries, Departments
and Public sector Undertakings are mandatorily required to procure of minimum of
25% of their total annual purchases of products.
Of these Which is/are Correct
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 & 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
51.Consider the Following Statements
1.The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a grouping between
the 10 countries of ASEAN and its 6 partners in Asia-Pacific. India is a part of
2.The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a trade agreement
that is presently being negotiated between the European Union and the South
America .
Of These Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
52.Consider the Following Statements
1.The Conflict Over Senkaku Islands is Between China and Vietnam
2.India Conducted Exercises Armies (Shakti), Navies (Varuna) and Air Forces (Garuda)
With U.K
3. Memorandum of Understanding signed between NPCIL and AREVA (France) for setting up of 6 x 1650 MWe EPR units at Jaitapur ,Maharashtra
Of these Which is/are Correct?
a.1 &2 Only
b. 2 &3
c.1 &3 Only
d 3 Only
53.Consider the Following Statements
1.In Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu U.S. Department of Energy implementing the Energy
Conservation Building Codes (ECBC).
2.India Conducted Military Exercises Yudh Abhyas and Naval Exercise Malabar With
3.Memorandum of Understanding signed between NPCIL and Westinghouse for setting
up Nuclear at Mithivirdi in Gujarat.
Of these Which is/are Correct?
a.1 &2 Only
b. 2 &3
c.1 &3 Only
d 1,2,3 Only
54.Indian Ministry of Culture Vivekananda Chair was Established at the University of
a. Chicago
b. Oxford
c. Cambridge
d. Harvard
55.Consider the Following Statements
1.In Rajasthan and Tamilnadu U.S. Department of Energy implementing the Energy
Conservation Building Codes (ECBC).
2.India Conducted Military Exercises Yudh Abhyas and Naval Exercise Malabar With
3.Memorandum of Understanding signed between NPCIL and Westinghouse for setting
up Nuclear at Mithivirdi in Gujarat.
Of these Which is/are Correct?
a.1 &2 Only
b. 2 &3
c.1 &3 Only
d 1,2,3 Only
56.Consider the Following Statements
1.India Got Observer Status in Arctic Council
2. Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) is the only Central Asian forum
of which India is a member.
3. India Got Observer Status in SCO.
Of these Which is/are Correct?
a.1 &2 Only
b. 2 &3
c.1 &3 Only
d 1,2,3 Only
57.Consider the Following Statements
1. India Conducted Military Exercises Indra With China
2..Russia Delivered INS Teg and INS Tarkash To India
Of These Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 &2
d.Neither 1 Nor 2
58.Consider the Following Statements
1.Bengaluru-Mumbai Economic Corridor (BMEC) is Funded by United Kingdom
2. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) is Funded by Japan
3. ReImagine – Arts and Culture Initiative to build new creative connections
between the peoples of the UK and India
Of These Which is /are Correct ?
a.Only 1 &2
b.only 1 & 3
c. Only 2&3
d. 1,2,3
59.Consider the Following Statements
1.Nepal is currently India's largest trade partner in South Asia
2.India is the largest source market for Sri Lankan tourism.
Of These Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 &2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
60.2014 is Regarded as “Year of Friendly Exchanges” between India and
b. Japan
c. Bangladesh
d. Pakistan
61.Which of the Following Pairs is Wrongly Matched
a.India Friendship Power Company : India& Bangladesh
b.Golden Jubilee Rail Link : India & Bhutan
c.ICT project “Chipen Rigphel –Enabling A Society ,Empowering a Nation” (Total
Solutions Project)- India & Pakistan
d.Chabahar Port : Iran
62.Which of the Following is NOT a Founding Member of ASEAN
63.Which one of the following is not an Founding Member of ASEAN?
a. Indonesia
b. Malaysia
c. Laos
d. Philippines
64.Consider the Following Statements
1.ASEAN do not have CHARTER and Run on Fundamental Principles as contained in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) of 1976.
2. Myanmar is the Chair of ASEAN for 2014 and the theme of its ASEAN Chairmanship is “Moving Forward in Unity to a Peaceful and Prosperous Community.
