IAS Pre Study Material - Environment Issues


IAS 2013 Pre Expected Questions



  1. Teesta River issue
  2. Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal
  3. Decline in Ground Water
  4. National Water Policy (2012) *
  5. Regional Inter Linking of Rivers
  6. Water Disputes
  7. National Commission for Integrated Water Resources Development *
  8. Policy on Groundwater Exploitation
  9. Ecological Needs of Rivers
  10. National Water Framework
  11. Erosion of Sea-Shores in the Country
  12. Coastal Security
  13. Ganga Action Plan
  14. National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD
  15. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
  16. Central Water Commission (CWC)
  17. Central Ground Water Board (CGWB
  18. Island Development Authority (IDA)
  19. Dibang Multipurpose Project
  20. Nyamjangchhu Hydroelectric project
  21. Dhamwari Sunda Hydro Electric Project
  22. Khuitam HEP
  23. Ting Ting HEP
  25. Gongri HEP
  26. Rameshwara Lift Irrigation
  27. Kelo Major Irrigation Project
  28. Rupsiabagar –khasia bara HEP
  29. Alakananda HEP
  30. Pakaldul HEP
  31. River Front Development Scheme


  1. Carbon sequestration
  2. Iron fertilization
  3. Blue carbon
  4. Global warming –Rice cultivation & other Causes
  5. Organic Waste Processing to Deal Global Warming
  6. Global Warming Potential (GWP)
  7. Green House Gas Inventory Programme
  8. Impact of Global Warming on the Himalayas


  1. Impact of Climate Change
  2. Action Plan on Climate Change
  3. Impact of Climate Change on Indian Agriculture
  4. Framework Convention on Climate Change
  5. Key HELE Coal Technologies
  6. Waste Heat Recovery from Power Plants
  7. Supercritical and Ultra-Supercritical Technologies
  8. Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)
  9. Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Technology
  10. Development and Deployment of Other Innovative High-Efficiency
  11. Cycles (e.g., Ammonia and Organic Rankine Cycle)
  12. Non KP Annex I Parties;
  13. UNFCCC CBDR principle
  14. Global Carbon Budgets and equity in climate change
  15. Asian development Bank’s study on Climate Change
  16. Asia Least Cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy (ALGAS)
  17. Black Carbon


  1. Alpine Vegetaion
  2. Montane wet Temperate Forest
  3. Sub – Trophic Dry Evergreen Forest
  4. Trophical moist Decidous Forest
  5. Taxus tree
  6. National forest policy
  7. Teak
  8. Deodar
  9. Sundari
  10. Juniper
  11. Silver fir
  12. Mahagony
  13. Spruce
  14. Actual Forest Area in the Country
  15. Decline in Forest AREA

National Parks /wildlife /protected area

MIKE sites in India

  1. Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh)
  2. Ratapani (Madhya Pradesh)
  3. Sunabeda (Odisha)
  4. Mukundara Hills (Rajasthan)
  5. Satyamangalam (Tamil Nadu)
  6. Periyar
  7. Sarsika
  8. Sasan Gir
  9. Manas
  10. Eturu nagaram
  11. Bhagavan Mahavir
  12. Nandini
  13. Narayan sarovar
  14. Floating National Park
  15. Keoladea Ghana
  16. Guindy
  17. Mudumalai
  18. Dibru saikhowa
  19. Project Tiger
  20. Indravati
  21. Melghat
  22. Valmiki
  23. Kanha Keibul lamjaa
  24. Bandipur
  25. Project Musk deer
  26. Dachigam
  27. Corbett
  28. Pin valley
  29. Sunderbans
  30. Bhiterkanika
  31. Desert National Park
  32. Eravikulam
  33. Kangerghati
  34. Nagerhole
  35. Kugti
  36. Sultanpur
  37. Simlipal
  38. Nokrek
  39. Kanchenjunga
  40. Silent valley
  41. Bondla Wild Life
  42. Orange Sanctuary
  43. Ushakothi
  44. Chandraprabha
  45. Bandhavgarh
  46. Dandeli
  47. Rajaji
  48. Indravati
  49. Slow Loris
  50. Manjira
  51. Topslip

