(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Agriculture"- I
(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Agriculture Paper"- I
Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Agriculture Paper"- I
1. Answer the following :
(a) Discuss the effect of environmental pollution on animals and humans.
(b) Discuss the impact of climate change on livestock and fisheries.
(c) Why do we consider soil structure an important soil property for crop production?
(d) What are the characteristics of suitable tree species for non-conventional forestry?
(e) What are the advantages and limitations of biological weed control?
2. Answer the following :
(a) Illustrate with examples the abiotic components in the ecosystem influence crop growth.
(b) Discuss the herbicide selectivity phenomenon with the factors affecting it.
(c) What is the importance of millets in climate resilient agriculture?
(d) Discuss the major factors for achievement of self-sufficiency in pulse production in India.
3. Answer the following :
(a) Classify the natural resources and suggest the conservation strategies.
(b) How does the soil acidity affect crop production?
(c) Enumerate the applications of remote sensing in agriculture.
(d) Discuss the factors affecting crop-weed competition.
4. Answer the following:
(a) Enlist and discuss the types of soil erosion and water conservation management option in Indian perspective.
(b) Discuss the applications of agro-forestry for socio-economic development.
(c) Discuss the physical, chemical and biological weathering of rocks and minerals.
(d) Discuss about contingent planning for rainfed farming.
5. Answer the following :
(a) Discuss the measures to enhance water-use efficiency and water productivity in agriculture.
(b) Discuss in detail the drainage methods in water-logged soil.
(c) Explain how Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) approach as Extension Reform to provide extension services is different from previous extension approaches.
(d) What is farm planning? Enlist the characteristics of good farm plan. Explain the techniques of farm planning.
(e) Describe the implications of the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce.(Promotion and Facilitation) Act of 2020 on Indian agriculture.
6. Answer the following :
(a) What are the advantages of good quality of the irrigation water? Mention its significance.
(b) Illustrate with agro-ecosystem. examples the effect of water and soil pollution on
(c) Describe the effects of marketing of agricultural produce by farmers' groups, rather than individually. Explain the advantages and limitations of farmers producer organizations (FPOs) from farmers' perspective.
(d) Explain the impact of Extension Training on agricultural production in India. Describe how adoption of educational approach will bring the desirable changes in stakeholders.
7. Answer the following :
(a) Enlist the effects of farm mechanization on rural employment in India.
(b) Enumerate the role of cooperatives in agricultural economy in India.
(c) Describe the Government intervention in agricultural marketing and policy related issues.
(d) Enumerate the role played by Extension Science in making stakeholders innovative during post-Independence and post-Green Revolution era.
8. Answer the following:
(a) Enlist and explain the first-line extension activities of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and discuss the current status.
(b) Describe how extension ensures agricultural development.
(c) Elaborate the term 'supply chain management and discuss its importance in emerging agri-business sector.
(d) Explain the importance of agricultural trade in national economy and enumerate the factors affecting agricultural trade.
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