Sample Materials for CSAT Paper -1 (G.S.) Pre 2013: "Science & Technology: Information Technology"

Sample Materials From Our Study Notes for CSAT Paper -1 (G.S.) Pre 2013

Subject: Science & Technology:
Topic: Information Technology

Status of IT Sector

The developments in the field of information technology have been revolutionising information collection and dissemination. Convergence is new technological revolution profoundly influencing the media scenario satellites and optic fibres are being used as infrastructure for transmitting information for telecommunication computers and broadcasting.

Ques. 1 : Define Broadband and discuss its significance?

Ans. Broadband : Broadband may be, defined as a communication technology, providing combination of Video On Demand (VOD) broadcast, television, fast internet access streaming media, games music and telephony services from a single network.
The concept of broadband, as popularly marketed, ensures high-speed connectivity between the service providers and the access users delivering voice, data and video with high degree of inter activity. Putting it in simple words, broadband is inter-play of triple services or convergence of voice, data and video on one pipe with high speed. The two major essentials of broadband are multi-service component and high speed.
In short, broadband is a 'convergence' technology combining telecommunication entertainment and web-based activities into a cohesive integrated whole.
India Broadband Economy Vision 2010 has stated that the networks providing minimum download speed of 256 kbps can be labelled as high speed and hen broadband network.

Significance of broadband technology

The broadband technology has a potential to yield manifold social and economic benefits. It can act as tool of development by enabling wide-spread access and adopting at threshold pricing. Nevertheless there is no doubt that if efficiently delivered broadband will be the most luring service available at the hands of consumer and synergy thus generated will have an enormous impact on economic development of the country in the following ways:
1. Increase in overall Employment Opportunities.
2. Growth in national output level.
3. Increase in productivity levels of existing workforce.
4. Transformation of Indian Economy towards service sector based economy.
5. Amplify the business network to create new market.
6. Affordable access will result in social savings reducing the digital divide.

Ques. 2 : Give an account of the India’s Broadband Economy Vision-2020”

Ans. India's Broadband Economy Vision - 2020 : It has dynamically visualised broadband economy with stated Vision, drive ubiquitous broadband for every Indian, accelerating India's economic development and improvement in quality of life; in the process making India one of the top five broadband countries in the world by 2010.


1. To achieve a minimum 10 million subscribers by 2010 and 35 million subscribers by 2020 in urban India.
2. To achieve broadband coverage for at least 50% of rural population by 2010 and 100% by 2020 through rural broadband kiosks.
3. To make appropriate and locally relevant e-education, e-health, e-governance, e- commerce and employment opportunities through broadband connectivity to all cities, towns and villages in India.

Ques. 3 : Discuss in brief the current status of Broadband penetration and the key applications of Broadband?

Ans. Current Status of Broadband Penetration : According report of point Topic, a leading research company, the world broadband users have meteorically risen from 17 million in 2001 to over 70 million in 2003.
Country Penetration
(lines per 100)
USA 8.71
Japan 10.7
UK 5.3
South Korea 2.43
India 0.02

Key Applications

In the introductory phase, the entertainment will be the prime driver for broadband penetration with proven stability and acceptability but later focus of all the stakeholders will shift to the diverse applications that improve quality of life. The key sectors which will be benefited are Entertainment on Demand (EOD), Education, Health and Governance.

Ques. 4 : Discuss in brief Entertainment on Demand (EOD)?