3. The Secretary-General of ASEAN 2013 -2017 is H.E. Le Luong Minh from Phillippines .
Of these Which is /are Correct
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Only 3
65.23rd ASEAN Summit(2013) was held at
66.Consider the Following Pairs
1.Brunei Darussalam :Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
2.Cambodia : King Norodom Sihamoni
3.Thailand : King Bhumibol Adulyadej
4.Malaysia : King Abdul Halim
Of these which is/are Correct ?
a.1 and 2 Only
b. 2 and 3 Only
c. 4 Only
d. 1,2,3,4
67.Consider the Following Statements about ASEAN ?
1.Vietnam is the Chair of ASEAN for 2014
2.The existing ASEAN Secretariat is at Hanoi
3.The Secretary-General of ASEAN 2013 -2017 is H.E. Le Luong Minh from Viet Nam.
Of these which is/are Correct?
a.1 and 2 Only
b. 3 Only
c. 2 and 3 Only
68.Consider the Following Statements
1.ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC) is based in Cambodia
2. ASEAN Plus Three (APT) is a forum that functions as a coordinator of cooperation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the three East Asia nations of China, Japan, and Malaysia .
3. At present, ARF has 26 members comprising the 10 ASEAN countries, plus other Countries that Includes Pakistan.
Of these Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1
b. Only 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3 Only
69.Consider the Following Statements about APEC
1.Unlike the WTO or other multilateral trade bodies, APEC has no treaty
obligations required of its participants.
2.APEC has 21 members - referred to as "member economies"
3.25TH APEC Summit was held at Beijing ,China
Of these Which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1 & 2
b. Only 2 & 3
c. Only 1 & 3
70.Consider the Following Statements
1.In Council of the European Union, EU leaders meet around 4 times a year to discuss the EU’s political priorities
2.In EU Council , national ministers from each EU country meet to adopt laws and coordinate policies
Of these which is/are Correct?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
71.Consider the Following Statements
1. Council of the European Union, Signs International Agreements on Behalf of the EU .
2. The money the EU can spend every year is decided by the Council Of the EU Alone
Of these which is/are Correct?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
72.Consider the Following Statements
1.The European Union does not have an army.
2.In votes concerning sensitive topics - like security and external affairs any
single country can veto a decision.
Of these which is/are Correct?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
73.Consider the Following Statements about European Parliament
1.Parliament can call on the European Commission to resign during its period in
2.Parliament keeps check on the European Commission by examining reports it
3.Members of European Parliament are grouped by political affiliation, not by
Of these Which is/are Correct?
a.1 and 2 Only
b. 2 and 3 Only
c.1 and 3
d. 1,2,3
74.Under Which Treaty no country can have fewer than 6 or more than 96 MEPs(Member of European Parliament)
a.Lisbon Treaty
b.Maastrich Treaty
c.Amsterdam Treaty
d.Nice Treaty
75.Consider the Following Statements about EUROPEAN COUNCIL
1.European Council Sets EU's general political direction and priorities
2.European Council has no Powers to Pass Laws
Of These Which is/are Correct?
a.Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
76.Which of the Following Treaty Creates the European Economic Community (EEC) or Common Market.
a.Treaty of Rome
b.Treaty of Lisbon
c.Treaty of Nice
d. Treaty of Amsterdam
77.Which of the Following Country is Not Included as Founding Member in Creation of European Coal and Steel Community that begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace
78.Consider the Following Statements
1.Treaty of Nice : Voting System in the Council
2.Treaty of Amsterdam : To reform the EU institutions in preparation for the
arrival of future member countries.
3. Treaty of Maastricht Treaty : to prepare for European Monetary Union and
introduce elements of a political union (citizenship, common foreign and
internal affairs policy).
Of these Which is /are Correct ?
a.1 and 2 Only
b. 1 and 3Only
c. 2 and 3 Only
d. 1,2,3
79.A present group of nations known as G-8 started first as G-7. Which one among the following was not one of them?
a. Canada
b. Italy
c. Japan
d. Russia
80.Consider the following statements:
1. The Headquarters of the International Organization for Standardization are
located in Rome.
