(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Agriculture"- II

Indian Forest Service

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Agriculture Paper"- II

Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Agriculture Paper"- II


Q1. Answer the following: 

(a) What is cell ? Enlist different organelles of plant cell with a brief description of mitochondria.

(b) What do you mean by heterosis ? Describe the genetic basis of heterosis. 

(c) Describe the agronomic and genetic principles of quality seed production.

(d) Explain in detail the Krebs cycle.

(e) Explain the molecular marker approach in crop improvement. 

Q2. Answer the following: 

(a) Describe the role of Cytoplasmic Genetic Male Sterility (CGMS) and Self-incompatibility (SI) systems in hybrid seed production.

(b) What do you mean by vertical and horizontal resistance ? Give an account of basic principles behind these resistances. 

(c) What do you mean by conservation of plant genetic resources ? Explain their contribution in crop improvement in India. 

Q3. Answer the following: 

(a) Distinguish between the following, giving suitable examples :

(i) Breeder seed and Certified seed

(ii) Natural selection and Artificial selection

(iii) Cytoplasmic and Cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility

(b) Write the various methods of plant breeding. Describe backcross method with its importance in development of crop varieties.

(c) Describe the role of mutation in development of disease resistant varieties of crops. 

Q4. Answer the following: 

(a) Describe the various chromosome structural aberrations with the help of suitable diagrams and discuss their effects on organisms.

(b) Describe various steps involved in seed certification. Give an account of institutions associated with the production of certified seeds in India.

(c) Explain various mechanisms for water transport in plants. 


Q5. Answer the following: 

(a) Write down the physiological effects of auxin in plants.

(b) Describe plug-tray technology for seedling production in vegetables.

(c) Describe the principles of fruits and vegetables preservation.

(d) Describe the major storage pests of pulses and their control measures. 

(e) Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of public food-grain distribution system in India. 

Q6. Answer the following: 

(a) Describe the package of practices for 'papaya' cultivation in northern  India. 

(b) Describe the incidence and management of leaf curl and ‘mosaic virus  diseases in 'Chilli' and 'Okra' crops. 

(c) Give a detailed account of constraints in sustaining the food-grain  production in India. 

Q7. Answer the following: 

(a) Differentiate between the following: 

(i) Formal and Informal styles of gardens

(ii) Pollinator and Pollinizer 

(iii) Insect vectors and Predators

(b) Write a detailed note on incidence and management of fruit fly in 'cucurbits' and 'guava'. 

(c) Describe various factors for seed dormancy and methods for breaking the dormancy. 

Q8. Answer the following: 

(a) Describe the year-round production technology of 'Chrysanthemum'.

(b) Describe the production technology for off-season vegetables in India. 

(c) Discuss the integrated management practices for insect-pests and diseases in crops. 

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