Ans. Entertainment on Demand (EOD) : The EOD will be a killer application for broadband with multi-service mix through a single network. The interactive and high quality audio and video offered by broadband along with wide range of applications and simultaneous use of high speed interne connectivity and telephone service make it attractive proposition for households. The key applications of EOD are.
(1) Video on Demand (VOD): It is interactive and customised service having (virtual library of movies, sporting events, game shows, show serials, from which user may select whatever he wants to view or experience.
(2) Music Downloads: On similar lines, is the music downloads, where the digital format enables the identification and selection of specific tracks from a huge collection of hundred thousand tracks rather than buying a whole album.
(3) On-line Gaming: Globally on-line gaming has been popular broadband application and has played an instrumental  role in accelerating the broadband penetration in households of Europe and America. If varies from games like Chess and Scrabble to multi-role playing games that can involve thousands of participants in virtual mode. Sport games are highly popular as it provides high degree of interactivity and extensive use of animation and music, making gaming more lively.
(4) Video Chat: It is used in communication with friends and family members in other cities. E-Commerce activity has led to interaction between buyer and seller through video chats.

Ques. 5 : Briefly discuss the application of Broadband in Education Sector?

Ans. Education : e-Education: Education through electronic media, widely termed as e-education. This incor-porating of digital environment in dissemination of academic input transforms traditional system to more interactive mode, that delivers superior learning at much less cost.
The process of delivering live and interactive lectures from leading instructor and training institutes, on demand will upgrade the quality of service offered and initial lot of knowledge sharing between students and teachers.
On-line Distance Education: The best way to address the problem of illiteracy in remote areas, is to provide on-line distance education through a high-speed and good quality of service. It seems attractive proposition, but real challenge to create locally relevant educational content.
Virtual Library: Another feature of education over broadband is creating a virtual library that is totally real time, irrespective of location and logistics.

Ques. 6 : Briefly discuss the application of Broadband in Health Sector?

Ans. Health

(a) Telemedicine: This technology used information and communication networks to assist and deliver clinical, services in rural and remote areas, where geographical distance is barrier between health care provider and patient. It has also enabled to establish link between two or more health care units for purpose of diagnosis, treatment e-Health: In recent years, the new broadband aided tele-medicine expanded its scope by including non-clinical medical services like research and administration along with delivery of clinical services: All this could be made possible with the help of broadband enabled network computing, video conferencing, specialised application software database management systems.
Advantages of e-Health
1. The high quality diagnosis of complex ailments through an easy access to visual information necessary for clinical decision support system.
2. High communication link established make it possible local general practitioner to perform a complex medical surgery under guidance of specialist.
3. It will enable health professionals to hold On-line discussions, knowledge sharing and update of latest developments

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Ques. 7 : Briefly discuss the application of Broadband in Governance?

Ans. Governance
e-Governance: It refers to use of IT, especially web-based technologies, internet communication and inter-connected applications enhancing easy access to and efficient delivery of government services to citizens, business and employees.
Broadband aided governance aims at seamless networking with a friendly, Convenient, transparent and inexpensive government machinery. The areas where broadband can contribute in making machinery more efficient is
(i) Administrative Processes: Broadband enabled Wide Area Network Making the Collection and disbursement of information much faster and efficient: The financial management, become easier and transparent. The other areas where broadband enabled networks are useful planning, organising, implementation and auditing.
(ii) E-Connectivity help in speedy delivery of services to masses.

Ques. 8 : Point out the hurdles in the growth of Broadband in India?

Hurdles in Growth of Broad band in India
1. Lack of awareness and maturity levels of Indian customer: The triple play of voice, data and video is still an inconceivable idea for majority of Indians, coupled with fear of it being an expensive proposition.
2. Lack of appropriate local content.
3. Expensive Service: Broadband Subscription rates are higher because of higher infrastructure costs.
4. Low quality of Cable TV infrastructure and lack of organisation.

Ques. 9 : What is convergence?

Ans. Convergence : It has been used as a loose umbrella term to describe all developments involving the coming together of telecommunications, information technology, media and entertainment services.
It is evident that convergence is not just about technology. It is about service and about new ways of doing business and interacting with society.
International Telecom Union has a five-point definition for convergence:
1. Integration of customer end terminal equipment, devices such as telephone television, computer.
2. Provision of various communication services such as .text, data, image multimedia and video over existing infrastructure over single transmission medium.
3. Capability of the same technology to offer various services.
4. Different services under a converged licensing regime.
5. Fixed Mobile substitution/Convergence.