Ecology & Ecosystem

  1. Ecological guilds
  2. Ecotypes
  3. Grassland Ecosystem
  4. Pond ecosystem
  5. Marine Ecosystem
  6. Tropical forest Ecosystem
  7. Coral reef Ecosystem
  8. Estuarian Ecosystem
  9. Riverine Ecosystem
  10. Pond Ecosystem
  11. Food chain
  12. Ecophene
  13. Ecad
  14. Eutrophication
  15. Ecological Niche
  16. Mutualism
  17. Commensalism
  18. Parasitism
  19. Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
  20. Red tides
  21. Mycorrhzia fungi
  22. Azobacter
  23. Rhizobium
  24. Ecosystem Monitoring
  25. Eco-Task Forces
  26. Ecosystem Productivity


  1. Bombay Duck
  2. Hylobates hoolock
  3. Apes in india
  4. Lion tailed Macaque
  5. Allopatric species
  6. Sympatric species
  7. Ailurus fulgens
  8. Felis Libyca
  9. Loris tardigradus
  10. Equs hemionus kiang
  11. Mouse deer
  12. Swamp deer
  13. Indian pangolin
  14. Green sea Turtle
  15. Scavenger Vulture
  16. Capped langur
  17. Golden Langur
  18. Sangai
  19. Four Horned Antelope (tetra cues quadricorni)
  20. Tamin deer
  21. Gaur
  22. Nilgiri Tahr
  23. Great Indian Bustard
  24. Brown Goral
  25. Markhor
  26. Ibex
  27. Gangetic dolphin
  28. Pygmy Hog
  29. Papilio Demoleus
  30. Red Panda
  31. Kashmir stag
  32. Blue bull
  33. Snow leopard
  34. Swamp Deer
  35. Rhesus Monkey
  36. Hanuman Langur
  37. Antelopes oryx
  38. Flying Squirrel
  39. Salt water Crocodile
  40. Nilgai
  41. Chinkara
  42. Barasingha
  43. Salt water Crocodile
  44. Shrew & Tapir
  45. Asiatic wild life
  46. Elegant gigotea
  47. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
  48. Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats
  49. Project Elephant
  50. Check on Extinction of Reptiles
  51. Human Losses due to Wild Animals

Evolution of Living Organisms

  1. Reptiles
  2. Amphibians
  3. Dinosaurs
  4. Fish


  1. World network of Biosphere Reserves
  2. Biosphere Reserves in India
  3. Exsitu conservation
  4. Autotrophs
  5. Heterotrophs
  6. Man & Biosphere Network
  7. Insectivorus plant
  8. Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing
  9. Community Biodiversity Register (CBR)
  10. People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs)
  11. Coastal Zone Management


  1. Ramsar convention
  2. Astamudi lake
  3. Chilka lake
  4. Pulicat Lake


  1. Jatropha Curcas
  2. Pongamia Pinnata
  3. Ethanol
  4. Bio pesticides
  5. Biofertilizers
  6. Bio fertilizers
  7. Green manure
  8. Azolla
  9. Alfalfa
  10. Blue Green Algae
  11. Spirogyra
  12. Ulothrix


  1. Environmental protection Act
  2. Indian Wild life Protection Act, 1972
  3. National Green Tribunal Act
  4. E-Waste (Management & Handling )Rules , 2011
  5. World’s First Mercury Treaty
  6. National Disaster Management Act 2005
  7. Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
  8. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
  9. Wildlife (Protection), 1972 as amended in 1988
  10. Panchayat Raj Act, 1992 (Seventy Third Amendment Act)
  11. Agricultural Biosecurity Bill, 2013
  12. The National Waterway (Lakhipur – Bhanga stretch of the Barak River) Bill, 2013
  13. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
  14. Indian Forest Act,1927

Environmental Conferences

  1. World environment conference
  2. Biodiversity Asia- 2012, Bangalore
  3. International Carbon Capture and storage conference
  4. DURBAN Conference : The Road Ahead and Lessons for India
  5. Outcome of Doha Climate Change Conference 2012
  6. The XIth Conference of the Parties (COP 11) - Convention on Biological Diversity
  7. United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD)

