Sample Materials for CSAT Paper -1 (G.S.) Pre 2013: "Ancient Indian History: Gupta & Post-Gupta Period: Society, Economy & Polity"
Sample Materials From Our Study Notes for CSAT Paper -1 (G.S.) Pre 2013
Subject: Ancient Indian History
Topic: Gupta & Post-Gupta Period: Society, Economy & Polity
Contents of The Topic:
Taxes in Gupta Period
Various Commentary & Bhasya
Various References
Facts about ancient literature
Sixteen Mahajanpadas (600 BC)
Medical Science
Names of Gods & Goddesses
Facts About Inscription
Boghag Koi Inscription
Hathigumpha Inscription
Besnagar Inscription
Uttarmerur Inscription
Indian History – Boks and Authors
Study Notes of G.S. Paper 1 for Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2013 will cover :-
Annada | Grain-giver, refer to Sudras |
Apad Dharma | Literally means “Duly when in stress” implies what a man may legitimately do when he cannot earn a living by the normal deeds performed by his class. |
Brahmadeys | Land grant/ a single plot of land or whole of village to an in individual Brahmin or a group of Brahmins. |
Devdana | Land grants to religious establishment (temple etc.) |
Dvija | Literally means “twiceborn”. Referred to the three upper classes vig. Brahmans, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas who were supposed to be born twice, once at their natural birth and again at their initiation, when they were invested with the sacred thread and received into the Aryan society. |
Ghatikas | south Indian education Institutions |
Ghatiyantra | Irrigation device (Ref. fromBanabhatta) |
Hinasippas Kulinism |
Hinasippas Low profession Hypergamous system of marriage based on the concept of noble-born stated by Ballala sena. |
Kutumbin | Important member of village, having landed property. |
Manigraman | An important guild in Kerela |
Nagaraka | Urban people of refined culture during the Gupta Age. |
Nanadeshi | Guild of teachers having membership from different regions and castes |
Niyoga (Livirate) | The practice of allowing a widow to cohabit with her husband’s younger brother till the birth of a male child prohibited by Dharmashastra from Gupta period onwards. |
Shrotriyas | Learned Brahmins who had the knowledge of Vedas. |
Stridhana | Property in the form of jewelers etc. Over which the right of the women was recognised . After the omen’s death it passed over to her daughter. |
Varnasrama | A general norm of conduct appropriate to each class and to each sage in dharma the life of the individual |
Vidusaka | The court jester in the Sanskrit drama, a figure of fun, invariably a Brahman |
Taxes in Gupta Period
- Sulka - Customs & tolls
- Sadbhaga - Land revenue (Ref. Kautilya)
- Bhaga - Royal share of produce 1/6 of the total, first reference in Arthashastra
- Bhoga - Periodica l supplies of fruit, flowers, firewood etc. to the king(in the nature of kings rights & privileges)
- Bali a) A type of land revenue b) A
tpetty cess besides kings normal share-Arthasastra
c) Additional & oppressive tax- Ref. Jaakas
d) Emergency tax from which chief Ministe4s were exempted –ref. Millind Panho - Bhaga Bhoga- Landrevenue and supplies of first flower etc. to the king Bhogabhaga.
7. Kara |
A tax in addition to grain share. Oppressive in nature. Finds mention in law books, arthsastra and Gupta epigraphs. Periodical Gift of commodities (dravyadanam) –Ref. Medatithi Fixed gold payment (bhuminiyatam deyam hiranyam) Ref. Sarvajnarayanag) Contribution in the forms of grass/wood etc. (Gulmadayadikam)- Ref. Ramchandra Charges upon all movable and immovable articles-Ref. Arthasastra Annual tax paid during Bhadrapada & Vasanta- Bhattaswamin Contribution from villagers and townsmen either monthly or in the month of Bhadrapada& Pausa (Grama Puravasi Bhyah Pratinasam-Kulluka) |
8. Hiranya |
Tax in cash upon some special types of crops,
sometimes cash crops.
1/10 of the total-Ref. Manu & Vishnu 1/50 of the total-Ref. Patanjali Makes a King wealthy-Ref. Patanjali Regular in post-mauryan times Mantioned in Gupta in epigraphs Payment in gold/ tax on the capita generated annually- Ref. Law books |
9. Uparika |
Came into vogue during the Guptas. A tax on temporary tenants |
10. Udrana |
First mentioned in Gupta epigraphs. A tax on permanent tenants Sometimes a ax for maintenance of police. Sometimes a tax on fish and other water products. |
Test Your Knowledge
1. Consider the following statements and mark the
option which is true.
Which of the above are incorrect ?
2. Match the following: (i) Ghatiyantra A.
An imporant guild in Kerala. (a) (i)-A (ii)-B (iii)-C |
Answer of Question 1: C
Answer of Question 2: B