IAS Pre Study Material - Environment Issues
IAS 2013 Pre Expected Questions
- Teesta River issue
- Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal
- Decline in Ground Water
- National Water Policy (2012) *
- Regional Inter Linking of Rivers
- Water Disputes
- National Commission for Integrated Water Resources Development *
- Policy on Groundwater Exploitation
- Ecological Needs of Rivers
- National Water Framework
- Erosion of Sea-Shores in the Country
- Coastal Security
- Ganga Action Plan
- National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD
- The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
- Central Water Commission (CWC)
- Central Ground Water Board (CGWB
- Island Development Authority (IDA)
- Dibang Multipurpose Project
- Nyamjangchhu Hydroelectric project
- Dhamwari Sunda Hydro Electric Project
- Khuitam HEP
- Ting Ting HEP
- Gongri HEP
- Rameshwara Lift Irrigation
- Kelo Major Irrigation Project
- Rupsiabagar –khasia bara HEP
- Alakananda HEP
- Pakaldul HEP
- River Front Development Scheme
- Carbon sequestration
- Iron fertilization
- Blue carbon
- Global warming –Rice cultivation & other Causes
- Organic Waste Processing to Deal Global Warming
- Global Warming Potential (GWP)
- Green House Gas Inventory Programme
- Impact of Global Warming on the Himalayas
- Impact of Climate Change
- Action Plan on Climate Change
- Impact of Climate Change on Indian Agriculture
- Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Key HELE Coal Technologies
- Waste Heat Recovery from Power Plants
- Supercritical and Ultra-Supercritical Technologies
- Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)
- Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Technology
- Development and Deployment of Other Innovative High-Efficiency
- Cycles (e.g., Ammonia and Organic Rankine Cycle)
- Non KP Annex I Parties;
- UNFCCC CBDR principle
- Global Carbon Budgets and equity in climate change
- Asian development Bank’s study on Climate Change
- Asia Least Cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy (ALGAS)
- Black Carbon
- Alpine Vegetaion
- Montane wet Temperate Forest
- Sub – Trophic Dry Evergreen Forest
- Trophical moist Decidous Forest
- Taxus tree
- National forest policy
- Teak
- Deodar
- Sundari
- Juniper
- Silver fir
- Mahagony
- Spruce
- Actual Forest Area in the Country
- Decline in Forest AREA
National Parks /wildlife /protected area
MIKE sites in India
- Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh)
- Ratapani (Madhya Pradesh)
- Sunabeda (Odisha)
- Mukundara Hills (Rajasthan)
- Satyamangalam (Tamil Nadu)
- Periyar
- Sarsika
- Sasan Gir
- Manas
- Eturu nagaram
- Bhagavan Mahavir
- Nandini
- Narayan sarovar
- Floating National Park
- Keoladea Ghana
- Guindy
- Mudumalai
- Dibru saikhowa
- Project Tiger
- Indravati
- Melghat
- Valmiki
- Kanha Keibul lamjaa
- Bandipur
- Project Musk deer
- Dachigam
- Corbett
- Pin valley
- Sunderbans
- Bhiterkanika
- Desert National Park
- Eravikulam
- Kangerghati
- Nagerhole
- Kugti
- Sultanpur
- Simlipal
- Nokrek
- Kanchenjunga
- Silent valley
- Bondla Wild Life
- Orange Sanctuary
- Ushakothi
- Chandraprabha
- Bandhavgarh
- Dandeli
- Rajaji
- Indravati
- Slow Loris
- Manjira
- Topslip
Ecology & Ecosystem
- Ecological guilds
- Ecotypes
- Grassland Ecosystem
- Pond ecosystem
- Marine Ecosystem
- Tropical forest Ecosystem
- Coral reef Ecosystem
- Estuarian Ecosystem
- Riverine Ecosystem
- Pond Ecosystem
- Food chain
- Ecophene
- Ecad
- Eutrophication
- Ecological Niche
- Mutualism
- Commensalism
- Parasitism
- Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
- Red tides
- Mycorrhzia fungi
- Azobacter
- Rhizobium
- Ecosystem Monitoring
- Eco-Task Forces
- Ecosystem Productivity
- Bombay Duck
- Hylobates hoolock
- Apes in india
- Lion tailed Macaque
- Allopatric species
- Sympatric species
- Ailurus fulgens
- Felis Libyca
- Loris tardigradus
- Equs hemionus kiang
- Mouse deer
- Swamp deer
- Indian pangolin
- Green sea Turtle
- Scavenger Vulture
- Capped langur
- Golden Langur
- Sangai
- Four Horned Antelope (tetra cues quadricorni)
- Tamin deer
- Gaur
- Nilgiri Tahr
- Great Indian Bustard
- Brown Goral
- Markhor
- Ibex
- Gangetic dolphin
- Pygmy Hog
- Papilio Demoleus
- Red Panda
- Kashmir stag
- Blue bull
- Snow leopard
- Swamp Deer
- Rhesus Monkey
- Hanuman Langur
- Antelopes oryx
- Flying Squirrel
- Salt water Crocodile
- Nilgai
- Chinkara
- Barasingha
- Salt water Crocodile
- Shrew & Tapir
- Asiatic wild life
- Elegant gigotea
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats
- Project Elephant
- Check on Extinction of Reptiles
- Human Losses due to Wild Animals
Evolution of Living Organisms
- Reptiles
- Amphibians
- Dinosaurs
- Fish
- World network of Biosphere Reserves
- Biosphere Reserves in India
- Exsitu conservation
- Autotrophs
- Heterotrophs
- Man & Biosphere Network
- Insectivorus plant
- Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing
- Community Biodiversity Register (CBR)
- People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs)
- Coastal Zone Management
- Ramsar convention
- Astamudi lake
- Chilka lake
- Pulicat Lake
- Jatropha Curcas
- Pongamia Pinnata
- Ethanol
- Bio pesticides
- Biofertilizers
- Bio fertilizers
- Green manure
- Azolla
- Alfalfa
- Blue Green Algae
- Spirogyra
- Ulothrix
- Environmental protection Act
