Sample Practice Paper for IAS (Pre.) 2014 "Test - 4"
Sample Practice Paper for IAS (Pre.) 2014 "Test - 4"
Q1. Consider the following statements.
1) Affirmative action and positive discrimination by the government in
favour of the socially marginalised people are the same thing.
2) Fundamental rights are fundamental because it is required for the development
of the individual & the society & so they are called fundamental rights.
Which of the above statements is / are
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 & 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Q2. Consider the following statements.
1) The Supreme Court in the Berubari case ruled that preamble is a part of the
2) In Keshavananda Bharti case reverse the decision & ruled that preable is not
a part of the constitution.
Which of the above statement is / are
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 & 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Q3. Consider the following statements.
1) Puducherry was a former French Colony.
2) It consists of four regions - Poducherry, Karaikal (Tamil Nadu), Mahe (Kerala),
& Yanam (Andhra Pradesh).
3) After 36th Constitutional Amendment Act in 1975, Sikkim became the 22nd state
of the Indian Union.
4) In 1963 Puducherry became a Union Territory.
Which of the above statements is incorrect
A. 2 only
B. 3 only
C. 4 only
D. None of the above
Q4. Which of the given statements is in Correct.
A. Dhar Commission was set up by the President of the Indian Constituent
Assembly in 1948 to consider the question of reorganization of states in
B. Dhar Commission favoured re-organization of states on the basis of language
C. The government in 1948 set up a high level committee called linguistic provinces committee. Consisting of Nehru, Pate & Sitarammaiah to consider the Dhar Commission’s Recommendation.
D.Andhra Pradesh became the first state which was formed on basis of language.
Q5. What is Gentlemen’s agreement?
A. In 1956 this agreement provided reassurances to the Bodo people in education, jobs & ministerial berths
B. In 1956 this agreement provided reassurances to the Telangana people in education, jobs & ministerial berths
C. This was a agreement with the France to get back Puducherry
D. It was an agreement by which Telugu - speaking areas were separated from
former Madras states
Q6.Consider the following statements.
1) A right is a legal claim that a citizen or any other individual is granted by
the constitution or any statute.
2) Rights are the essence of democracy as they empower the individuals & enable
to develop.
3) Rights are associated with equality in contemporary times & estabish a level
playing field among the people.
4) Right to education became fundamental right by the insertion of Art 21A by
the constitution 86th Amendment Act 2002.
Which of the above statement are incorrect.
A.1 & 2 only
B. 1 & 3 only
C.2 & 3 only
D.None of the above
Q7. Consider the following statements.
1) Natural rights are universal rights which are inherent in every individual
being a part of human nature.
2) Civil rights are the rights that a citizen of a country enjoy & are conferred
by the constitution or the law of the country.
3) Article 15, 16, 19, 20 & 29 in the Chapter on Fundamental Rights in the
Indian constitution (Part III) are available to Indian citizen only.
4) Human Rights are contained in United Nations universal declaration of Human
Rights 1948.
Which of the above statement is / are Correct.
A.1 & 4 only
B. 1 & 3 only
C. 1, 3 & 4 only
D. All of the above
Q8. Which the following statements is Incorrect
A. The doctrine of Basic Structure was introduced in the Maneka Gandhi V/s
Union of India case
B. The Supreme Court ruled that the Basic Structure cannot be amended by the
Parliament but there is scope of enrichment & amplification
C. Under National Emergency Art. 352, 358 & 359, however constitution permits
suspension of the operation of all Fundamental Rights except Article 20 & 21
D. Article 19 stated that Fundamental Rights are conditional & subject to reasonable restrictions
Q9. Consider the following statements.
1) The doctrine of Eclips says that a law that is over ridden by a subsequent
law does not cease to exist. In only goes into dormancy. Once the overriding law
diluted or delted, the earlier law comes into operation.
2) Article 13 stated that the state shall not make any law which takes away or
abridges the rights conferred by Part III
of the constitution.
Which of the above statements is / are Incorrect
A.1 only
B.2 only
C.Both 1 & 2
D.Neither 1 nor 2
Q.10 Consider the following statements:
1) 86th Amendment Act 2002 stated that the state shall endeavour to provide
early childhood care and education (ICCE) for all children until they
complete the age of six years.
2) The amendment to Hindu succession Act of 2005 state that the Daughter
is given a share in the ancestral property. Which of the statements given above
is /are correct.
A.1 only
B.2 only
C.Both 1 & 2
D.Neither 1 nor 2
Q.11 Consider the following statement.
1) 93rd Amendment Act 2006 to provide reservation in educational institutions
for SC, ST and OBC and other minority.
2) 52nd Amendment Act 1982. Anti Defection law and the tenth schedule.
3) 14th Amendment Act 1962 - by this Act, Pondicherry was included in the First
Schedule as a Union Territory.