Convergence and regulatory Mechanism

Convergence is the hub of Convergent Services and tries to come up with its own problems. There  is a need for common technological standards, so various technological components are made compatible to each other. The question of responsibility of security and digital rights is a complicated issue.

Ques. 10 : Give an account of the legal framework regarding convergence?

Ans. Legal Framework : Many countries have put together their legal framework for the convergent economy that they envisage. But it is seen as putting the cart before the horse. But others have described it as futuristic but an indication of preparedness and foresight on part of government.
Indian Communication Convergence’s Bill objective is to facilitate carriage and content of communications of all kinds. It also provides for an autonomous commission to be called the Communications Commission of India to regulate all these activities keeping in mind that the competitive level playing field environment with smooth interconnection to be provided for industry while also ensuring that offerings are in the consumer interest and their rights are protected.
This Law will replace other existing legislations in the country — Indian Telegraph Act, 1885; Indian Wireless Telegraph Act, 1931; Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Possession Act, 1985; TRAI Act, 1987; Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995.

Ques. 11 : Briefly discuss the Impact of convergence?

Ans. Impact of Convergence : There would be a shift in basic concepts of business and business operations of account of convergence. One of biggest benefactors will be the ordinary citizen. The E-governance which will be transparent, accessible governance would be single most significant impact of convergence. Convergence can also become a major leveller, especially in India if e-governance and social upliftment initiatives, using convergence infrastructure, take off in the country.
At present e-governance projects live only for as long as proactive initiator of the project in shape of administrative officer is in charge. The challenge would be to provide sustainable e-governance projects so that benefits of convergence can percolate to every individual in the country.
In corporate sector, convergence will lead to larger entities or would entities get dismembered according to activity and eventual de-institutionalisation so that the individual entrepreneur provides services on demand.
Disintegration of boundaries: Convergence Laws cannot be watertight and confined to individual countries. Convergence would lead to disintegration of boundaries, in a sense Countries, even those with divergent political structures would have to consult each other with respect to this.
Issue of responsibility in case of violation. Who will be responsible for violation Laws is complicated issue. There is enormous task of making almost everyone in industry and government technology aware. The recent arrest of the CEO of through which pornographic material was advertised for sale (but which was not actual sold through Bazee), was a case in point led to much debate. Does clicking on the agree icon (Common requirement in many net-based activities) make for a legal contract or not?

Ques. 12 : Define Animation. Discuss its status in India?

Ans. Animation And Gamings

It is technique of making animated cartoons. Animated Cartoon is a film made by photographing a series of drawings, each showing a stage of movement slightly changed from the one before, so that the figures in them seem to move when the drawings are projected in rapid succession.
With developments in convergence of video, IT, new software programme and animation tools were developed which could multiply the pictures and control movement of each feature that picture.
Recently the artificial intelligence programme known as Massive to develop spectacular battles of blockbuster ‘Lord of the Rings’.
India’s Growth Potential in Animation and Gaming
The annual study on Animation and Gaming Industry in India by NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Service Companies) estimated that the animation market (from developers perspective) is around $285 million for 2005.
Key findings of NASSCOM Report
1. It estimated the size of industry (demand perspective) will witness compound annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8% and is expected to US $ 75 billion in 2009. The global animation market from developers perspective is to increase to US 35 billion from current US $ 25 billion.
2. The size of the Indian market from (developers perspective) was estimated grow by CAGR of 35% from 2005-2009 and reach US $ 950 million by 2009.
3. The market for gaming is expected to witness a CAGR of 78% to US $ 300 million by 2009 from US $ 30 million in 2005.