- Indian Wild life Protection Act, 1972
- National Green Tribunal Act
- E-Waste (Management & Handling )Rules , 2011
- World’s First Mercury Treaty
- National Disaster Management Act 2005
- Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
- Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
- Wildlife (Protection), 1972 as amended in 1988
- Panchayat Raj Act, 1992 (Seventy Third Amendment Act)
- Agricultural Biosecurity Bill, 2013
- The National Waterway (Lakhipur – Bhanga stretch of the Barak River) Bill, 2013
- The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
- Indian Forest Act,1927
Environmental Conferences
- World environment conference
- Biodiversity Asia- 2012, Bangalore
- International Carbon Capture and storage conference
- DURBAN Conference : The Road Ahead and Lessons for India
- Outcome of Doha Climate Change Conference 2012
- The XIth Conference of the Parties (COP 11) - Convention on Biological Diversity
- United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD)
Environment Related Institutions
- SAARC Disaster Management Centre
- UNEP – Awareness & Preparedness for Energy at Local Level (APELL)
- National Tsunami warning centre
- International Tsunami Information Centre
- Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
- US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Disaster Management Institute , Bhopal
- Disaster Mitigation Institute , Ahmedabad
- Environment Protection Training and Research Institute ,Hyderabad
- Asian Disaster Reduction Centre – Kobe
- Centre of Excellence on Medicinal Plants
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
- South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP),
- International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).
- Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD),
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Economic and Social Council for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP)
- South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC)
- SAARC Forestry Centre, Thimpu, Bhutan
- SAARC Coastal Management Centre, Male, Maldives.
- Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- India’s Meteorology Department (IMD)
- Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
- Advance Research Centre For Bamboo and Rattans, Aizawl
- Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur
- Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad
- Centre for Forest Research and Human Resource development , Chhindwara
- Centre for Social Forestry and Eco Rehabilitation,Allahabad
- National Land-Use and Conservation Board
- National Wastelands Development Board, (NWDB), MORD.
- National Afforestation & Eco-Development Board, (NAEB), MOEF
National Missions
- National Cyclone Mitigation Project
- National Water Mission
- National Initiative on climate Resilent Agriculture (NICRA) –
- National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
- National Clean Energy Fund
- National Bear Conservation and Welfare Action Plan
- National monsoon mission
- National Afforestation Programme
- Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs)
- National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (NMSH)
- Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)
- National Solar Mission
- National Mission for sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
- National Mission for a Green India
- National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
- National Mission on strategic knowledge for climate change
NATIONAL / International Programmes
- International Nitrogen Initiative Under the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme
- Bio remediation Projects in india
- SAVE Programme - Vultures
- Multi sector Low carbon development strategy in 12th plan
- Hyogo Frame work for action 2005-2015
- Coastal Ocean monitoring and prediction System (COMPAS)
- Land Ocean Interactions in the coastal Zone (LOICZ)
- Integrated Coastal and marine area Management(ICMAM)
- Special Climate Change Fund- GEF
- Green Climate Fund
- Bali Action Plan
- Cancun Agreements
- Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
Environmental Governance
- Regional Integrated Multi-hazard Early warning System (RIMES)
- India's Second National Communication to the United Nations
- National Water Policy, 1987
- National Land Reforms Policy
- National Forest Policy (NFP) of 1988
- National Livestock Policy Perspective, 1996
- GRAMODAYA Sustainable Livelihood Project
- Watershed Development Fund
- Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)
- Centrally Sponsored Programme of Soil Conservation in the Catchments of River Valley Project & Flood Prone River (RVP&FPR)
- Centrally Sponsored Programme of National Watershed Development
- Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA)
- Desert Development Programme (DDP
- Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP)
- Indira Gandhi Canal Project (IGNP)
- Pest Management
- Joint Forest Management (JFM)
- Sukhomajri Project
- RIOD (Reseau International des ONG sur la Des‘ertification) Network:
- GANDHIVAN - A Successful Attempt at Wasteland Development through Peoples’ Participation
- Environmental Action Programme (EAP)
- NATIONAL FORESTRY ACTION PROGRAMME (NFAP) - Vision 2020 Document for Afforesting one-Third of the Country’s Area.