Which of the statements given above is /are correct
A.1 only
B. 2 only
C.1 & 2 only
D.1, 2 & 3 only
Q.12 Consider the following statements.
1) The president is elected by Rajya Sabha Member and the elected member of the
State legislative assemblies.
2) In case of the bicameral legislature and the nominated members of the
Legislative Assemblies of Delhi and
Puducherry are participated in the election of the President.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct
A.1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 & 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Q.13 Consider the following statements.
1) Only the President of India has the power to reject the constitutional
Amendment Bill.
2) President Zail Singh excercised pocket veto on post office Bill in 1986.
Select the correct code given below
A.1 only
B.2 only
C. Both 1 & 2
D.Neither 1 nor 2
Q.14 Consider the following statements with regard code of criminal
procedure (Amendment) Act 2005.
1) It prohibits arrest of a man / woman after sunset and before sunrise expect
under rare circumstances.
2) it allows the use DNA and other techniques during medical examination of the
Which of the statements given above is /are correct.
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 & 2
D. None of the above
Q.15 Consider the following statements.
1) The Parliament alone can make extra terretorial legislation and it applicable
to the Indian citizens and their property is any part of the world.
2) The state legislature can make laws for the whole or any part of the state.
Which of the statement given above is /are correct.
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 & 2
D. None of the above
Q.16 Consider the following statements.
1) Article 268 says that a taxes levied by the centre but collected and
apropriated by the states.
2) Article 269 says that a taxes levied and collected by the centre but assigned
to the state.
3) Article 271 : The taxes levied and collected by the centre but distributed
between the centre and the states.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct
A.1 only
B. 2 only
C. 3 only
D. 1, 2 & 3 only
Q.17 Which of the following statement relating to executive elemency is not Correct?
A. The power excercised by the President under Article 72 is judicially reviewable
B. A mercy petitioner does not enjoy the right to be heard before the President
C. The President but not the Governor of a state enjoys the power to reduce death sentence to life imprisonment
D. The power under Article 72 is excercised by the President on the aid and Advice of the council of Minister
Q.18 Consider the following statements.
1) The inter-state council was set up under Article 283 of the constitution of
India by the President in 1990.
2) The President is the chairman of the inter-state council.
3) In inter-state council, the Six Central Cabinet Ministers, including the Home
Minister, to be nominated by the President.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
A. 1 & 3 only
B. 1 only
C. 1 & 2 only
D. All of the above
Q.19 Consider the following statements.
1) Bye-election are to held within 1 year of occurrence of the vacancy in any
house of parliament.
2) If the contesting candidate is dead before the actual polling then party
should propose another candidate within seven days.
3) 1999 the provision was made for voting through postal Ballot to their
Which of the statements given above is / are correct.
A. 1 only
B. 2 & 3 only
C.1 & 3 only
D. All of the above
Q.20 The recommendations of Balwantray
Mehta Committee includes
1) Open participation of political parties in Panchayati Raj affairs
2) Genuine transfer of power and responsibility to the Panchayati Raj
3) Constitutional protection for Panchayati Raj
4) Panchayat Samiti to be the executive body.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
A. 1, 3 & 4
B. 2 & 4
C. 1, 2 & 4
D. All of the above
Q.21 Consider the following statements.
1) Panchayati Raj was constitutionalised through the 73rd constitutional
Amendment Act of 1992.
2) Tamil Nadu was the first state to establish Panchayati Raj.
3) Tamil Nadu adopted three-tier system while Rajasthan adopted two-tier system.
Which of the statements given above is / are correct
A. 1 only
B. 1, 3 only
C. 2 only
D. All of the above
Q.22 Recommendation of Ashok Mehta
Committee includes.
1) The three-tier system of Panchayati Raj should be replaced by the two-tier
2) The state government should not supersede the Panchayati Raj institution.
3) Seats for SCs and STs should be reserved on the basis of their population.
Which of the statements given above is / are correct.
A. 1, 2 only
B. 2, 3 only
C. 1, 3 only
D. All of the above
Q.23 Consider the following statements.
1) The provision in state laws for removing a Mayor / chairperson is through a
no confidence motion.
2) The preparation of electoral rolls and the conduct of All elections to the
Panchayats shall be vested in a state Election Commission.
3) State Election Commissioner is appointed by the President of India.
Which of the statements given above is / are correct.
A. 1 only
B. 1 & 2 only
C. 1 & 3 only
D. All of the above
Q.24 Consider the following statements.
1) Supreme Court declared as illegal and unconstitutional the deployment of
tribal youths as speical police officers in the fight against the maoist
2) The court bench held that the policy of the Chattisgarh violated the rights
under Articles-14 and 21 of the constitution.
3) The rulling came on the writ petition filed by Prof. Nandkishor Haldar.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct
A. 1 & 2 only
B. 1 & 3 only
C. 2 & 3 only
D. All of the above
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