Environment Related Institutions

  2. SAARC Disaster Management Centre
  3. UNEP – Awareness & Preparedness for Energy at Local Level (APELL)
  4. National Tsunami warning centre
  5. International Tsunami Information Centre
  6. Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
  7. US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  9. NIDM
  10. Disaster Management Institute , Bhopal
  11. Disaster Mitigation Institute , Ahmedabad
  12. Environment Protection Training and Research Institute ,Hyderabad
  13. Asian Disaster Reduction Centre – Kobe
  14. UNOCHA
  15. Centre of Excellence on Medicinal Plants
  16. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
  17. South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP),
  18. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
  19. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).
  20. Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD),
  21. Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  22. Economic and Social Council for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP)
  23. South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC)
  24. UNFCCC
  25. SAARC Forestry Centre, Thimpu, Bhutan
  26. SAARC Coastal Management Centre, Male, Maldives.
  27. Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  28. India’s Meteorology Department (IMD)
  29. Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
  30. Advance Research Centre For Bamboo and Rattans, Aizawl
  31. Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur
  32. Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad
  33. Centre for Forest Research and Human Resource development , Chhindwara
  34. Centre for Social Forestry and Eco Rehabilitation,Allahabad
  35. National Land-Use and Conservation Board
  36. National Wastelands Development Board, (NWDB), MORD.
  37. National Afforestation & Eco-Development Board, (NAEB), MOEF

National Missions

  1. National Cyclone Mitigation Project
  2. National Water Mission
  3. National Initiative on climate Resilent Agriculture (NICRA) –
  4. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
  5. National Clean Energy Fund
  6. National Bear Conservation and Welfare Action Plan
  7. National monsoon mission
  8. National Afforestation Programme
  9. Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs)
  10. National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (NMSH)
  11. Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)
  12. National Solar Mission
  13. National Mission for sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
  14. National Mission for a Green India
  15. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
  16. National Mission on strategic knowledge for climate change

NATIONAL / International Programmes

  1. International Nitrogen Initiative Under the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme
  2. Bio remediation Projects in india
  3. SAVE Programme - Vultures
  4. Multi sector Low carbon development strategy in 12th plan
  5. Hyogo Frame work for action 2005-2015
  6. Coastal Ocean monitoring and prediction System (COMPAS)
  7. Land Ocean Interactions in the coastal Zone (LOICZ)
  8. Integrated Coastal and marine area Management(ICMAM)
  9. Special Climate Change Fund- GEF
  10. Green Climate Fund
  11. Bali Action Plan
  12. Cancun Agreements
  13. Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)

Environmental Governance

  1. Regional Integrated Multi-hazard Early warning System (RIMES)
  2. India's Second National Communication to the United Nations
  3. National Water Policy, 1987
  4. National Land Reforms Policy
  5. National Forest Policy (NFP) of 1988
  6. National Livestock Policy Perspective, 1996
  7. GRAMODAYA Sustainable Livelihood Project
  8. Watershed Development Fund
  9. Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)
  10. Centrally Sponsored Programme of Soil Conservation in the Catchments of River Valley Project & Flood Prone River (RVP&FPR)
  11. Centrally Sponsored Programme of National Watershed Development
  12. Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA)
  13. WCMC
  14. Desert Development Programme (DDP
  15. Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP)
  16. Indira Gandhi Canal Project (IGNP)
  17. Pest Management
  18. Joint Forest Management (JFM)
  19. Sukhomajri Project
  20. RIOD (Reseau International des ONG sur la Des‘ertification) Network:
  21. GANDHIVAN - A Successful Attempt at Wasteland Development through Peoples’ Participation
  22. Environmental Action Programme (EAP)
  23. NATIONAL FORESTRY ACTION PROGRAMME (NFAP) - Vision 2020 Document for Afforesting one-Third of the Country’s Area.
  25. UNEP South-South Cooperation Exchange Mechanism
  26. Environmental Education and Training
  28. The Basel Convention
  29. Rotterdam Convention
  30. Stockholm convention