2. ISO 9000 relates to the quality management system and standards.
3. ISO 14000 relates to environmental management system standards.
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 3 only
c. 2 and 3
d. None
81.Consider the following statements:
1. The Nuclear Suppliers Group has 24 countries as its members.
2. India is a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
82.Which one of the following countries is not a member of the Commonwealth of Independence States (CIS) ?
a. Armenia
b. Belarus
c. Estonia
d. Georgia
83.Which one of the following countries is not a member of the Commonwealth of Independence States (CIS) ?
a. Azerbaijan
b. Kazakhstan
c. Kyrgyzstan
d. Afganisthan
84.Which one of the following countries is not a member of the Commonwealth of Independence States (CIS) ?
a. Moldova
b. Ukraine
c. Russia
d. Tajikistan
85.Consider the Following Statements
1.ISO 26000 Relates to Social responsibility
2.ISO 50001 Relates to Energy management
3.ISO 31000 Relates to Risk management
Of these which is/are Correct ?
a.Only 1 and 2
b.Only 2 and 3
c.Only 1 and 3
86.Consider the Following Statements
1.ISO 22000 Relates to Food safety management
2.ISO 27001 Relates to Information security management
Of these which is /are Correct ?
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
87.Which one of the following countries Is not a member of the Nordic Council?
a. Norway
b. Denmark
c. Iceland
d. United Kingdom
88.Which one of the following is not a member of the Nordic Council?
a. Finland
b. Faroe Islands
c. Greenland
d. Lundey Island
89.Which of the Following is not a Founding Member of the NORDIC COUNCIL?
90.Consider the following statements :
1. The SAFTA agreement came into force on 1 January 2006
2. The Agreement on SAARC Preferential trading Arrangement (SAPTA) entered into
force on 7 December 1995
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
91.Match List-I (Agency) with List-II (Headquarters) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists:
List-I (Agency)
A. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
B. United Nations Environment Programme UNEP)
C. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
D. Universal Postal Union (UPU)
List II (Headquarters)
1. Nairobi
2. Vienna
3. Berne
4. New York
a. 2 3 4 1
b. 4 1 2 3
c. 2 1 4 3
d. 4 3 2 1
92.Consider the Following Statements
1.The UNDP Administrator is Second highest-ranking official in the UN
2. “Global Thematic Programme on Anti-Corruption for Development
Effectiveness(PACDE)”an Anti Corruption Programme is Developed by Transparency
Of these which is/are Correct
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
93.Consider the Following Statements about UNIDO
1.Lima Declaration of 2013 is related to UNIDO
2. Ibrahim Helmi Abdel-Rahman (Egypt) is UNIDO's first Executive Director.
of These which is/are Correct
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
94.As per the UN-Habitat’s Global Report on Human Settlements 2013, which one among the Following Regions is the most urbanised region in the world, with 80 per cent of its population in towns and cities.
b. Europe
c. Latin America and Caribbean
d. North America
95.Which of the Following Region has often been referred to as a global laboratory for many innovations related to urban planning and management by UN-Habitat
b. Europe
c. Latin America and Caribbean
d. North America
96.With Reference to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child , Consider the Following
1.The Right to Development
2.The Right to Life
3.The Right to Protection
4.The Right to Participation
Which of the Above is/are the Rights of the Child ?
a.1 Only
b. 1 and 3 Only
c. 2 and 3 Only
d. 1,2,3 ,4
97.The Beijing Rules are
a. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice
b. WTO Rules for Safeguarding Subsidies
c. UNEP Rules of Global Warming
d. ILO Rules of Labour Restrictions
98.Consider the Following Statements about Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1.In Drafting Committee of Universal Declaration of Human Rights ,India is a Member
2.John Humphrey ,Drafted the Outline of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Of these Which is/are Correct?
a.Only 1
b. Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
99.Consider the following statements:
1. The Charter of the United Nations Organization was adopted at Geneva,
Switzerland in June, 1945.
2. India was admitted to the United Nations Organization in the year 1945.
3. The Trusteeship Council of the United Nations Organization was established to
manage the affairs of territories detached from Japan and Italy after the Second
World War or such territories not under the control of a country at that time.
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 2 only
c. 2 and 3
d. 3 only
100.Consider the following organizations:
1. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
2. International Finance Corporation
3. International Fund for Agricultural Development
4. International Monetary Fund
Which of these are agencies of the United Nations?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4
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