(Number of Attempts) UPSC Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Examination
(Number of Attempts) UPSC Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Examination
Every candidate appearing at the Examination, who is otherwise eligible, shall be permitted six attempts at the examination. Provided that this restriction on the number of attempts will not apply in the case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates who are otherwise eligible. Provided further that the number of attempts permissible to candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes who are otherwise eligible, shall be nine. Provided further that a person with benchmark disability will get as many attempts as are available to other candidates who do not belong to person with benchmark disability of his or her community, subject to the condition that a person with benchmark disability belonging to the General and EWS Category shall be eligible for nine attempts.. The relaxation will be available to the persons with benchmark disability who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates.
(i) An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt at the Examination.
(ii) If a candidate actually appears in any one paper in the Preliminary Examination, as a candidate for the Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, it will be deemed that the candidate has made an attempt at the Examination.
(iii) Notwithstanding the disqualification/cancellation of candidature, the fact of appearance of the candidate at the examination will count as an attempt.
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