  1. Lead arsenate
  2. Carbofuran
  3. Pyrethrum
  4. Phosphate concentration – during eutrophication
  5. Petroleum refinery pollutants
  6. Tanneries pollutants
  7. Acidification of oceans
  8. Carbon monoxide
  9. Soot
  10. Sulphur Hexaflouride
  11. Chlorofluro Carbon
  12. Methane Emission –Sources
  13. Photo Chemical smog
  14. Water Purification Methods
  15. Pollution Level in the Major Rivers of the Country
  16. Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) system
  17. energy recovery in Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP)
  18. Pollution by Suspended Particulate Matter

Genetically engineered

  1. Bt Brinjal
  2. GM Foods
  3. Blue tomatoes
  4. Amflora
  5. Flavr Savr
  6. Smart Stax


  1. Contour bunding
  2. Relay cropping
  3. Zero Tillage
  4. Mixed farming
  5. Alternate Land Use Systems for Different Agro-ecological Regions
  6. Silvipasture
  7. Tillage
  8. Mulching
  9. Sustainable development


  1. World disaster Report
  2. Greendex – India’s Rank
  3. Vulnerability Atlas – BMTPC
  4. Gross National Happiness (GNH)
  5. Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)
  6. Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
  7. Happy Planet Index (HPI)
  8. The state of Uttarakhand on 29 October 2012 tops the Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
  9. Country’s first Aquifer Atlas
  10. e-Atlas of Marine-Important Bird Areas


  1. Environment Related Awards
  2. Golden Environment prize


  1. Carbon Foot Print
  2. Green GDP
  3. Carbon Credit
  4. Green Haat
  5. Clean Development Mechanism.
  6. Emission Trading
  7. carbon Credit in India
  8. Abatement
  9. Adaptation
  10. Adaptation Fund
  11. Annex I Parties
  12. Annex II Parties
  13. Anthropogenic greenhouse emissions
  14. Bali Action Plan (BAP)
  15. Bali Road Map
  16. BINGO
  17. Bonn fund
  18. Bunker fuels
  19. Carbon market
  20. Carbon sequestration
  21. CBD
  22. Certified emission reductions (CER)
  23. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
  24. Emissions trading
  25. Fast-start Finance (FSF)
  26. Fugitive fuel emissions
  27. Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  28. GOOS
  29. Green Climate Fund (GCF)
  30. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  31. Kyoto Protocol
  32. Kyoto mechanisms
  33. Land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF)
  34. Marrakesh Accords
  35. Montreal Protocol
  36. Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs)
  37. Non-Annex I Parties
  38. REDD
  39. Rio Conventions
  40. Rio+20
  41. Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)
  42. "Spill-over effects" (also referred to as "rebound effects" or "take-back effects")
  43. Sustainable development
  44. Track-two JI
  45. UNCCD
  46. UNCED
  47. UNEP
  48. UNFCCC
  49. WCC
  50. WMO
  51. WSSD
  52. INFOTERRA Network
  53. SLEM Project
  54. Unilateral Trade Measures (UTMs)
  55. CO2 Equivalent:
  56. Flaring:
  57. Sink:
  58. Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP):
  59. National Green Corps (NGC)
  60. DAYS
  61. International Day for Disaster Reduction
  62. National Disaster Reduction Day
  63. Water Conservation Day
  64. World Meteorological Day (WM DAY) Theme “Watching the Weather to Protect Life and Property
  66. Disaster Mitigation Support
  67. National Resources Management Project
  68. Information technology in Environment
  69. Nationwide mapping of Land degradation at 1:50,000 scale
  70. Environmental Information System (ENVIS
  71. Role of Information Technology (IT) Sector in Sustainable Development and Combating Desertification
  72. Tarahaat.com: It is a portal for rural masses and has been in operation in a village in Uttar Pradesh.
  73. Gyandoot Programme of Madhya Pradesh
  74. National Hazardous Waste Information System (NHWIS)
  75. Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT)
  76. Biomass transfer technology (BTT)
  77. Bio-remediation of Railadevi Lake, Thane, Maharashtra
  78. Development of Adhesive from Bio-material:
  79. India’s First CDM PoA (Bachat Lamp Yojana)
  80. Himalayan Ecosystem
  81. Summary of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) in Rainfed Farming
  82. Percolation tanks
  83. Construction of Khadins
  84. Haveli system
  85. Risers (stone bunds)
  86. Stone pitched barriers
  87. Vegetation on bunds

Courtesy : IAS Master