- UNEP South-South Cooperation Exchange Mechanism
- Environmental Education and Training
- The Basel Convention
- Rotterdam Convention
- Stockholm convention
- Lead arsenate
- Carbofuran
- Pyrethrum
- Phosphate concentration – during eutrophication
- Petroleum refinery pollutants
- Tanneries pollutants
- Acidification of oceans
- Carbon monoxide
- Soot
- Sulphur Hexaflouride
- Chlorofluro Carbon
- Methane Emission –Sources
- Photo Chemical smog
- Water Purification Methods
- Pollution Level in the Major Rivers of the Country
- Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) system
- energy recovery in Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP)
- Pollution by Suspended Particulate Matter
Genetically engineered
- Bt Brinjal
- GM Foods
- Blue tomatoes
- Amflora
- Flavr Savr
- Smart Stax
- Contour bunding
- Relay cropping
- Zero Tillage
- Mixed farming
- Alternate Land Use Systems for Different Agro-ecological Regions
- Silvipasture
- Tillage
- Mulching
- Sustainable development
- World disaster Report
- Greendex – India’s Rank
- Vulnerability Atlas – BMTPC
- Gross National Happiness (GNH)
- Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)
- Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
- Happy Planet Index (HPI)
- The state of Uttarakhand on 29 October 2012 tops the Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
- Country’s first Aquifer Atlas
- e-Atlas of Marine-Important Bird Areas
- Environment Related Awards
- Golden Environment prize
- Carbon Foot Print
- Green GDP
- Carbon Credit
- Green Haat
- Clean Development Mechanism.
- Emission Trading
- carbon Credit in India
- Abatement
- Adaptation
- Adaptation Fund
- Annex I Parties
- Annex II Parties
- Anthropogenic greenhouse emissions
- Bali Action Plan (BAP)
- Bali Road Map
- Bonn fund
- Bunker fuels
- Carbon market
- Carbon sequestration
- Certified emission reductions (CER)
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
- Emissions trading
- Fast-start Finance (FSF)
- Fugitive fuel emissions
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Green Climate Fund (GCF)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Kyoto Protocol
- Kyoto mechanisms
- Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
- Marrakesh Accords
- Montreal Protocol
- Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs)
- Non-Annex I Parties
- Rio Conventions
- Rio+20
- Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)
- "Spill-over effects" (also referred to as "rebound effects" or "take-back effects")
- Sustainable development
- Track-two JI
- SLEM Project
- Unilateral Trade Measures (UTMs)
- CO2 Equivalent:
- Flaring:
- Sink:
- Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP):
- National Green Corps (NGC)
- International Day for Disaster Reduction
- National Disaster Reduction Day
- Water Conservation Day
- World Meteorological Day (WM DAY) Theme “Watching the Weather to Protect Life and Property
- Disaster Mitigation Support
- National Resources Management Project
- Information technology in Environment
- Nationwide mapping of Land degradation at 1:50,000 scale
- Environmental Information System (ENVIS
- Role of Information Technology (IT) Sector in Sustainable Development and Combating Desertification
- Tarahaat.com: It is a portal for rural masses and has been in operation in a village in Uttar Pradesh.
- Gyandoot Programme of Madhya Pradesh
- National Hazardous Waste Information System (NHWIS)
- Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT)
- Biomass transfer technology (BTT)
- Bio-remediation of Railadevi Lake, Thane, Maharashtra
- Development of Adhesive from Bio-material:
- India’s First CDM PoA (Bachat Lamp Yojana)
- Himalayan Ecosystem
- Summary of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) in Rainfed Farming
- Percolation tanks
- Construction of Khadins
- Haveli system
- Risers (stone bunds)
- Stone pitched barriers
- Vegetation on bunds
Courtesy : IAS Master