Indian Scenario

India’s IT expertise combined with the entrepreneurial drive of its companies, make it well positioned to tap the growing global industry. The rapid growth of mobile telephony, increase in PC with animation content will fuel the growth in domestic market too. If India focuses on talent pool and leveraging our cost competitiveness, animation and gaming look like the next big thing.
India is fast going up the animation outsourcing Ladder. Though a recent entrant is global market demand for India’s production services is growing at a fast pace. With global entertainment companies Disney, Imax, Warner. Brothers and Sony signing up huge contracts with Indian animation companies and design studios are gradually establishing their credentials overseas and building the image in high potential global market.
India is the only country besides the US with good entertainment market and production base (Bollywood) as well as equally strong talent in IT, which makes case for success in animation all the more strong. However, currently even while global market is emerging at $ 40 billion, India is nowhere in top, but seen as third or fourth destination.

Ques. 13 : What is voice over Internet Protocol?

Ans. Voice over internet protocol (VOIP)/ Internet Telephoney : Voice over Internet Protocol is a technology that allows to make telephone calls using broadband Internet Connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone. It is routing of voice conversations over the internet or any other Internet Protocol (IP) based network. Thus, protocols used to carry voice signals over the IP network are commonly referred to as VOIP. VOIP today is something like Internet in early 1990’s. The speed of development and widespread impacts of VOIP will be comparable to that of the Internet.
VOIP converts the voice signal from your telephone into a digit signal that travel over internet. If one is calling on regular phone number, the signal is converted back at other end. VOIP can allow to make special call directly from computer. VOIP phone or traditional phone using adaptor.

Ques. 14 : Discuss in brief the advantages of VOIP?

Ans. Advantages of VOIP
1. Firstly, and most obviously, there are significant a financial savings on running the network itself, as single network is used for carrying both voice and data.
2. The integration of computer applications and communication technologies has immense potential for changing working environment.
(a) VOIP allows organisations to integrate their telephone, fax, e-mail and other application makes possible unified messaging that facilitates intra organisational communi-cation.
(b) VOIP can be used for flexible working practices, where members work from home or in dispersed virtual teams, using LAN and video conferencing.
(c) VO1P contributes to effective knowledge management strategy. In larger organisations, the more information must be shared for efficient communication system;
(d) VOIP enhances relationships with customers: It allows organisations through their call centres to effectively address problems of customers through web call, e-mail, and telephone.

Ques. 15 : Give a brief description of obstacles in the growth of VOIP technology?

Ans. Obstacle to VOIP
1. The main obstacle is high initial capital costs in creating new networks. This initial investment could be made cost-effective, if there is greater Broadband penetration with variety of services offered.
2. IP telephone is plagued by doubts over cone quality by end users. However, these problems are now diminishing with improvement in high-speed data transmission technology.
3. VOIP is a truly disruptive technology. Since telecommunications is a regulated industry, the key issue whether VOIP should be regulated or not. The main regulatory issues around VOIP are as follows:
(i) Call Interception: Law enforcement agencies will find it harder to intercept telephone calls, because such calls exist only as digital packages once they leave the callers handset. In age of global terrorism, this is a serious concern.
(ii) Caller Location: IP addresses do not currently identify the user of location.
(iii) IP services will find difficult to provide support services such as Directory assistance, caller line identification etc.

Test Your Knowledge

1.Consider the following statements:
  1. Broadband may be defined as a communication technology, providing combination of video on Demand broadcast, television, fast internet access streaming media games, music and telephony services from a single network.

  2.  India Broadband Economy Vision 2010 has stated that the networks providing minimum download speed of 356 Kbps can be labelled as high speed and then broadband network.

Which of the above statements is/are true ?

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. All of the above

  4. None of the above


1.Consider the following statements about India’s Broadband Economy Vision-2020:
  1. To achieve a minimum 25 million subscriber by 2020 in Urban India.

  2. To achieve broadband coverage for at least 100% by 2020 through rural broadband kiosks.

Which of the above statements is/are true ?

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. All of the above

  4. None of the above


Answer of Question 1: A

Answer of Question 2: B